Imagine being memed into not supporting our greatest ally, the only democracy in the middle east

Imagine being memed into not supporting our greatest ally, the only democracy in the middle east.

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nobody gives a shit about the middle east including Israel
fuck off and stay there and keep your conflicts to yourself it's not worth one drop of white blood to support any side

kill yourself

funny how I see this whole board run to defend white south African farmers or Hong Kong protesters.

>t. pragerU alumni

Fuck out of here Jew, The Boers are Dutch, Hong Kong protesters are Chinese not Jews and everyone is better than a Jew

fuck off kike

and how do Jews peacefully living in Israel affect you?

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>our greatest ally

No one trust you!

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worthless MIGA niggerpedes, get your shit pushed in by a GRIDS infected nigger dick you fucking maggot

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because its the sole reason democracies and stable secular nations cannot be formed in the middle east. and thus the cause of all conflict in the area and all immigrants heading to Europe. if you read a book or 2 about contempary middle eastren history you should now this

>because its the sole reason democracies and stable secular nations cannot be formed in the middle east
Israel is not just doing fine, its THRIVING and with the unbreakable alliance Israel has with The United States, both countries will continue to prosper.

le only democracy lmao. muslim countries have at least a theocratic constitution equally valid for everyone, israel instead has a fairly authoritarian set of laws for one race, potentially from the entire world, and plain aparthaid for another race, actually living in the state. israel is not even a proper national state, let alone democracy

Shitposts rand, the shitposts.

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i obvously meant democracies except that of Israel. altough Israel cannot be a fully classified democracy, since it has such an etnic religious fundament in its constitution.not saying that is wrong, that should be done in Europe as well. but the enemy of your enemy is mostly not your friend. if i have to choose between Israel as an ally and less immigrants to Europe, then Isreal can be destroyed and settled by refugees for all i care. but of course the American empire would not allow that. also you have guts asking someone how israel affects someone when you live as far away from it as possible

Why are so many italian flags shilling for niggers? No one cares you soviet failure kike. You are literally a marxist godless kike cock sucker. Go away kike boy

*nukes your shithole*
Nothing personal, kid...

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>Imagine being memed into not supporting our greatest ally,
What have they ever done for us? They have never fought alongside us in any war. They have sunk one of our ships, they sell our technology to the Chinese, they steal our uranium and nuclear secrets, and they take our money.
> the only democracy in the middle east.
And? Why is that important?
The only good Israeli is a dead one, from what they have shown us.

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supporting Israel has nothing to do with immigrants. The mutually beneficial relationship that the US shares with Israel doesnt flood America or Europe with migrants, your own polititians do.
Look at Israel, its closer to Africa and the middle east but it doesnt accept foreign migrants

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"Those brown guys are bad! and these jew guys are fighting them! haha this mut mean these guys are our friends!" literally a childs mentality. i have no love for arabs and turks. not gonna become a jew lover because of it. i am not an impulsive retard

Imagine being so Russian as to think that the US is going to forget Israel giving us their airbases to bomb Saddam.

>Only democracy in the middle east

So what?

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What do we get from Israel?
Spying, white guilt, a tab to pay....

I never supported it.

>mutually beneficial relationship

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of course it does, read a book.

>qassem suleimani
America will PROUDLY defend Israel from any aggression coming from undemocratic dictatorships who seek nothing but destruction for the sake of destruction.
The friendship the US shares with Israel runs deep, and the US will NEVER let evil to flood into Israel

Fuck off kike

Your people have done enough to persecute the proud innocent jewish people. Polish concentration camps have killed many jewish men, women and children, and reparations will be paid.
>inb4 muh reperations
stormfags support reperations for the justified bombing of Dresden

Israel is Americas foothold in the middle east, and if the time comes then the US needs help sometime in the future, Israel will be glad to help. You need to understand that this is a special kind of friendship that no other two countries share.

exactly.the Jews do great research and development

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Pilpul is less impressive than I've been told

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can't wait for the american empire to collapse so that Europe can liberate itself from toxic american cultural dominance. the potency of multiculturalism as an ideology will finaly be dead.

>only democracy in the middle east, who cares?
that means that Israel is a part of a group of countries where the people are free. This fact alone creates a bond between these countries, which almost only reside in Europe and America.
And because of this bond, these countries need to defend themselves and do what they must to spread democracy and free people enslaved by dictatorships

>dat baby eating grin

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Oh cut it out Jews... if you can't figure out that we're just fucking with you then hang it up

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Its not toxic American dominance, its western culture. and this includes democracy. Israel chose to embrace democracy so in turn israel is part of the West and should be embraced by America and europe.
America has a significantly greater military than both europe and israel so the US protects them both.
People complain that America spends money and resources on Israel, but forget that the US has military bases in europe and pays for their defence.

>Israel is Americas foothold
America is Israels foothold in the Americas bud.

Imagine actually supporting a state that tortures and shoots unarmed civilians and funds mass immigration into europe.

