Pole Shift: Larp or Real?

Red pill me on the pole shift anons. Is it real or just a larp?


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Very real. Just ask the animals flash frozen in an instant or the bison bones mangled and crushed

they're dead, can't ask them.

It's real.

Attached: magnetic north pole positions.jpg (600x303, 80K)

what can be done to prep? or just yolo until we die?

Nobody really knows wtf will happen when the poles flip. Could be nothing, could destroy every microchip on the planet.

Very real. A crustal shift can take place. The north and south pole werent always where they are now. Ancient monolithic sites are aligned to old poles. As another user said, snap frozen mammoths and crushed bodies of animals support this.
Not much to do to prepare. The safest places to be are away from coastlines, or underground, or Antarctica. Antarctica actually has ancient ruins from before an earlier shift. This is why theres all the secrecy and high profile visits.

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Russia owns magnetic north right now.

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Dont go underground until the waters settle. Unless you are very high ground. You could be burried trapped with the cave entrance under literally tens or hundreds of feet of mud.

This is what happens every 25,000 years or so


Are there any simulations that simulate how the seas will behave during a potential stop/reversal of the Earth's rotation?
Some say giant tidal waves, others say it's just a slow creeping increase in sea levels along some coastal areas.

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I wasn't being literal, just making a point

who's got the declassified cia "story" of the upcoming pole reversal?

The winds will be tremendous. Imagine winds speeds up to 1,000 kph. That will kick up waves hundreds of meters tall.

Na, I've been pilled on this since HS. Samples of the earth have confirmed that north and south have been flipped before.

Here's a video of someone reading it



What's going to happen is the earth's crust will 'slip' on the mantle. As we all know the earth crust just sits or floats on top a layer of magna.

Why would the poles affect the wind

Because the crust will slip off the mantle. The air in the atmosphere will continue to move while the crust is suddenly moving in a different direction. Check the vid I posted of the animation

apparently sea floor ferromegnetic ores are a tell tail sign that it's real, happens often, and effects nothing that matters to us. I can't explain how it's proof, I consumed this information years ago.

I just got stupider reading this.

Very real. Why do you think they are trying to secure power right now, and it's based on a timeline in attempt to create urgency for our dependence on them in reassurance that they will 'fix' it? It's all a coincidence that China built a forward operating base in the south china sea, the location the adam and eve story claimed will be the resting place of one of the poles? And that the CIA felt the need to classify the story? it's overly dramatic but mass extinction events are tied to magnetic reversals.

that made me dizzy. it's like a fair ride

What is inertia? Also if there is a solar outburst it will massivley heat up roughly a 3rd of the earth which includes the air and that air will move to equalize.

so this happens, but when?

The magnetic poles do shit periodically, that's literally one of the main keys in how we figured out geologic time.

t. geoscientist

Current predictions are the next few decades. Boomers will probably escape having to witness it. Some believe the slowing down of the earth's rotation, or a tilt, has already begun because the sun is rising/setting in a different location than most are used to. I can attest to being used to the sun rising due east and setting due west. It's now rising slightly more southward and setting more southward.

To add on to this, obviously the Earth's rotation isn't going to stop or reverse or anything retarded, the crust isn't going to suddenly slip around or whatever you retards are claiming. Plate tectonics is unrelated to the magnetosphere.
Our magnetic field is generated by movement in the core, this shit can have bouts of turbulence, it could reverse, whatever, but the mantle/crust will be unnaffected by any of that mess. Maybe some slight frictional effects at the interface, but that's a long fucking way from the asthenosphere so any turbulence and shit will completely dissipate long before reaching anywhere near the surface.

lmao wow that's some dumb shit. The Earth's tilt, wobble, and orbit all vary periodically on known timescales. Go read about MIlankovitch cycles, it's nothing to do with slowing down, but it is why the position of the sun in the sky varies. And again, it has nothing to do with the magnetosphere.

I didn't mean to imply slowing or tilting is related user. They believe either or will precede the magnetic reversal. The milankovitch cycles and magnetic reversals are not mutually exclusive, just as the Gleissberg cycle that we're entering is going to line up with the grand solar minima and magnetic reversal. It's not confirmed science regardless, but it's a very good theory of what is currently going on.

So the poles shifting won't cause the earth to freak the fuck and destroy everything like every one else is saying?


its a psyop OP, psychological terrorism aka BULLSHIT!

Well it could fuck up anything that relies on the magnetic field, and migratory birds and shit are gonna be real confused. But catastrophe shit like everrything freezing or the world blowing up or something? No lol. Humans have been around for pole shifts, they don't cause mass extinctions or anything. Also we're due for one only in the sense we have no idea when it could happen, so like any day now +-10k years.

Well I haven't seen any evidence we're slowing, at least not anything credible that isn't already explained by known, observable phenomena. And we can't really predict the pole reversal, we can only guess it may happen, like I said above +-10k years or something along those lines, so it may or may not line up with everything else anyway. All of those cycles can of course cause global warming or climate change, but I still don't see what that has to do with the poles reversing. Granted the turbulence and flow in the core is obviously affected by our position relative to the sun and other planets, but as far as I recall there hasn't ever been any investigation into whether the reversals line up with the milankovitch cycles though now I'm curious and am gonna go look into that since it's been a while since I've studied anything of that sort.

someone who actually knows anything about geology

How's this relate to the grand solar minimum we are moving into?

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What is a grand solar minimum and what does it mean for us?

The sun has cycles

In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle:
· Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally
· Weaker jet streams
· Increased volcanic activity
· Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes
· More erratic and unpredictable weather
· Substantially increased precipitation and drought
· Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods
· Massive crop loss and food shortages
· Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles

Even NASA admits it's a big deal archive.is/OeGiu

The great civilizations have risen and fallen on the backs of these grand solar cycles

US history has been significantly impacted by the last two GSMs

>So here's what's happening now

The sun's total solar irradiance (TSI) is currently dropping off a cliff. Much faster and further than the devastating Maunder Minimum.

The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.

Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further.
Like the 'year without a summer'

But this GSM will be far worse than previous ones

More resources on current happenings and excellent lectures

Grand Solar Minimum Channel

Ice Age Farmer Channel

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>dub dub trip trip quad quad