The Croatian diplomat in Berlin, mother, patriot and obviously a race realist miss Eliza Madarevic shocked the Croatian public after her FB posts got published on Soros financed leftist media.
The woman posted fotos from her vacation in Croatia and she wrote "This is Croatia, white and pure. Its how Europe used to be and how it should be."
The leftist tabloids bombard the woman with typical slurs not for the first time. The woman met Angela Merkel and she told her "You are lacking German culture and identity".
After the story cought fire in the croatian media, Eliza wrote another, public FB post saying: I will not apologize for anything, because what I told is the truth.
- Her other FB posts are mostly patriotic, praising family and culture and faith.
Bow down youdogs and pay your respects.! All hail Queen Eliza

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Is she married?

After Muslims replace Western Europeans, Slavs will inherit all of Europe. They'll complete the genocide the West Euros should have done.

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I think she is. Yes.

lmao some nigger probably turned her down for sex

croats are liberal pussies. they are good at babbling on /pol how based they are but in live they are doing / behaving exactly opposite way.

das rite Stanislaw

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me on the left
deal with it white cuck

remove fake flag faggot

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>Shocked the Croatian public
lmao who did she shock? All the articles I've seen about her (and there isn't many) everyone in the comments are supporting her and saying that she didn't say anything wrong.

Top kek. This is what happens when you take too many redpills at once.

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Shocked Soros financed faggots. The people are still in-tact mostly.

funniest thing is that only index published it, and most comments support her

No we are black bvlls of the Mediterranean

This, and whether or not she has children: the only relevant information.


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stay salty

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I've also seen it on 24 sata too (trash news as well I know). Top comments were supporting her. And I say "were" because these (((journalists))) keep deleting the comments as fast as they are uploaded.

She "shocked" the crowd (the Croatian Huffington Post for all you nonCro anons) aka the 0.4% of the electorate that votes for Radnicka Fronta.

shutting it down

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Also as an aside, the way to anally obliterate these leftist index scum is to point out that the owner of index is a tax evading, thieving, Soros funded traitor


Immorality is only bad when your side does it. Remember we can fuck children and it's perfectly fine.

Oops memeflag.

Based beauty. You love to see it.

>croats are liberal pussies.
no hey fought hard in war and won over us

Leftist cognitive dissonance is truly a thing to behold, I agree.

Leftist argument: pedophilia is perfectly natural and should be legalized except when a priest does it in which case its obviously evil and the fault of the entire Church and proves that religion should be banned.

The correct argument would be: all pedos, ordained or otherwise, should be shot by firing squad and dumped into a mass grave.


That was a big mistake. Tudjman and Milosevic were short sighted. Should have maintained Yugoslavia and started preparing for the downfall of the West so we'd be in a prime position to sweep in and genocide the shitskins, liberating our western friends from ZOG tyranny.


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hey kike

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>Is she married?
Kek, asking the important questions, never change Jow Forums

fuck this jew shill

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t. mixed croat/serb offspring mutt yugo.


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There is only one Queen of the Jow Forumsacks

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Did you know that Sellner and the other continental identitarians disavowed the UK branch's decision to have Millennial Woes as a guest speaker?


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Queen is Eliza

all they are controlled opposition. they suoport trump, putin , salvini and all another fake opposition politic

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>meme flag
>calling others kike
self-hating much?

ok shill , Usa is jew nation ! there more jew in USA than israel .

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