Is America collapsing?

Is America collapsing?

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Why would it be collapsing? It's not like shitskins are exterminating whites who are already there.

>Is America collapsing?
You should probably worry about your own browning, leaf. Put the dog dick away and try to stay white.

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No, we're actually the only country that will be fine when the global economic order collapses. Our internal politics could get worse but I doubt we will collapse, especially when shit hits the fan in China/Germany.

College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.

"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.

Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.


We are at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (jews, immigrants, blacks, radicals etc.)

Just look at the demographics vs counties won.

It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Time is short.




The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.

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When that’s all black there’s your collapse

Why wouldn't China be fine?


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strongly disagree. Once hispanics start getting their way in elections in California, it will be a collapse.

Until now they've just been supplementing the Democrat vote, they haven't actually been getting "their guys" in there. Once that happens it will be a total rout

>No, we're actually the only country that will be fine when the global economic order collapses.
>a country that has no racial or linguistic solidarity will be fine
best civcuck joke I heard all week

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No, just shifting demographics rapidly, and with it the entire political and economic structure.

I'm not 100% sure this will happen, but their economy is very fragile and if anything goes too far out of whack economically that country can devolve into civil war and extreme capital flight over night. It's the reason Chinese people pretty much own Australia, western Canada, and western US. They're already trying to get their money out any chance they get.


Don't get me wrong, we're still fucked. However, we are the most economically insulated and as long as we're standing when Chinese are so starving that they cannibalize their neighbors and Europe plunges itself into another dark ages we have a chance of rallying around a common cause and trimming the fat.

Yes, but slower than everywhere else.

So starved*

Burgers are fucked.

I recently visited the US, and watched MSNBC and Fox News for a few days recently, and it's like I was watching news coverage from two parallel realities. Then I went outside and talked to actual, living, breathing burgerstanians about the next presidential elections. And guess what?

They were divided exactly along the lines of the two parallel reality narratives, and NO-ONE questioned whether the narrative they were spouting had untruths in it. Each and every time I saw pic related in real life.

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Recent polls show 50% of Hispanics favor Trump as compared to 32% in 2016. 36% of blacks favor Trump compared to 8% in 2016. Both groups admire success and value Machismo.

Once Hispanics get control not California, it will swing radically conservative with a Catholic slant. Most Hispanics despise (((white))) liberals and view them as a means to an end.

Dont cope. It's not a good look.

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No, it's going to become a socialist clusterfuck shithole, just like Mexico, or just like any of the Districts in California they have taken over already

I believe it. The only third option you didnt happen to run into is the random alex jones tier conspiratard. Where did you go anyways?

Viewing everything from the point of economics is an extremely Marxist way of doing things. Believe what you believe because I really don't see how Europe, with countries that hold thick community bonds and ethnolinguistic solidarity, will somehow do worse than US and "starve" when all of europe is large fertile farmland.

Perhaps you're thinking of being competitive on a globalist sense and not meeting this criteria = collapse? I could not be arsed to investigate your thought patterns.

Bullshit. Its going to become one giant Mexican bario slum just like it already is.

I live in one of those 98% counties. Can you say rural af? We don't even have a Walmart.

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You won't feel it until about 2024. The question was whether America is currently collapsing.

Money, investments and debt are abstract. What matters is human capital, technology, resources, institutions and infrastructure. I don't think that China is lacking anything at this point. I do believe that they will go apeshit during the next recession though, but it's because their population has already forgotten that economic growth can go negative, not because of some unique fragility.

STFU up you nigger

Vegas, I went there for a conference. A nice place with a lot of conspicuous consumption. But what struck me as so unfamiliar is that I didn't come across a single moderate. I mean, a lot of Finns are NPCs too, but there's also a significant population who look at things from a healthy distance. I found none of that there.

Then again, maybe Vegas isn't where the non-NPCs flock.

What, almost 4 mln non whites here, its bullshit. Maybe immigrants, and they're white mostly.

wh*toid cope. mississippi is the blackest state in the country yet far less democrat than states full of educated whites like rhode island. if whites voted republican at the same rate blacks vote democrat the dems would have nothing. if white women voted republican at the same rate as white men dems would have nothing. you whites have only yourselves to blame for handing the country over to spics.

