Stop Pit Bull hate

Friendly reminder that Anti Pit Bull threads are made by (((them))) to encourage the idea that banning things is ok.
Pits are the true best friend of man.

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pitbulls are dogs niggers

Hello rabbi

Of course it's a leaf

my neighborhood is filled with off leash pit-bulls this summer, its a nightmare. 10/10 bait fren.

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Stop coping you can get an amazing pit for a pet too. You can thank me later.

TFW you need to cope because you have a shitty weak breed. Get a pit. Get a REAL dog.
They're loyal, smart, strong and reliable!

Truly heroic animals.

They're misunderstood.

Does this look like the face of a killer?

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Stop shilling shitbulls, sage

May I ask what breed you have?

Only nonwhites hate dogs, I always notice this again and again

You’d be scared if they were German Shepard’s, Doberman’s or Rottweiler’s twink faggot

This. The sandniggers fear the Pit BULL.

He's a britfag muslim. He only fucks goats.

Fuck nigger dogs, kill them all.

P.S.: mohammed is a pedo

I’m white and I despise dogs, cats are better.

All pIts should be gassed and you should shut the fuck up with this faggotry, lots of shit is banned and deserves to be banned.

>spotted the boomer catlady

T. onion faggot

Show nose rabbi

You have to be 18+ to post here kids.

All dogs are evil according to sandniggers. They scare away angels according to Mohammad

Nice comeback weddit fag

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Why sandniggers are so fucking retarded?

>durr weddit
Underage confirmed.

Mohammed is a pedo, and you're a retarded mutt, so?

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Rich, coming from a pedo.

Ok summerfag

Just keep the buzzwords and tears flowing kid.

nice strawman, go get bitten to death by your shitbulls for stepping on his paw once

>No evidence for the source

Try harder Vile Schlomo

Cope onion faggot.
fuck off nigger shill

I’ve heard pit owners try to rationalize having to own a pry bar “just in case” but the dogs not dangerous nooo.

And other irrelevant buzzwords to share kid?

No evidence they were actually pits. Most of the time they confuse the breed so they just deem it as a pit.

He's smiling!

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Nigger if someone is break in to your house but you don't want your amazing guard dog to kill him isn't it great if you have a back up plan?


Imagine being this much of a soilent faggot

>t-there is no source
*provides source*
>yea well, they probably faked the statistics anyway
look at this fucking cope kek

QT puppy

>Pits are the true best friend of man.
Meanwhile, just today

It's not the breeds fault that faggot manletts cannot raise them well.

I didn't even advocate for nigger dogs, Ahmad. Go fondle your 10 year-old wife.

literally, honestly and actually kys your'eselve you retarded IQlet leaf. I hope your faggot dog rips off your dick the next time you try to have sex with it

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>22 posts by this ID
cope harder leaf

and yet you advise more and more people to take a shitbull, if they have to be trained really hard just to not maul you the second you slightly annoy them then it may be their fault, no?

It's not my fault that they are getting Pits from fucking craiglist buying them from certified nigger breeders.Buy REAL Pits from REAL breeders.

Try harder schlomo

If you raise them properly they are angels who will look out for your children like proper nannies.

When was it the last time a golden retriever or a border collie or even a fucking terrier mauled an infant or tried to eat somebody walking the other way? Yeah, didnt think so
Makes sense. All that inbreeding would make them too weak to act on their nigger impulses
>around 5% of dogs in the U.S. are pit bulls
>90% of fatalities by dog attacks are caused by pit bulls
Statistics don't lie, pit bulls are literally the niggers among dogs.

the strawman is you assuming I'm a fucking Abdul, you got too many participation awards back in America? Fucking learn to read nigger

of course its a leaf...

>25 posts by this ID

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kek, I hope you're trolling

They just need attention. I don't understand, how can you guys discriminate against dogs?

Those babies were probably asking for it.

Fuck shitbulls

Nigger dog

>Those babies were probably asking for it.
Fucking lost, good one, leaf. Today, you will be spared

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nice bait, now fuck off

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>bait thread
>27 replies by his ID


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Despite making up only 2% of the dog population...

Literally the nigger of dogs and guess who buys these dogs most of the time? Exactly

Real white men buy Golden Retrievers or German Shepards.

Pit type breeds were white man's dog brought from Europe by white men. Not until the 80s when jews corrupted them through the association with rap music and nigger "culture" did the breed begin its downward spiral into backyard mixed breed nigger dog. Just another thing the jews tried to take from whites.

Most Canadians don't like dogs that can defend themselves. Harder to fuck them.

It save a nigger


Look how disgusting ugly this thing is.

fpbp, pits are the nigger dog

They're nigger dogs and should be banned along with niggers.

Leaves always make the best bait threads kek, better than Aussies imo desu ngl


lmao this much backtracking

when I'm a millionaire I swear I'll single handedly adopt every pitbull in my community and euthanize them myself

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