Why is pornography still legal? It is obvious that it takes advantage of young women...

Why is pornography still legal? It is obvious that it takes advantage of young women. A society has to take care of its members.
Pornography should be illegal and those who profit from it today should have their wealth confiscated.

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consenting adults don't need to be babied. prostitution should be legal as well.

Holy shit Jenni Lee is homeless, she was so hot like 10 years ago

Ah so heroin should be legal? What about pyramid schemes? Conscent isn’t the issue, the fact that people are being scammed and taken advantage of so greedy filth can make money is the issue. We need to protect our members of society against these parasites.

I mean, she seems happy

>Seatbelts not required
>You hit a car and their kid flies through the window and dies
>Implying you're not going to get shot, sued, or emotionally damaged

People are too stupid for absolute freedom, admit it.

who the fuck cares sven?
Maybe women should stop being sluts or only giving attention to chad and maybe the average guy can go out, get married and have lots of children instead of tugging his dick.
But no.... Women have to make everything shit along with the jews
So hentai it is

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Football stars made 7 figures and are homeless 10+ years later. Why do pornstars matter more than them? It's not the profession's fault you're bad with money.

pyramid schemes and baby murder violate the NAP

Las Vegas has tunnels?


What's your stance on hentai?

I don't even know who she was and neither do I care
I look forward to the day all the blacked.com whores join her

Got any links to her works?

Better than Jewish 3DPD shit
Watch out for NTR though, that shit is gross

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all drugs should be legal, are you really going to start shooting up heroin because it's now legal? As long as the information about the drugs are clear and accurate with regulated standards you are all good.

>It is obvious that it takes advantage of young women.
Feminism says they can deal with their own shit themselves.
>didn't save any of that good whore money
>probably got addicted to crack while performing.

saged for memeflag

is this beginning of hentai?

Who the fuck cares about short sighted women? Let them be the examples and statistics that inspire future generations to not become whores.

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I aint gonna spoonfeed you though

Women cannot handle money.
Just another reason why they shouldnt have rights.

A fair contract, paid for work performed. No issues.
NAP solves all moral and legal problems.

OP. Are you aware that nobody ‘profits’ from porn. Why do you think it is the most easily accessible thing in the internet?

Production costs. Actor costs. Website costs. Lots of costs involved...... and you can get it for free. Why?
Mossad funnels money to directly to the owners of all these degenerate companies to produce this filth to poison the mind of all the goyim.



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>Watch out for NTR though, that shit is gross
No shit NTR is gross, it's caustic to the soul.

>NAP solves all moral and legal problems.
How do you enforce NAP without aggression?
Wait for an absolute consensus of moral supermen?

Remember what Israel pumped into the TVs of the Arabs when they took over their airwaves?

get fucked, op.

You could say that about 85% of women who have ever lived or ever will live if they didn't have some adult to protect them from the reality of the world.

Porn makes you docile and apathetic to everything. Ruins marriages. Ruins women. Ruins whites. Ruins. Ruins. Ruins.

Again. For free.

I'd say it's counting on a small percentage of a massive number of consumers paying for "premium." There's a sucker born every minute, after all.
Same model applies to "free-to-play" videogames.

>Takes advantage of women

Yes goy, women being paid to fuck while you have to shitpost a hundred times just to get a roastie to say hi is so oppressive toward wah-men. What a horrible life to be paid good money to get cummies all day and be adored by neck beards everywhere who associate you with their dopamine and also call you brave and sexually liberated.

You're a fucking retard. Now if all porn was some dark web shit of watching little girls raped to death you'd make a point

A bad one as women deserve that.

HAHA! She thought she could spend her prime years riding big dicks on camera for money then have her retirement financed by some beta chump.

At what age do you think people start watching porn at? A fair bit younger that 18. It destroy teenagers brains, but it's not like other things that are bad for you like fast food which at least provides energy, porn has no positive side for the user.

show brapper roastie!

You really believe that? I’m sure there are .000001% that pay. But not enough to fund the entire industry.

this might be the most naive comment I've read online in some years, if not ever. You, little guy, still think women are capable of personal responsibility or have any regard for statistics or facts.

