White nationalism is an idea whose time has come

it cannot be stopped now.

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>White nationalism
>posts a nigger female with blue contacts and dyed hair
White is not a country either JIDF


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Irish, Welsh, Scots and English need to stand together with the rest of Europe and its diaspora against the threat of leftism, globalism and mass third world immigration
we're all in this together facing the same threats and nobody is safe unless we unite and help each other

reminder: you're not a real ethnonationalist if you want to interfere in other homelands and commit genocide
ethnonationalism is about love for your own people and their home and wanting to preserve them

imperialism, colonialism, genocide, etc is not only morally wrong but will hurt your people in the long run - by destabilizing foreign regions which will then cause refugees to flee (to your country), by including them inside your empire and then they will try to move around and dilute your own homeland, by inspiring terrorist attacks against your own people from the subjugated peoples, etc

imperialism, colonialism and genocide are unironically anti-white

White = people of European descent

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It's already been stopped. By 2100 white people aren't gonna exist

imperialism can only be defeated by communism

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>White is not a country
It is for every European in the New World dipshit

no you fucking retard, communism is how a country puts a gun to its own head and pulls the trigger, the gun being economic collapse and starvation
>inb4 lies and hysterical propaganda claiming communist countries didn't collapse or kill millions
save it dumbass, you're beyond hope

Oh yes it is. You're living in it. Why do you think we have terms for african american, asian american, latin american, indian american, and on and on and on. But you'll never hear British american. Or Polish american. Or Romanian American. But you know what you will hear? American. Or white american.

The founders knew. That was the goal. "Free white men of good character." They wanted our brothers and sisters to shed the hatreds of the old world and live together in the last, best hope of earth. They wanted an end to the brother wars and the pointless slaughter. Germans have been fighting Frenchmen since before Germany or France existed. But here? Here they don't fight. You call them mutts. I call them whites. And they're mad. And they're getting madder. And you have no idea how to stop them.

Most europeans have MENA admixture

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communism has improved every country it was ever implemented in.

>Russia going from a decrepit wasteland to a superpower equal to the United States
>China going from the sick man of Asia to the powerhouse it is today
>Cuba going from a slave state to a country americans go to to buy drugs illegally
>Liberated vietnam, which used to be a french colony, defeated the US in war

Socialist economies are more efficient than capitalist ones. More resiliant. Better at development.

like I said, you're a hopeless lost cause, everything you said is objectively false and has mountains of undeniable evidence to prove it but you have swallowed so much lying propaganda for so long that your brain is now immune to the truth

Cringe thread.

No, white is a jewmutt. Italians are Italian. Germans are German. You're a fucking mutt with no history, no language, no culture, and no race.
>Oh yes it is. You're living in it.
I'm living in the country with the most jews in the world. It's soon to be the country with the most beaners in the world as well.

>Socialist economies are more efficient than capitalist ones. More resiliant. Better at development.
If that's true, there would be socialist countries. There aren't. And no, China isn't socialist in any way, shape, or form.

Brown eyes and brown hair here.

If you don't consider me European because of that, go fuck yourself

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Except for those enemies of the party, right comrade? They didn’t fair so well.

Keep crying bitch. Centrally planned economies are objectively better at managing resources than your free market retardation. The Soviet Union was the greatest country to ever exist.

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don't humor him, just ignore him

same as Himmler who was fully white, same as white Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, etc
the "you're not white" bullshit is a leftist divide and conquer tactic

White supremacists will rot in hell Allah says so

You're a jew mutt without your ancestors language, culture, or knowledge. You worship servitude to the jew and usury based economy.

Reminder: this is a thread about white nationalism, not arguing with braindead communists who have years of false information cemented in their heads that you cannot remove with Jow Forums posts

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Youre all domestic terrorists and we're gonna take your guns and put you in prison for wrongthink or my name isnt Moshe Shekelstein

Look at that ugly woman with dyed hair. Her son will be an ugly mutt with black hair and brown eyes too.

It's not like I'd ever want blonde hair and blue eyes to ever "die out", I'm totally on board with preserving traditional features and ethnicities. That makes me on your team regardless of anything else.

I'm somewhat of a mutt of European ethnicities, but I am 100% european

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>I'm somewhat of a mutt of European ethnicities, but I am 100% european
That's the point. We come together, we stop fighting brother wars, and we take the world, together.

>I'm somewhat of a mutt of European ethnicities, but I am 100% european
No, you're not. You're a fucking mutt. If a Spaniard breeds with a Finn, it's no longer either. It's a mutt.

Beautiful woman with tard dude.

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fix demographics first, argue about intra-continental borders later


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this and checked, reinforcing what I said earlier:

Anglos are the ugliest people in existence. They dye their hair and wear colored contacts to look like Poles or Estonians.

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>eHt6R1KJ is assblasted

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she has done more for our race than you mutt

brown eyed jew mutts aren't European

That's not my race. I'm Balto-Slavic. That's an American jew mutt.

based rolling-green-foggy-hills user

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Imperialism always leads to the destruction of its creator nation

don't absorb foreign populations inside your borders it never ends well

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lmao get a load of this tankie

don't give it (you)s user

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The term White/White nationalism is so fucking stupid, you dont pick your allies in a war based on their skin colour. Ask poles if their were invaded because of their light skin or ask chinese if they were raped by the japanese because they were so physically different than them.

>morally wrong
>killing people who have no empathy for you and want you destroyed is wrong

Killing all niggers and jews no matter were they are in the world would be cool with me
If they are alive somewhere in the world they will come back some day

>1 post by this ID
>advocating extreme violence and illegal activity
>advocating for actions harmful towards whites in the long run

Say, "White devils are keepin' us down" for over fifty years.
White devils finally decide, "OK then, we'll start keeping you down."

Based and Retardedniggerfaggotpilled

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>>advocating for actions harmful towards whites in the long run
no, its good for whites in the long run

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They fall apart just like capitalist ones do. They fall prey to the greed of the ones in control. Generally the people are starved to death and treated like shit which sucks but it is effective to say idc if people want it or not were doing it and then to have people do it regardless of the market. We can't do monorails because too many people love cars so there's no market incentive for it despite it being a better option. It's essentially a competition of random inventions and concepts vs ones that are simple and obvious but hard to freely implement. Both produce some fantastic things. I prefer the one where I can eat my fill though.