>shoots unarmed civilians
so you dont want foreign invaders in europe but do nothing about it? Israel knows how to handle terrorists and invaders from crossing her border. Maybe europe should follow by example

jews are the traitors of humanity, it's in their nature to go out of their way to piss off everyone off. It's like jews themselves wish someone would just slaughter them.

you are mistaken, Israel is not a Liberal democracy such as you find in America or Europe. non-jewish people have serious restrictions even if they have a israeli id. and as i said the main reason why islamic countries can't form democracies is because of israel. if you knew anything about contemporary arabic political history you would know that.

How is he wrong? Without Israel we wouldn’t have many things. Like intel.

Except Israelis don't want Europeans to close their borders, a monoracial society threatens Jewish power in goy countries.

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>Except Israelis don't want Europeans to close their borders

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Europe can somehow handle democracy while bordering the dictatorship of russia. The middle east claiming they cant handle having democracies in their own because of a sovereign country living peacefully is just a lie. If the middle east wont change, then America has to step in

Its gotta suck for you guys getting blamed for the leftist jews around the world.

Imagine supporting a country that attacked us on 9/11

that is a baseless claim. Europes own politicians are doing it. Why do conservative countries in eastern europe not have a migrant crisis, but liberal countries in western Europe do?
Here's a hint: its not Israel, its europes own polititians

>in the middle east.
you said it, in a realm outside of your own which you should keep your disgusting paws off of or prepare your ass for the coming rightful vengeance

Western culture is just a synonym for american culture these days and didn't exist in most of europe before 1945.

Israel HELPED the United States post 9/11. Anyone claiming that the US/Israel relationship is one sided was proven wrong post 9/11.

How many IDF soldiers were deployed to Afghanistan?

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2 were retarded, one was a dog, and one was a goat wearing a helmet.

Why should we support people who despise us deeply and want nothing more than to turn our entire population in to beasts or burden?

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If you are against Israel, you are against America and you are against democracy. If you will not change willingly, someone will come in and unshackle the chains that enslave your people.
America has done it to your country before, and if continue to threaten Israel, there will be round 2.

I stand corrected they sent there special forces

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Enough reasons?

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America has the firepower that Israel just cant compete with,.Israel, being the small country it is, does its part through collecting intelligence. why so you think Mossad is so infamous for anti-Israel posters on this board?

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comparing an apple to a pear as they would say here. russia is not a serious threat to most of europe as Israel is to the instable and weak Arab countries. this has also got to do with Arab nations being mostly clearly european drawn artificial creations where the people still identify with their local communities and religions instead of with their nation. if you are clever you can figure out another reason why democracies don't work in islamic middle eastren countries from this info. btw if Russia isn't classified as a democracy by your standards then neither is Israel. since neither of the two have meet the conditions of being a pure democracy.


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Jews did 9/11

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Israel is a secular democracy, quoting the Talmud is no argument to discredit this great nation. Israel does not despise the United States, why do you thing its called our greatest ally

Except that part where they told us that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and that if we invaded it would have positive effects on the entire region.


Stop typing, you’ve proven you have zero idea how the world works. Go back to watching Fox News and drinking your beer while your entire family talks behind your back about how much they pity and despise you.

i fully recognize Israel as a colonial entity foreign to middle east, no need to remind me
and your little threats don't even scare my cat
you will fuck around for 10 years then run tail between legs and wonder why your invasion failed again, not willing to recognize that we're unlike you not slaves who role play as free, but truly free men as free as our desert wolves with no Jewish boot on our heads telling us what to think and do
you are not a human, you lack self awareness

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He doesn't have his flag on geolocation, but it's clear as day he's a kike from kikeland and is trying to convince everyone it's a great place because its a "democracy"

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Big if true. Big "if". Looks suspiciously good for a 2000 year old manuscript.

>i fully recognize Israel as a colonial entity foreign to middle east
Good, as long as you recognize the border, America is Israels greatest ally, and any threat to Israel will be treated as a threat to America

the arab conquest won't last forever habibi.
keep the ethno-bomb on your mind.

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Non country full of non people begging, subverting and moaning for a non future.
Non humanos with non souls.
Go to hell.

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>at no cost
no they are incredibly heavily subsidised
Instead of public services you have protecting Israel from all of its neighbours who want to get rid of it for being a chimp


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>the arab conquest
Arab liberation from roman conquest***
Semites forced into the desert retaking their rightful lands
you have to go back to Poland shlome

>democracy in the middle east.

Israelis aren't white

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Fuck off and die

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Either way, Arab countries are still a threat to Israel, and any country that threatens Israel has America to answer to.
Russia is no democracy, rigged elections means that is is a dictatorship


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Yeah, bomb the USS liberty and blame it on egypt and that'll get the U.S in the war!
Fuck off retard.

Democracy is sure death. Anyone that allows the uneducated masses a voice is doomed to their own stupidity.

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Israel belongs to the proud Jewish people. And if you or your other totalitarian countries cant accept that, maybe a few hundred tons worth of missiles will.
The middle east has been a shithole for centuries and the only middle eastern country that is actually respected on the wold stage happens to be a democracy known as israel

You arabs always have those cool alternative histories,but why go through all of this,just say its yours because you took it by force,and keeping it with force,the will of Allah or something.
the "semites" thing is not real fyi,just a jewish theory,people of the middle east were white,on par with the ancient greeks.