Hong Kong is an internal Chinese matter. Do you ever see China bitching about things that happen INSIDE the USA? No...

Hong Kong is an internal Chinese matter. Do you ever see China bitching about things that happen INSIDE the USA? No. Likewise stay the fuck out of our business. Americans have literally no right to interfere in Chinese internal matters.

First of all, it doesn't even concern you. This is an INTERNAL matter. Second, a country that genocided Native Americans and enslaved Africans and continue to persecute minorities and has military bases all over the world has no right to be "morally outraged" or throw criticisms at another country, especially a country that is 4500 years older. Do you even realize that the PRC has lifted a billion people out of poverty and is on course to being the richest country in the world? You can't argue with success.

I'm Chinese-American but I will fight to the death for China because in this matter China is RIGHT. Stop buying into fake news bullshit and realize that China is the good guy here. The least you can do is STAY OUT OF IT AND MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS. If you do interfere, you'll get hurt real bad. I promise you that.

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Fuck off back to China you Chinese nigger.

Fuck off china nigger but you happen to be right this time

>If you do interfere, you'll get hurt real bad.

Terrified, really I am.

you're not a country anymore, China. You're a commie jew slave camp. You dont have an INTERNAL

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Fuck off chang
Go be shit at dota

Shut the fuck up you brainwashed Chinese slave. Your "people" were always slaves.

Um actually nobody except news reporters are caring about any of you bugs.

>ching chong nip nong ding dong bannu

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>especially a country that is 4500 years older

I wish chinks would shut up about this. Chinese history is pathetic and humiliating. Modern chinks are all rape babies. The US accomplished more in the past 200 years than how many thousands of years chinks claim they have.

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The US isn't really gonna do anything about it anyway.

China will grow stronger

Typical low class han Chinese glory to the hokkien merchants

wtf i love george soros now

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Stay the fuck you of our country you hyphenated "American" invader.

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China is rightful American clay.

haaa if it was not for the US buying your slave made shit you would not have a country.
Shut up you chink fag.

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Nope, fuck the Chinese government.

T. Chinese Canadian

Get fucked you commie

you did plenty of fucking harm to white Africans arming niggers so fucking sage

Hey you low class peasant the reason you are in America right now is that if you would to stay in China you just be another hand in the factory you low class han bitch

>the left

>also the left

it's all so tiresome

Look at all the fucking newfags, jesus fucking christ. Kill yourselves. Unironically. Get off my fucking board. I legit wouldn't be surprised at this point if some guy made a thread about legit nuking america and faggots like you guys start freaking out.

>my fucking board

Shut the fuck up you dog-eating chink.

>chinese american
>loyal to china first

go back to china you absolute retard


What are you? Chink, Poo or Jungle native.

bing bong ching chong. you have to go back, zhing

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dog eating, more like dog fucking.

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I just plain don't like the Chinese. They're a pestilence and don't deserve more land to ruin.

How many social points are you getting for post?

Careful bud. Thats how you end up in a concentration camp

>Do you even realize that the PRC has lifted a billion people out of poverty

Xing, you should know that a person sinks into the ground when they die of starvation, not lift

Ok first of all you posted this the other day. Second of all China is not 4,500 years old. China has expanded, been invaded, lost territory, and gained territory over all of that period. It's not like Han Chinese have existed all that time. Even the Qing dynasty was a mutt infested take over by northern tribes. You have the same if not less identity than Americans. You don't know shit and your country is shit.

>Hong Kong is an internal Chinese matter.

Go fuck yourself it's not. Britain made a promise to those people, they should be under NATO's blanket. Morally and for obvious geo-strategic trolling purposes.

Winston Churchill would shoot you in the penis and Pepe would poop on you.

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>he just doesn't get it
>he actually thinks there is a SINGLE azn in this thread
>He actually thinks he's scaring off a C H I N E S E A M E R I C A N
Holy shit you're a dumb fucking mutt. Get the fuck off this board you goddamn faggot. Mom will be back soon to check you browsing history.

Oh look another soulless insect shilling for the CCP and their Xi Small Peen cocksucking camps.

Run along little slave, don't you have to sell out your mother for 0.15 social credit points or something?

Shoo, chink, shoo! Disgusting animal.

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The only reason he cares is because the trade war is tanking the global economy and he stands to lose out from it.

China was and still is a soulless shit hole. Talk about genocide, how many millions of his own people did mao kill again? Also trump is making China go broke so strongest economy in the world ain't happening.... The people of Hong Kong are begging the usa for help because it's a world renouned symbol of freedom.


If Hong Kong were truly an "internal matter" then we wouldn't be having this conversation though right?
200 year old slavery and "genocide" do not concern me. The current day fuckery of the soon to be "sick man of Asia" does. China didn't lift anyone out of poverty, capitalism did
once you faggots realized communism is a meme economy that doesn't actually work IRL.
The chinese bugmen will never be the "good guys". Partially because there are no good guys at that level of politics, and partially because they are soulless bugmen who live for the state like idiots.

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Well I've seen some shit in my time and yet this is the one that's finally done it. We need to scorch the fucking Earth and raze China to the god damn ground.

Nice Flagg faggot. Now shut the fuck up and learn your place trash.

Britain formally relinquished control in 1997.

Chink I assume you are a Muslim fag malay

>paragraph 1, believable
>paragraph 2, horseshit
>paragraph 3, did not read

I am like 90% certain you guys need us and Europe to buy your mass manufactured goods. We have businesses in Hong Kong.

