How do I redpill my gf, Jow Forums?

How do I redpill my gf, Jow Forums?

>be me
>match qt on tinder
>was all good at first, invited her over a few times and had sexy time
>she became my gf
>was at her place a few times (still lives with her parents, like me)
>some day she said her father is out of town and we can stay at his apartment for a while (her parents are divorced)
>alrighty, some privacy sounds good
>arrive at her dad's place
>fucking EU Flags, flags of Che Guevara and USSR everywhere
>ask her about it
>told me she and her dad are communists
>never talked about politics before so didn't know
>I am really loving her, so instead of dumping her I accepted the quest of redpilling her
>slowly getting into it, she's a Normie tho, so doesn't care about Jow Forums and memes and everything
>reason won't work, she simply ignores the fact how communism always failed and killed millions of people

What do I do? Is there a chance of getting her on our side?

Pic related, it's some of the Flags.

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show her all the red pills you have acquired over the years, and be good at fucking.

That's the lion's den, (OP). No chance in redpilling her. Pump & dump.

Start with Che Guevera. Dude was a racist who also hated gays.

Thanks Che. You've been a great communist for the last 52 years.

probably has something to do with pic related, about 90% of the thread around females are solved by pic related, srsly.

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Yeah the fucking part is in progress and seems to work well, but she doesn't seem to care about my typical redpills

She literally doesn't care and completely blocks off when I tell her stuff like that

>she and her dad are communists
>EU flags everywhere

Lmao, pottery

you have to fuck her dad to assert dominance

Raus da, Junge.

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Cunts fucked mate, wear a MAGA hat next time you see her and watch her seethe in hatred.

NPC-tier. Leave while you can.

She's a beaner?

You say heil Hitler as you nut inside her. Tis the only way user

It’s harsh but you know what to do.

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If she becomes obsessed with you, you becoming her reason to live, she will start adapting to your worldview and opinions. My last girlfriend suddenly became interested in politics, state of the world and history about 6 months after we started seeing each other. She wanted to know everything. Granted she was neutral at the beginning and not a complete lefty. Take your time let the process go slow, but consider leaving if she doesn't seem to change.

>EU flags everywhere

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Ask her why many communists attack the working class for not using the proper pronouns.

You’re a little kiddie if you still live at home and no one cares about your bullshit. Check back in when your grow up.

>Using tinder
First mistake, both of you are lost causes, just kys. If you were smart you wouldn't be making this shit thread.

You're not using force. And force my friend is violence, the supreme authority from which all other authorities derived.

read her excerpts from ches diary where he openly talks about his hatred for "niggers" and laughs about shooting "niggers and faggots" against a wall for fun.

also, tell her about the actual origin of the EU, as in its origins with the pan-european union founded by Count Richard Coudenhove Kalergi, the half jap half jew racial supremacist, who outlined his plan to destroy Europe and the peoples thereof, in his book Practical Idealism.

look up "the kalergi plan". angela merkel and jean claude junker (spelling may be off for these 2 names but you know who I mean - JCJ is the president of the EU iirc), and others, have all won the "kalergi award" from the EU government.

get her Alexander Solzenitshyns books to read. either physical copies or PDF versions. he was actually in the USSR government and then actually in the gulag system for years. he explains things very thoroughly.

maybe make some friends on facebook with some cubans in miami. contact the miami proudboys chapter. sit down with her and talk to them over facetime or skype or whatever, about Che, Castro and communism and what it really was/is like, and why they and many like them, fled Cuba and Venezuela.

if you are near poland then contact some poles who lived through communism (the poles fucking hate commies btw), maybe go for a trip to speak to these people, or just skype them instead if not possible.

if you really like this girl, you will do the above.

if she will simply not listen, and it is likely that she won't - if you haven't realized what these people are like by now, then to be honest, there is probably no hope for you either - then dump her and remove her from your life and leave her to it.

if it was me I would hatefuck the shit out of her and degrade her like the worthless whore she is, proper hardcore tier shit, and then vanish and cut off all contact.


>If she becomes obsessed with you, you becoming her reason to live

never gonna happen. OP is clearly too much of a faggot and weakling for this to ever happen.

Ist NAZBOL time

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Americans communists arent really communists they hate the rich but they also hate the workers too. They only seem to like minorities which are neither so it should be called something different.