PS don't give a shit about the lives of the people who do or film the porn. It should be restricted to protect the users.

Porn makes people SO MUCH money

NAP is about initiation of force. if you aggress first, retaliation is just.

this is bs. pornhub prob makes millions weekly from ads.

Based I agree. Being free to watch porn is slavery.

for the price of just a little piece of crack each day one of you could be hittin this

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What counts as force you can justifiably retaliate against?
You not raking your leaves that fall on my lawn, shading my grass?
You smoking/burning some weird shit in your house or shed, offending my olfactory faculties?
Light/noise pollution keeping me up at night, how'bout that one?

Or if I buy myself an RTG and the casing gets cracked and now you have nuclear waste on your property as well?

that's on the parents. eating mcdonalds every day is almost certainly worse for children than porn, but parents do that too.

yeah lets go through the billions of possibilities ITT

That's because when shit's uncodified, anyone can think of any arbitrary bullshit thing to get pissed about and mete out an arbitrary retaliation.

And if NAP gets codified, everyone must agree to it, defeating the purpose of the entire principle.

this isn't a perfect world as it turns out

Fucking moron.

Every criminal organisation with a backbone creates, distributes and profits from porn, both amateur and professional.

Every pornstar has a pimp, every pornstar needs her drugs... provided by niggers of course.

Porn is terrible by itself... then once you include unsavory criminals such as would be regularly seen working around the adult film industry... And one is left to wonder how you could not realize terrible people are mainly profiting from it?

I don't care if Trump was fucking pornstars or whatever because those bitches are worthless anyways so good on him for entertaining the poor whores who would likely have nothing otherwise.

But the adult film industry itself?
Sleazebags, whores, pimps, gangsters and drugs. Shut it the fuck down!

>Ah so heroin should be legal?
Yes and Narcan should be outlawed.

So why then call for an utopian vision (that's built for a perfect world) to be enacted in this imperfect world?

I still fap to some of her scenes, all time faves. Why the fuck doesnt she clean herself up and start escorting ...

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Flood control. There's mole people living in them, just like in Deus Ex.

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how are rules exclusive to a perfect world? if this world were perfect, there would be no need for rules.

Most people would definatly try it, if it was legal. Damn I would mix meth and heroin on the first dsy of legalisation even if I had to wait in line for 12 hours


So perfection implies innate and total understanding of peak objective moral virtues?
In not only understanding the things one ought not to do, but also to act within said confines without question or divergence.

As well as selling user data to all the relevant datafirms collecting and making huge databases about people to sell it to other companies and the government agencies.

She didn't get into that line of work due to being a hard worker

Further proof that ultra capitalists are jew enablers. "Consenting adults" who are pressured by violent propaganda 24/7/356 aren't exactly consenting. inb4 >go open your own global control system

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Ugh no doubt turned to drugs, women really ought to check their privilege.


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>Why is pornography still legal?
Because porn is Jewish and Jews control the laws of every Western country.

with her name she'd only need a laptop some makeup and watch the beta orbiters start donating. most likely she chose this life as she feels great shame with herself

She's sucked nigger dick. She deserves to be homeless.

People need to learn semen retention. Jerk off and don’t cum. It’s actually really satisfying. :)

I don't think she did desu

>We need to protect our members of society against these parasites.
No, that would be her parents, family and friends. Your solution gets rid of a parasite and creates many more.

This happens because you let women be considered people. As such they were allowed to enter legal contracts by their own will. If you want to save them from so many modern horrors, you need to make women property again

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Choose one and only one.

I want to hug her so bad.


God, NTR is rotting me from the inside out. How do I stop it, lads?

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omurgod guies

wish culd save hur

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get better taste

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Interracial with niggers never turns a profit. Yet not only is massive amounts of it produced, but it's shoved in your face whenever you search for anything on these streaming sites.

Most importantly, it demotivates the young men, which may be the key reason for its existence.

the problem is that you expect women to not be collectivist niggers when it comes to culture and politics.
They will crash this civilization into the ground because they as a aggregate can not conceive of anything beyond the next gib or the next way to ensure they have even more power in mate selection.
They will never take responsibility for society as a whole or civilization as a whole, because it was not theirs in the first place they never built it and they do not maintain it.