It is not an internal matter.

I Dont want war with china though.

how fucking loose do you have to be

oh god that... I wasn't prepared for that. What the actual fuck China?

Under a treaty.

China is shitting all over the treaty and coming close to just blatantly violating it.

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Daily reminder that 99% of support for Hong Kong are CIA and Mossad niggers with proxies and automated bots.

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How is that you can be so fucking retarded yet still somehow form semi-coherent sentences on an Mongolian wrestling image board? Did it not for a brief second, pass through your pea brains that you are responding to a larper that LOVES replies? Oh wait, of course it didn't. Because your hands are literally shaking--trembling from the excitement of posting on Jow Forums.
>this is where my friend told me you can say the nigger word and have people laugh lolZ!
>www.Jow Forums.org/pol/
>omg did you see that funny greentext on reddit/instagram
You idiots sicken me. Literally anything will earn a reply. If I posted a literal fish hook would you bite at your screen?

Imagine seeing the post not once but TWICE and still responding to it as if it were genuine. Yikes.

>I've seen some shit in my time and yet this is the one that's finally done it
Well you clear as day haven't, fucking newfaggot.

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>cries the chinaman

Imagine being an uppity Canadian. Worse than a nigger. No one likes you.

I agree. Hong Kong is a parasite of China. They crave attention and need to be stopped.

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What is it I'm scared to look.

Remember folks,
Hyphen? Not your friend.

>quick think of something.
Just shut the fuck up and newfag in another thread. Hopefully I don't have to see you again.

Fuck off back to your anthill bugman.

Hong Kong isn't China.
Or do you think Ukraine is Russia? Or how Palestine is Israel? Or how Taiwan is China too?

nobody really cares about bug people. fuck china

You're still here, chink?

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I've been here since 2008 nigger.

i want to pour some duck sauce all over her pussy flaps and nibble them between some chopsticks while giving her pussy a 3 star review while wearing a rice farmer hat and quoting the chinese generals from C&C: Generals

>what is Mao starvation and death of 45 million people
>what is Tienanmen Square Massacre of 10000 protesters
Chinese "government" has no right to exist

You're still right, mind you, but that doesn't mean you're not a faggot.

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>1-post OP

>I'm Chinese-American
>I will fight to the death for China
this is why ONLY white people should be allowed into the united states


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holy shit look at this triggered newfag

Your business is our business because
this world is our world. Or did you really buy the “China’s the new superpower” meme? You are what you are only for so long as we say so, faggot, now get on your knees and service Uncle Sam with cheap electronics and stay the fuck out of Hong Kong.


>China is the good guy here
HK is the only livable China, alongside Taiwan.
Comparing HK with China is like comparing South Korea and North Korea.
Mainland China is like an alternate reality. The shit you see there is straight outta some dystopian novel.

holy fuck

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fuck off tankie

So you choose to believe that the U.S. has no right to interfere with a a global super power because of its' age and its' gov. not allowing its' "citizens" from seeing unbiased news to the point that only the top 1% can even have a say in their own country?

usa doesn't need permission to do shit, we serve the jews and the jews own the world so the whole world is usa-israels

You should have just shut your mouth after the internal dispute part but you brought some historical bullshit you should be beaten for and then you placed yourself at the front of a firing squad for treason by telling you're not american and loyal to america.
Country, ideology, race doesn't matter. I will always despise traitors. Mine and everyone's else.
Traitors will always get the bullet. Traitor can aid me and my country and I will still make sure the traitor is the first one to die.
That is true respect for your enemies and alike.

holy shit stop replying to me.
And moot gave me a rimjob
r/Jow Forums is that way.

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Don't you have a thesis to be plagiarizing Zhang?

God damn there are a lot of ugly zipper heads in this board

Chinks are literally the most retarded race ever, even dumber than niggers.
The only good thing they do is to segregate the lower class so that they can almost never move up but this just inflate the ego of the average chink cause just because they're slightly better than bottom of the barrel people, they think they're the best race in the world.
All chinks should stay in their god forsaken country.

touche 56

Tiananmen Square Massacre (Chinese: 天安门大屠杀)

id legit smash the qt in ops pic and eat his ass out before cumming all over his lips

sometimes even the chinks can be qt but not very often
whatever you utlra newfag keep responding with your tears and angry youre putting on quite the spectacle chink

you're wrong. im not a chink but if you look at chinks and look at their neighbors you'd have a superiority complex too. Indians, Russians, Arabs, etc. Even Eastern Europeans are all shit right now compared to Chinks. Britain is getting Poo in Loo'd and Mudslimed. Really nobody is comparable to the Chinks right now.

Except it's not because Hong Kong is not China. Why don't chinks understand this?

Chinese have more of a right to Hong Kong than USA has a right to Hawaii

That's some grade A slave stock right there.


It's so cute the chankoro think they got to where they are today all on their own.

Begone slave, freemen are talking here.


>Only newfags call people newfag

Lmao fuck off Cucknadian, go and sacrifice some kids to tranny pedophiles or whatever it is you vile cretins do.

>Eat shit ching chang chong

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Fuck off 50 Cent Party Shill.

>whatever you utlra newfag keep responding with your tears and angry youre putting on quite the spectacle chink
Your dad is gonna check your browsing history you know that right?


hes siting right next 2 me you retard

>misses the point
Ah my apologies, the message probably didn't load in full. I thought China had fast internet now?