Very true!
Very true!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dont use X if your skin is Y
>I'm not racist, I'm black, and X is only for Y people.
I can say what ever I want niggar
Cotton picker
Nigga? Or nigger?
you’re right nigger is our word anyway
shut up nigger
Soon Black and African American will be slurs.
This is a slide thread, so... sage grows in all fields
wait, restricting speech for a certain skin color is kinda racist, no?
Blacks should not speak in nigger either.
nigger nigger cotton picker
don't say nigger if you're not white.
Nigger, don't speak English if you aren't White.
Don't speak English if your not white
Don't speak English if your not white
Don't speak English if your not white
Don't speak English if your not white
Don't speak English if your not white
Don't speak English if your not white
She is wearing a hair hat. The absolute state of Amerimutt "black" women.
Why is she culturally appropriating a white person's word. That's our word for them. Our word.
That's not racist because white people aren't systematically oppressed based on race! :)
Imagine getting mad every time someone you don't like uses a particular word. Why would you give those who oppose and disrespect you power over yourself? It's so fucking retarded.
Watermelon felon
Melon sucker
Spear chucker
Pavement ape
Bog wog
Ok, ill say nigger then
>t. never watched cnn for five minutes
neither is anybody else
i see, sorry i will be more mindful of my privilege in the future
DNA test said im 0.01% african
So im black now, Nigga
>It's 2019 and she's still not letting the white kids say nigga?
Song very related
moon cricket
porch monkey
*cracks whip* DO WHAT NOW?!
highly esteemed basketball americans
ok.... Nigger.
ok, where do you draw the line? if someone's mom is African and their dad is Puerto Rican, there's a good chance that they'll look a lot like Charlie Sheen. What if your 23 and me test results find that you're 1/1024th African? do the test results function as an N-word pass or do they have to get a special one printed out? a lot of these testing companies have openly admitted to adding African ancestry to test results to "mess with" racists. what if the results are off, can they still shout the n-word from the rooftops like anyone darker then Mexican or should there be an appeals process? What if you're passable as light skinned mixed when you have a tan? does anyone questionably black need to have documentation/papers on them if challenged?
While I agree this board would be fucking unmanageable if non whites couldn’t utter anything in English
I'll just say nigger, like usual.
don't say nigga, only niggers say nigga
just say nigger
don't say nigger if you;re not white
don't say nigger if you;re not white
don't say nigger if you;re not white
don't say nigger if you;re not white
The hard R is important.
Better check that privilege, nigga
Dont live in anything but a mudhut if you are black!
Dont live in anything but a mudhut if you are black!
Dont live in anything but a mudhut if you are black!
Dont live in anything but a mudhut if you are black!
Dont live in anything but a mudhut if you are black!
Dont live in anything but a mudhut if you are black!
Being half black do I get to use the whole word or only nig?
shut up, kike
Don't say nigga if your not racist
Nigger, despite my blond hair and white skin I identify as strong proud woman of colour. You have to respect this or be branded a bigot.
no, what are you gonna do, stop paying me a large part of your taxes
So is this guy saying there are races now?
I'm glad humans exist, especially the dumb ones. They provide endless entertainment for free, washed down with ceaseless frustration.
This nigger right here.
nigger / niger / nig / nigor / nigra / nigre / nigar / negro / neger / niggur / nigga / niggah / niggar / nigguh / nigress / nigette / nigguz / niglet / nignog / negrito / negroid / nigrar / nigricious / nigrad / nigracka / nigoo / nigoose / nignoid / nignoggee / nignit / niggy / nigmuffin / nigmatic / nigmare / niglor / nigloot / niggatron / negrish / negrata / niggachu / nigg / nigg0r / niggerade / niggsy / niggus / niggyboo / niggzilla/ nogz / neegro
>be nigger
>luck into music career
>perform nigger songs with ample use of nigger word
>invite audience to sing nigger with you
>audience sings nigger
>stop the music, we need to unpack this
This incident was set up
don't say black if you speak ebonics
Hei gui
hello fellow nazi. How do you feel about nazi occultism? the 5000 year old version, the 50~ year old version and the 5 year old version?
