
Come back sweet Prince.

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Who is that?

He left us in good hands despite their fuckery

The man who destroyed Jow Forums

Literally who?
Also not politics related

Fucking Newfags

Only newfags use the term newfag

i kind of think i prefer hiro who just kind of quietly exists in the background instead of trying to create a cult of personality around himself

How much Google cum do you think he's swallowed since he left?


Fuck m--t, bring back SNACKS

I love niggers so much I want to kiss them on the mouth every single day. I want to adopt them and breed them with my children, and so does the majority of Jow Forums now, so let's make america great again. Let's be real, Israel isn't even that bad.

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He's too busy chilling with Epstein on his secret island in the Bermuda Triangle.

L U G G A G E. L A D.

I even wonder why (((They))) didn't buy the site when it was up to sale. Glad Hiroshima took the bullet...

Like Hitler, he is never coming back.


From creating one of the biggest bastions of free speech on the internet to working for one of the biggest pro-censorship companies in the world, what a fall


you mean princess

Attached: Before during and after pol 3.jpg (778x490, 115K)

literal cuck

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Who is he?

Funny thing is mootykins would probably still be Admin of the site if it wasn't for this board Jow Forums

Assholes tried to ruin his life basically for no reason. He probably sold it to the FBI directly after that cuck shit happened

It was really a low period for Jow Forums I remember because there was no cripple chan filter

You have to go back

>be moot
>have based ben call you a cuck

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>not understanding that was a common saying before 2016

Your mom destroyed Jow Forums

>doesn't remember moot locking Jow Forums with an image of black cuck porn for 2 weeks straight

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he's a undercover triple agent working at google, getting us information as an insider.

None. His employment at Google is secretly a high-level Jow Forums shill raid. All of his contributions to the company so far have been lowkey shitposts.


Our creator had the right to make us in his own image


I don't remember that part. I do remember the 8 steps.

rip luggage lad
made weird decisions and interned for a pedo company
he might be missed

makes sense. when google hired moot he was assigned to the google+ team, and as you know g+ was closed a while ago because it had massive security holes.

Fuck that faggot, I don't want a butthurt retard like him to ruin shit because we found out he is a beta cuck.

He is living and working full time in Japan as a Google Maps Japan Project Manager.

Why would the Hypocrite ever come back?

He even made fun of weebs who dreamed of living in Japan a long time ago but now he is a full time weeb.

Wasn't it because of the Fappening which originated on /b/ first?

So in a way, /b/ caused moot to quit not Jow Forums.

Fappening was the last major event before moot quit.

>because it had massive security holes.
That and no one used it because google is evil.