Can someone Redpill me on Capitalism?

Is capitalism the answer to all economic issues or is there a better means of economically maintaining a nation? Let’s hear opinions from people for and against.

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Yes. Just trust the rich. We don't need rules or regulations, the rich will take care of us. It's not survival of the fittest, the rich will take care of us. Don't worry if your wages don't rise, the rich will take care of us. If the rich suggest they need more tax breaks, give them whatever they need. The rich will take care of us. And then, someday, maybe we will be rich too!

Yes only capitalism requires that you work. Other wonderful economic systems don't require any work, nor "consumption" or products. And they magically cure death.

What would you say is a better life than a successful career which allows acquiring material goods? Foraging for berries and living in a tent?

>What would you say is a better life than a successful career which allows acquiring material goods? Foraging for berries and living in a tent?
Yes. These are the two options. It is literally impossible for there to be some kind of middle ground.

I’m not saying I’m one way or the other. I’m looking at pros and cons. I mean other economic systems exist like socialism, communism, true free market capitalism vs. what america currently has, etc.

Look around you house at all the thing created by capitalism.

Big pharma and drugs are probably the ost extreme example. Look at all the medications and treatments. Now imagine there was no big payout to develop the next new drug. Would you dump a bunch of money into developing something knowing that you wouldn’t make any money and in fact you would probably lose money?

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>middle ground
And what would that be? Yang bucks? 10 hour work weeks?

there is nothing wrong with the base idea of capitalism. me trading some wares with you for something else that I need or for money. being able to hire somebody to do a job I don’t want to do etc. however, the problem arises when we forget our virtues and let degeneracy take over. this is what happens when (((they))) get too much power. the state needs to monitor the market and make sure that neither people nor the enviroment gets hurt.

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What system would you prefer then?

One could hardly call any part of our health care system "capitalistic." It is highly regulated which creates a protected and highly inflated market.

One could argue that once a market becomes licenced it ceases to become capitalistic.

fascist, but with a decent amount of freedom for companies that comply with state regulation and that refrain from jewish behaviour

Is this image meant to be bad? I enjoy driving my BMW 3 series, I sometimes take it to the McDonald's Drive Thru. I drink Heineken and I send my parcels with DHL. All of those things are better than what commies produce.

National Socialism.

Modern capitalism is feudalism, except the lords don't have any real concern with the wellbeing of their subjects.

My iPhone tracks my fitness, so actually they do

the only good swede in the entire nation, apparently

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The best solution isn’t a simple one if youre looking for an easy answer.

Capitalism is the most successful historically but we’re seeing now that wages are stagnating so it would make sense to add regulations which would tether wages to revenue or productivity.

I’m not sure how I feel about publicly listing company stocks because in one sense it does allow average joes to make some extra coin if they’re smart but it’s also easy to game if youre rich enough and well connected. It also creates the onus for company’s to continually grow exponentially despite already having huge amounts of marketshare otherwise their shares will collapse and their image and potentially entire business are on the line

TLDR; best system imo is capitalism with regulations protecting and enhancing workers lives while still having some ‘Wild West’ elements to their structure and strategy
Less than 1 year 14
2 year of service 17
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6 years of service 23
7 years of service 23
8 years of service 23
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14 years of service 26
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More than 15 years of service 27

In canada the major food provider chain is called sobey's after an egyption lizard god. The s on the front and the back in the logo are initialized to leave the word OBEY only clearly displayed.

>Can someone Redpill me on Capitalism?
Giving hope to people so the 1% can exploit them.

Letting company's to become monopolies and grow so large they can change laws and rules to keep their power also killing all mom and pop stores

Capitalism rest easy on the notion that everyone is a millionaire in the making.

fuck the poor!

That's not fascism that's Corporatism

The United States barely even got full-time jobs anymore

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Narrowly speaking Capitalism is only a description of how you increase production and wealth. ie - you invest money into capital goods that allow you to improve your production of other goods. That's it. That's why it's called capitalism.

What's a capital good? Machine tools, trucks, oil tankers, factories, hand tools, power tools, mining machinery, etc. Even a spinning wheel was a capital good when they upgraded from spinning thread by hand with stone weights.

Anything else like "free markets", "speculation", "trade theory", "communism/theft" or "socialism/looting" are separate subjects.

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The problem is not economic systems rather it's the people who run them.

Yes, but without the retarded government, money printing and following a decentralized model like distributism.


Stopped right there

Speak in colloquial stupid mong

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Capitalism wins again

Yeah really makes you wonder

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Corporatism is literally the economic policy of most Fascist countries....

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The older I am, the more I like capitalism.
Fucking shame here is too fucking expensive to get a house.

Explain then

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A shekel deposited in your account

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Explain what?

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The best economic system is Austrian Economics, which just boils down to letting people trade as they wish with zero government restrictions. A million citizens trying to fulfill their needs on the free market do a much better job of it that a single bureaucrat sitting in an office trying to centrally plan the economy. The economy is basically people trying to fulfill their needs and it is for that reason that the most important work in Austrian Economics is called "Human Action", which merely explains how people act economically.

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The Israelites said life was better when they were slaves in Egypt vs. free in the wilderness.

>A shekel deposited in your account
Says the memeflag memefaggoting from Tel Aviv

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>Austrian Economics
>literally contrarian marxism with its dogmatic vibe as a common denominator
This is why neolibshits are so pathetic they can only think of extremes just to make up for their inability to come up with good ideas
found you

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>Word salad with no meaning
Show flag memeflaggot

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