Why should God/Jesus even care about us?

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He shouldn't. But he does. God bless.

God bless.


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As an old fag it is quite interesting to see, that pol has become a lot more incel/nihilistic/degenerate but also flooded with christian threads

Trust the divine plan.

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Space isn't real. The firmament that encloses the earth is impregnable. Looking "further" into space using a telescope is really just looking deeper into the firmament, similar to looking deeper into a drop of water using a microscope.

It's almost like the two are related or something


The separation of the wheat and the tares.

God bless.

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There are dozens of atheist larpers pretending to be religious starting these shit-threads, and dozens of religious fanatics larping as hapless, misguided atheists replying. It's mediocre entertaining, but a lot get sucked into this vortex of nonsense. I see that I have memes saved in my pics folder going back to 2013, so I've kinda lost that new-user smell.


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God shouldn't care about some thing because there are many things in the universe? How stupid is that! It's like saying you shouldn't care about the HI-virus because it's so small.
Get fucked in the arse by an aids-ridden cock, you silly little faggot.

I know the Parable of the Talents, I know the storyline. I know how it ends. But I'm curious if anyone who has read the bible can explain the metaphors:
(1) Who is the master supposed to represent?
(2) Who is the slave supposed to represent?

Space is fake and gay

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Space isn't real. Earth is flat.


fingolian has it right. getting fucked in the ass by an aids ridden cock is bad news bears for everyone

If I was god I would’ve flooded everyone long ago, no arks for anyone either.


Why does a father care for his children?

We are the first life to arise? And thus shall be the first to understand.

>No one has read the bible?
I knew it!

You obviously haven’t met any nigger fathers.

Because he created the universe
God cant just pull a rick and smash the petri dish

lol suck my dick believer


Premise is false. We aren't monkeys on a ball flying through an uncaring void.
The earth is flat and you live in a giant fucking terrarium.
God is the guy who made the terrarium. We aren't blessed or special, this is all a creepy experiment and you should be very mad about it.

>we're like ants bro, why would he care