The children of Shem are being slowly surrounded

I'm not really interested in getting into a debate at the moment, but if you guys are actually interested on why an American would think that we will be fine and (in some areas) are the lowest risk of collapse, watch this: and take away from it what you will.

Where's Spain and Portugal?

Guess the hope is that once spics and niggers are the ones who must work to provide the gibs they will either leave or vote against the gibs.

Yea if you went to Vegas you probably talked to tourists on vacation. Vegas is a dump of capitalism and vice...not that America in general is much different though. You would have had similar results anywhere else. Either way, NPCs love Vegas. It's pure baseless primal urge fodder. Cheap booze, legal pussy for sale, and gambling.

I don't really have an hour to listen to it, but I do agree that America mostly has what it needs and can find domestic substitutes for foreign products if supply was cut for some reason. I was just saying that China isn't that different in that regard. It's not like they are shipping the world cheap shit and world in turn keeps them on life support. It used to be that they had no technology and services of their own but those days are gone. Economically, America and China both would just lose some wealth. Socially, I don't even know. Chinks would chimp out 99%. US seems to be very polarized at the moment, but I'm not on the ground and can't judge whether it's really as bad as internet makes it look.

The world is collapsing.

China’s biggest issue might be that it’s over populated. Any major shortage of resources there could have catastrophic effect. It is smart of them to just colonize Africa instead, and take resources from dumb niggers that couldn’t use them anyway.

Tourists, other conference attendees and cab drivers, pretty much. The booze isn't just cheap, it's totally comped if you play anything (including 25¢ video poker). Honestly - despite all the luxury - I didn't like Vegas. Like you said, it's a dump of ((())) where quite literally everyone has their hand out.

>You would have had similar results anywhere else
Have you been to any small (read: white) towns in flyover states? Is it that bad there too?

>imagine being this delusional
The fucking state is minority-majority Hispanic and Mexican retard
It’s now the most liberal large state
Since the percentage of whites people have gone down
Also retard white men in California are the only
Demographic group that votes republican by a majority in California
Mexicans vote 64-36% democratic for welfare gibs

Unfortunately this.

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It really isn’t much better anywhere else here. The United States is the ultimate experiment of (((deep state))) social engineering from the early 20th century. Scared of what happened in Nazi Germany happening again in the United States, our wonderful leaders set out to construct the ultimate social environment to dull us down and divide us enough to prevent any serious uprisings or rebellion. An entire nation raised by televison and news networks to shape the way we think and keep us occupied from the things that actually matter.

>Have you been to any small (read: white) towns in flyover states? Is it that bad there too?
Yea lots of them, and they're comfy a f. In fact, they're so comfy that people dont really need to think about anything beyond what happens in their own enclave. On the other hand, all white people here know what they're allowed to say in public. People will open up if they know you, not so much for a stranger since were in such a low trust society. One of my favorite things is to mention metzitzah b'peh to NPC's. Couple days later they'll be willing to talk about wooden doors and poop diamonds guaranteed.

tfw you're from one of the white counties at 98%.

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That is fucking grim. I mean, our largest cities are mostly pozzed like that too, but at least people outside the cities are still somewhat sane.

But don't people ever surf the channels? I mean the narratives are so radically different it's insane.
>Trump's reign of terror! His response to racist mass shooting is breaking up hispanic families *cue crying babies with dirt on their faces for some reason*, HE'S A WHITE SUPREMACIST
>*cues video of Trump saying the threat of white supremacy must be stopped* After months of planning, ICE raids factories where illegal immigrants are being exploited by ruthless capitalists

Right, and with the price of getting caught something deemed (((inappropriate))) being so high, it's understandable.

>One of my favorite things is to mention metzitzah b'peh to NPC's. Couple days later they'll be willing to talk about wooden doors and poop diamonds guaranteed.

Yes. There is a war for your mind going on all the time.

Try it some time lol. The look on someone's face once they realize jews suckle bloody baby dicks is priceless.

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Maybe I will, just for shits and giggles.

fucking niggers

I can't wait for the communist paradise that awaits once all the old white fucks die off

In a word, yes. On the other hand, we did it to ourselves and for my family personally we are already prepping for the war so I couldn't care less.