Evidently he understands the purpose of the EU better than you.

Auf wiedersen

while fpbp, this is a practical #1

Keep fucking her, don't make a big thing about politics, keep being redpilled, don't push it on her too much or she'll get pissy about it. Sounds like she already understands you are to the right of her. Just make sure that you don't agree with her stupid "arguments". If necessary, stop talking. Don't argue with her about politics, just keep putting that dick in her. Eventually marry her and have kids. All this shit will move her towards a sensible, natural position.
You can't redpill people over night. And it's often ugly when it happens - hence the Q Boomers in the US.
Remember that the most important thing you can do for your people is make more of them, irrespective of their politics.

You can start with ask if her dad is a racist. Cos Che was a racist.

She literally just has a crush on Che. Probably is unaware of anything he said, but also hates da ebil rich.
Problem is that in crush mode, bitches won't care if the guy they like diddles kids.

You need to make her feel like the communist and the establishment are out to hurt her. The first step of being red pilled is being annoyed with the “fuck white people” attitude that enemy has. Humans vote and act in their own self interest.

Run for your life

Turn her Natbol faggot. Easiest thing to do.
Then change her mind to Natsoc/Natcap from there. Take it step by step but always start with nationalism.
In my opinion, an economic system should be based off the race and culture of a people, theres no one size fits all economic approach.

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just tell her that its gay and retarded and make her disavow it first.

Show her Yuri Bezmenovs video, this is exactly what he spoke about. Just say hey baby lets watch a lecture by a KGB agent.

Hey (petname) Lets watch a soviet lecture by KGB agent! How exciting!

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antagonize the dad and steal her
she will see as the new alpha male and give you all her bananas
ah no... those are gorillas

Never buy her gifts or take her out anywhere. Just see her to fuck. If she says we dont do anything, you dont buy me anything just tell her its all capitalist bullshit. Use communism against her so much she will become to hate her own prized idealology. For holidays and birthdays give her cheap as shit books by Marx infront of everyone, while everyone else got a cool brand name thing under the xmas tree. If she complains you can say i thought you hate capitalism. So easy be creative your german for fucks sake, engineer her mind to think the way you want, shes a women they adjust to the man.

If she complains about not getting gifts and starts witholding sex just tell her she is monetizing romance like a dirty capitalist. You can literally TURN HER INTO YOUR SLAVE- SHE IS LOOKING FOR A DICTATOR FIGURE IN HER LIFE - BE THAT DICTATOR

I was going to completely ignore this post. Any man who falls in love with a tinder whore deserves his pain.

However, seeing she is commie scum and you have taken on a noble quest, I will try and offer any advice I can.

Che Guevara is easy, given he was redpilled on niggers. Perhaps that is a potential opening to properly educate your woman on our simian cousins.
The USSR, how can anyone actually support such a vile jewish creation. such a subversive, parasitic, stinking cesspit of poverty and corruption.
As people before me have suggested - show her Yuri's video. Also, redpills on the semitic nature of communism is required.
The JQ is the ultimate redpill - the final piece of the puzzle that completes the picture.

Alternatively, cut off her filthy communist head and throw it in a canal for children to find.

>have sex multiple times and become bf/gf without even knowing each other
Why do people do this?

>Any man who falls in love with a tinder whore deserves his pain.
Beautiful post

Because we live in a fucking hedonistic degenerate society.
Divorce rates are going through the roof.
Single parents are the norm.
The whole concept of the nuclear family is under a concentrated attack by the primary social media news outlets (the ones normies consume) like buzzfeed, huffpost etc.

Meanwhile more people are falling into depression than ever. More people are reliant on (((medication))) than ever. Our streets become more violent as crime spreads out of control - a primary cause of which is a poor upbringing for sure.

Don't like it? have sex, incel.


Just leave her alone and never talk about politics, it's not like being a communist will make any difference in your relationship

There's your problem.

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Give her this book to read. It’s funny and mocks sjw commies.

Dude you’re a fucking retard. Toss the bitch down the stairs and her father too

Just start dropping mad redpills while fucking her into a bloodcurdling orgasm to create a positive association

what the fuck krautbro that room is insane, only an antifa could do that

What does this mean?

you arent going to redpill her. women dont grasp reality, only emotion. move on.