More than that women as a whole wont be all that bothered if there is a civilization tomorrow or not. Someone will reproduce with them, and the ones to do so will be genetically the successful ones who have managed to use the environment of the age to their advantage one way or another.

Anything beyond that is icing on the cake, and like any child they want the most icing in every situation no matter the cost and screech and pine for said quantity, but if there is only a tiny bit to be had as a whole for everyone they wont mind just a tiny bit since they got the cake anyway.

I kind of welcome the collapse actually, if it means that men can settle conflicts with duels and no faggot police or cucked laws to get in the way I can see a benefit to this

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We will lose a fuck-ton of technological development and a lot of information and artifacts.
Full on dark ages shit that regressed the level of technological and organisational sophistication for hundreds of years.
And we wont get the fun barbarian times we get the nasty collapse times, where the ones in power get even more corrupt, decadent and ironfisted to maintain power - this mentality propagating through the whole apparatus

Stop watching it. Read pic related.

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When Rome collapsed in 476, it only took 1,016 years of technological development and wars to discover the new world, after which it took 409 years to reach the skies and 68 years to reach the moon after that.
With our current tech we could speed up the process and head on to space.
Have some optimism user, history brings more than just shame and pride user, it brings hope

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Because here in the United States we still have some of what is known as "freedom." And who cares if it takes advantage of women? They have every advantage possible even as eternal children of civilization. You need to allow women to make their own choices, you sexist.

You don't understand human nature at all, fucking lolberg.

there is nothing wrong with porn.
its harmless and fun entertainment, banning it would not solve any problems, it would create more and it would also open up the possibility to take more of your rights away.

here have some booty

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You, american can talk of hope.
But you are talking with a east European. The only thing we know historically is pain, hurt, suffering and a lot of cynicism.

Fuck it, going to go for a fucking stem degree, make money and start a archival cult. When the collapse comes we get to be the techcult with a few shiny toys.

"Consenting adults" are actually fucking stupid. They'll regularly eat themselves into obesity, drink themselves into alcoholism and liver failure, and ect.

You know, that's actually probably not a bad idea. You can rest assured there's an elite faction doing that very thing which will keep the serf class in a perpetual state of austerity and ignorance.

Yes, we americans have hope because we are the descendants of the Europeans who risked their lives to cross a cruel ocean and settle in a hostile new world.
One half had cold brutal winters, the other had hot, humid summers, diseases, and unknown beasts. But we prevailed because we had nowhere else to turn back, our countrymen back home wanted nothing to do with us, and when push came to shove, we shoved so fucking hard that the balance of power eventually shifted to us.

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>Eastern Brotherhood of Steel

Found a picture of them with a nig dick in their mouth. Good riddance. Suffer bitch.

Based this
Feminist s hate it

Porn is hate speech


NAP is autistic
It seeks to make peoples egoism work for the betterment of society
But Whites are empathetic, you socitey should be run like a family, a understanding wise but also empathatic father at the head of the table.
No Autist wo sits there and strictly goes by the rules.




You had free land to expand and no fucking external major empires pushing your shit in, coupled with the most favorable geographic position possible for the founding of a nation state.

Plus as you said you got everyone who was brave enough to dice it all on a better life giving initial settlers and immigrants a considerable elan and investment in buying into your national spirt.

Your history is quite pleasant.

Porn is opiate and a pacifier to the young male population.
Same as games.
And any other refuges from reality.
I know i have partaken in quite a few of them.
They are made because there is a demand for it and money to be made, one way or another, as young men find virtual fantasy far more appealing than the dreary reality. they inhabiting with no overarching purpose.
If you want a civil war or some civil violence, cut those pacifiers out and you will get quite soon a lot of violent riots and protests, as they are the main bread and circuses of the great masses today that keep said masses from realizing they are in a rather fucked situation one way or another and they have little to their name if they would want to actually try something of consequence and even less possibility to be let to do so.

I hope she gets stabbed to death one night