I have been hanging out in some public social media groups dedicated to magick and i spent yesterday trying to get a nigger to stop summoning cthulu by talking about HP lovecrafts cat and it led me to making friends with a south african nigger who is very based and maybe even redpilled. He asked me how he should make money and I told him to do sakawa, which is nigeriean computer rap voodoo and he said that it sounded sinful and i asked why kind of christian the nigger was. The nigger told me he was a meditating christian, which is very respectable. I asked him what he thought about black jesus and he laughed, and I explained to the nigger that saying jesus is black is both antisemetic and anti-islamic. He thought about it for a moment and then my new nigger friend told me that even if the messiah (christ is king) was born of an aryan father, he was still born in africa and this african. A joyous statement.
Also i found a trad girl down to escape to greenland already. Things have been good.
How has your time as a Nazi been?
nigger, stop being a nigga...
Dont use the internet if you're not white, dont use any tech made by whites.
based and niggerpilled
She even said that South Africans can’t say it cuz they are white. Ethnonationalism is okay when they do it fuck this nigger cunt.
I say nigger, with an R.
lmao why is this word so fucking powerful and why is it only powerful when white people say it:
In the US, they are. it is perfectly legal to exclude and discriminate against white people from employment, housing, and education/scholarships on the basis of race alone. It is illegal to exclude/discriminate against almost anyone else in these same categories. In some cases, it is actually government mandated, a concept commonly called a diversity quota. The only groups more greatly discriminated against legally are southeast Asian and people with ancestry from India. Those groups have to work much harder to achieve the same results and that's not ok either.
you say nigga, I say nigger.
What kind of terrible parent would allow their white children to be in a rap video?
imagine being triggered by a simple word. western people are so fragile that they would cry if you call them a nigger or any other harmless word.
don't say master if you're not white
don't say master if you're not white
don't say master if you're not white
don't say master if you're not white
don't say master if you're not white
don't say master if you're not white
what % black do you need to be? is there some sort of screening process and an official n-word pass?
I prefer the hard r.
Dont live in america if you aint white
alright white boys had your fun? now go outside find the first black you see and say this to his face record the interaction if you don't whites are automatically inferior have fun :)
Nigger, nigger, nigger , nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger , nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger , nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger , nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger , nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger , nigger, nigger and nigger. I am a white devil by the way.
ayo hol up nigga so u be sayin we wuz kangz?
He has a point. Ebonics is for black people. Propper white people say "nigger".
But Gary can say it.
Japanese can speak English because their accent makes it cute.
Imagine being race and having your own special word that you use like a petty child. No other race feels the need to do this. Fucking stupid
only niggers say nigga
>only niggers say nigga
only niggers say nigga
>only niggers say nigga
only niggers say nigga
>only niggers say nigga
only niggers say nigga
>only niggers say nigga
Lol bet
>choosing to talk to niggers
>acknoweldging the existence of a nigger
No, no, no; the hard r becomes too uncivilized. The most gentlemanly of us say 'negro'.
close the Jow Forums before your master comes back and go back to cotton picking, nigger
so I I have a few african contacts who are niggers and a few african contacts who are not niggers. (don't worry guys, I don't hang out with any double niggers or pickle niggers) and its sad to me that they can't see what is happening to white farmers in south africa right now. I do feeled to compelled to bring it up even though it might create a chimp out and engdanger me, but I know how to spot a very civilized nigger. IQ tests may be real (real yiddish) but measuring the size of a soul is something we can't do objectively yet, and plenty of niggers grow souls. funnily enough, when adressing south african farmers most of my nigger contacts bring up crime statistics and point how how many more niggers are killed by packs of feral niggers. And there is a level of truth to that. Poverty can turn any race, nigger or not, feral eventually.
Looking at it in reverse its almost like the niggers sacrifice their own to get away with it.