>Solid Blue

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The United States is natively multicultural.
Deal with it stormfag

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t. salty nonwhite

The cold war was one big experiment on how to control the goyim

After ebil ol Hitler was defeated the jews then set forth on their question to control the goyim. the only question was what was better? Force communism on the goyim or subvert them through gay capitalism?

Well it turned out that gay capitalism was a better means of control so the jews went with that. They shut off the money to the soviet union and it collapsed. Now we live in an age of corporate ran thought policing and policies that ensure you legally aren't allowed to survive. People are much less likely to rebel against the establishment because that means no more bread and circuses.

That's why gamergate was such a big deal. The bread and circuses were getting poisoned to toxic levels and it woke some people up. Gamers need to uniroinically rise up before the entire world becomes a jew ran prison planet forever

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show flag

fucking worthless piece of shit niggerpedes, i swear to god. Who the FUCK are these people?
How are you this far gone?

I'm not the one whining about race all the fucking time.
I'm white and just happen to be secure enough not to trip on race.
You losers are obsessed with race because that's the only thing you have that you can argue makes you superior to anybody in the world.


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In the past year 50,000 fewer white children were born. 15% of that decrease came from California alone, even though only 14/200 million white people live there.

What's happening is that white liberals stopped having kids in the 1970s, so overall whites have stopped growing. Once conservatives hit a certain percentage of the population it will start growing again.

There are no conservatives in canada so OP will continue to repost his shit thread every 5 hours like he normally does until the Racism Police arrest him for anti-American xenophobia on an unsanctioned website.

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Is this your first day on the Soros payroll? You need to up your banter game hard if you plan to make it. Tell your handler you need to redo the training.

I too know the feeling of having to drive 30 minutes to your local shit mart. How big is your shooting range?

>Is this your first day on the Soros payroll?
wish somebody would pay me. I'm just trying to wake you up from your nightmare.

So what you're saying is, we wait for the white liberals die out and let the conservatives have more white children. Shit, that sounds like a plan.

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You're the one who's dreaming, buddy.

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The Amish’s population growth is almost exponential. They will somehow be the saviors of the White demographic in the US. Nothing makes sense anymore.

>Uncle Ted and the primitivists win after all

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Goodbye. We aren't meant to live in this world forever anons. Accept Jesus to have eternal life. This world has nothing for us, the masses of people want to be sold and eat a lie.

Take this picture in this post for example:
It just shows how the world naturally wants what's wrong. They want to be blinded. So I say, live for Jesus. Have your hope put into the next life. Try and build something great and meaningful hear, of course. But never think that this is all that we have. Because we have hope in the promises of Jesus and His Kingdom.

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>I'm just trying to wake you up from your nightmare
So you’re going to expel the Jew and establish traditional order

Are you Catholic or Protestant?

t. defeatist cuck

expelling the jew wouldn't have any effect.
there'd just be good christian shysters fucking you over the table and a corporate master race with traditional values that controls your life.

>expelling the jew wouldn't have any effect
I retract my earlier statements, you're a kike.

White trash will outbreed white liberals therefore the future of the white race is rightwing redneck amerifatts

Live in Swalwell's district.
3 187's in the last 2 years.
Just had 2 fully armored SWAT vehicles arrive to serve arrest warrants at the house across the street.
No reply from inside.
They blew the windows, tossed flash grenades, rammed the front door down and sent a small robot inside.
The 3 they were looking for were 18, 29, an 22.
ALL Hispanic, driving brand new vehicles.
Found out from the"Crisis Intervention Supervisor" a week later they were a home-invasion crew putting pistols to the heads of toddlers.
Can't leave California yet.
Stepmom battling cancer, sister-in-law has advanced MS.
When GOD is done with this season of our lives, wife and I will be packing up our guns and be heading to a Red state.
This is not the California I grew up in.
Fuck Leftists and even more the Liberals who don't have the balls to confront them.

It's almost as if there was a southern invasion or something...

We're not going to be fine, but we are in a much better position than most.

>you're a kike
that's all you little bitches have is your stupid racial superiority complex, because without it, you're nothing.

see how he recoils

You got em

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>see how he recoils
Every time.

Brazil has lots of whites

I have been on this website since 2005 newnigger, also not an argument.

"I've been found out."

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t. Kike