Does the end justify the means?

Does the end justify the means?

Attached: new world order.png (340x312, 92K)

In the end we obliterated Krauts. Feels good

Pic is blurry as fuck reupload

Jews won WWII, not Russians. The Russian white army lost before WWII even started.

>Mfw you spread communism, enabled the bankers and elites to control most of the world as well as slav tards.
Great job

to bad 26 million soviets were killed
to bad Hitler was high out of his mind on opiods
to bad Hitler ignored his best generals or Russia was easily invaded

Oh fuck off with your Jew bullshit. We beat the sauerkraut-eaters fair and square.

Sounds like a good job to me!

>Communism enabled bankers and elites

The ones that were shot during revolution? Huehuehie.

Well its hard to cope when western Europe is turning into a shithole

That's entirely your own fault

Your country was jewed and the rest of the jewed world fought Germany. It wasn’t a fair fight it was a dog pile

>WE did it!

You're welcome for:

-$11 billion (160 billion in 2019 money) in gold and raw materials

-400,000 Jeeps and Mac Trucks

-12,000 Armored vehicles (7,000 tanks)

-11,400 aircraft

-1.75 million tons of food

Fucking communists.

The fags shouldn't have invaded slavs, its never a good idea

because you zerg rushed them like niggers
now germany is way richer than Russia. Cry more bitch lmao.

red army=bolsheviks=jews
your country is the root of all garbage in this world

Hey, nice job helping it out with the Krauts! We will beat them again if they raise their ugly nazi head ever again!

How can i be my fault i vote anti-immigration anti-EU

>your country is the root of all garbage in this world
And that's the way I like it!

Your fault = western countries' fault. Not specifically your own.

ngl that's based

>all the naziboos in this thread blaming Russia
It's not Russia's fault the autistic krauts invaded, Russians did everything in their power to prevent their genocide at the hands of the krauts.

To be honest i wish germany didnt break the Berlin-Moscow alliange, And just focused on invadiing Germanic countries and killing jews

Now Germany is well on their way towards extinction, It's going to become middle east 2.0 along with all the western euros.

Not on my watch

t. reuben goldberg

delusional , russia was lost b4 ww1

how does it feel to be an useful idiot?

Imagine a united Germanic Empire with Germany, the Netherlands, Iceland Sweden and Norway.