When will the next civil war start?

When will the next civil war start?

Attached: Balkanized America.jpg (648x405, 104K)

when you run out of mcdonalds and sportsball

In the US? I'm guessing early spring 2021.

In the next decade in Europe most likely. The US has a ways to go yet.

you have guns, we don't

There is no formal civil war. Glowniggers disrupt any formation of Europeans. Spic and nigger are allowed to formed gangs though. Violence will likely continue to be random and sporadic as various Europeans start to realize the Africans and Indigenous savages are vastly outpopulating them. It's going to be labelled as terrorism and the bill of rights will be restricted, then removed from the constitution.

>Aztlan empire
This make believes that democracy will be tolerated in Southern California where there is so much wealth.

You never had many guns for the people and yet Europe's history is one of repeated revolution.

this map is fucking stupid
>cubans (5% of flordias population) somehow taking over
>canadians suddenly forming new states together with americans
>catholic mexicans suddenly adopting native religions
>black belt negroes calling their nation "new south"
>native americans doing anything at all
it's like the fantasy of a twelve year old.

Balkanize or give me death. Gas the fucking kikes, spics, and niggers.

Attached: Control.jpg (797x1897, 211K)

Once Republicans realize that these are the last years of the right because of racial demographics. There are still cuckservatives who think Mexicans and blacks will start voting republican just cause they hate fags too. National level politics are as culturally cemented as religion and it’s never going to happen.

Niggers will end up calling their territory the new Islamist Republic of America.

It a based on demographics and regional cultural differences. Its not a legit proposal.


AFTER the next recession. It might be in the next few years. The markets are already beginning to slow down.

That map makes more sense than most of the civil war US breakup maps that I have seen.

This is happening in Canada as well. I'm in direct contact with my Conservative MP and tell him this frequently. He replies with " what is the return on investment with the new immigrants"? It will be about 10 years here in his riding before he wont get voted in any longer due to shitskin invasion. Once they run a towelhead against him from another party, his cuckservatism will be over because we'll be liberal/ socialist.

Government analysts give it a 65% chance in the next 5 years.

This. Absolute certainty in the 2020's.

I wish

When they try to take money from white Americans to be administered to the lowest common denominator of our society, and only the administrative officials get wealthier.

Attached: 5B67CBA0-7321-46FD-B160-62A80553720A.jpg (599x800, 68K)

I don’t mean money going from whites to blacks, but money going from the more responsible to tattooed trash, drug dealers, and various scum.

When Texas goes solid blue


Can't civil war without guns?
When did everyone become pussies?


i mean that hasnt stopped muzziez with trucks and machetes from going ham. dont see why no guns would stop crazies from uprising.

it will be a peaceful secession of states
and then a bitter legislative battle with saber rattling over natural resources rights

Never because why the fuck would America have another civil war at this point? It doesn't even make sense

Ew I dont want to be a Texan....fuck that

One of the worst balkanizations I've seen.