Me a retard

I'm kinda worried I may be really stupid. Are there any accurate, free iq tests out there?

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You've convinced me already.

Ask your first contact doctor. Tell him people call you a "retard" a lot and you want to make sure they're not lying.

posting porn on Jow Forums is the best free iq test. You failed. You are retard.

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>free iq test
you passed with an IQ of 73

wait, what do you think IQ stands for?

go to an interview for a government job, if you get the job you'll know.

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All Jow Forums posters are sub 80 iq so you fit right in

that's a lot of flesh

just imagine planting your seed in her vagina bros

Imagine taking a sledgehammer to her lol

Here come the cumbrains.


It would probably bounce right off without harming her at all tbqh.

No such thing on the internet. Pay for one in the real world.

>tfw used to score like 103 when I was like 15 or 16 but then closer to 18 started to smoke weed heavily so my IQ most likely took a nosedive so I'm too afraid to take a test again

better get the dynamite to get this whale off the beach.

>jews want to destroy that

>iq test will show if i am stupid or not

The online ones are the same. Do a random one.

I have a 135 Mensa score which is roughly 150 on an online test. I am smarter than 99.9% of Jow Forums.


how big is your nose?

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how can i fuck the jewess in OP's webm?

Perfectly normal size. Not a kike m8.

how many genders are there?

Be rich. Invite her on your boat. ???. Profit.

Alternatively, find a fat ass escort.

Fuck, i'd act like a nigger around this qt and eat that smelly, big asshole

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Are passable traps gay?

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ravens and mensa
ravens i got 150 or something and mensa was also around that
They are free, try it out

My first thought was just emptying my nuts in her. That's a baby factory if I ever saw one.

Who is that boner donor?

Sounds like something a like would say.

t. Kafka


If you're aware of your own stupidity then you are by no means stupid

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No. Go to a professional, get tested.

lola naymark

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>trying to break my nofap streak
Nice try Schlomo.

yes. there is a one question test.
here it is:
Will you vote for Donald Trump in 2020?
If the answer is "no", then you rate as genius.

Here you have, lads: Lola Naymark in "Au fil d’ Ariane"

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imagine the smell

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Imagine fucking and creampie this fire crotch babe on the beach? Must feel like Heaven

dog bless

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Based. Currently on day 11 here.

women are niggers of the human race

there are not and i am also an iddiot

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dems know no there is no popular support for their ideas so their strategy is trying to make the opposition hated, case in point, ive been seeing this strategy shilled all over Jow Forums

why does she have a vag in the middle of her stomach?

I like boobies
