I'm with Trump, not Ann Coulter...

I'm with Trump, not Ann Coulter, and I'll tell you why: The whole theory about how Trump is controlled opposition holds no water. The luciferian Zionist globalists who want to create a New World prison planet are REEEing so fucking hard because Nationalism is on a huge rise, even in Hong Kong, thwarting their plans. Who started this? Trump did. And the fact that the United State's is a super power means the world payed attention, and followed our path.

Why the fuck would the Zionists put Trump in to start a revolution and information war against globalism and liberalism? The theory is absolutely absurd and clearly pushed by shills. The only reason Trump is pro Israel is because he was brainwashed into Zionist Christianity, and that sucks, but what is he going to do, turn on the Jews at an inappropriate moment? The people are just NOW starting to question Israel.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>a photo of nothing but brown-eyed jew mutts
the future of our country

Fuck off Jew. That's from a Lain country.

>this post
This is the weakest cia nigger fedposting drivel to date. Even I can come up with something better to get disillusioned voters to go with Trump.


Cool counter argument shill.

>Lain country
You probably meant Latin. That's not Spain, or Portugal, or Italy. Countries like Brazil and Mexico have more nigger blood than European. Being forced to learn spanish does not change your race you dumb beaner.

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>Being forced to learn spanish does not change your race you dumb beaner.
You guys have serious anger issues. Everything triggers you people. Just the air existing triggers you.

Hong Kong is not embracing nationalism you fucking dolt. They are literally betraying their fucking homeland and being led by a bunch of glow niggers to push for more globohomo. The us is fucking leading the charge against a string homogeneous society that is actually nationalistic. Holy shit the stupidity in your post is off the charts. I suggest you stick a high point in your mouth and blow your brains out.

>0 counter arguments.
I knew I was right. Shills can't refute that.

Try harder. You must be the diversity hire for the intel analysts. If globalists were so concerned over Trump they would have shot at him as a warning and if Trump really was the biggest obstacle for them they would have JFKd him some time ago, but fortunately for them his policies match in line with his and has his own Reaganized amnesty program by flooding immigrants into Democrat hellholes as a way to stick it to libs. They're still there and getting bussed across cities.

Nice tip toeing around Trump's cock sucking there op

Major psychological problems with this one. Get help.


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Niggers like you don't deserve life. You're choking out my people's resources to spread your ways of rape, murder, drug use, and promiscuity. You're damn right I'm angry.

Another lost trumptard. He doesn't love you user.

History repeats itself. Trump seems to be Thatcher 2.0 and his only effect will likely be to suck oxygen from the white nationalist movement.


If he someone gets the wall built and halts all immigration; I'll change my mind. Until then, this article seems to be deadly accurate.

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Another leftist larp shill in here dividing white people. Go figure

>Trump they would have shot at him as a warning and if Trump really was the biggest obstacle for them they would have JFKd him some time ago
You must be in your teens or 20's to be so narrow in your view. They never thought Trump would win, since they're as naive and arrogant as they are evil, and killing him would have set off a nationalist revival uncompared to the one we have while he's alive.
>his policies match in line with his and has his own Reaganized amnesty program by flooding immigrants into Democrat hellholes as a way to stick it to libs. They're still there and getting bussed across cities.
Not his fault. Also, just the very fact that he brought up immigration and the wall so heavily has woken up people to the fact that we're being invaded.
>Another poster with serious anger issues.
You guys are all alcoholics I think.

Ignore them. They say Castizos aren't white so they can divide white people.


He was put in there to stop you from burning down the world after the 2016 migrant crisis, when the power elite gave everyone a really good reason to remove them from power

Fuck Trump. If they pass Red flag laws im going to war

Quit larping sharebluefag

kys jew mutt

See You were saying?

Nice argument faggot now do the world a favor and paint your ceiling red

>Calls me nigger.
>Acts exactly like Edward Norton in America History X
>Essentially a gang member but with a swastika banner.
Edgy bruh. Way to fall into the Jewish trap. Go make a nigger hate thread now.

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>Leftist D&C shillfaggot

Only a retard ever thought Trump was "our guy", just like the retards who thought Thatcher was going to be anything like Enoch (an inane assertion in itself)

Trump is saving Israel for last for a very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Spot on

Only a nigger shills demoralization without a better and REALISTIC alternative to vote for.
What, are you some retard who thinks a revolution is coming with fat lazy Americans making money and watching Netflix?
Im trying to keep my AR and a conservative judiciary as long as possible.
Tell me a realistic alternative faggot or stfu

Wow chinks parroting propaganda from the us. Yeah really making my argument for me. Your not very good at this are you. They are repeating a fucking us mantra but nooooo they certainly arnt being funded by globohomo fuck off. I want the Chinese government to shoot every last one of those traitors.

I proved to with facts that spics like you have nigger blood, but virtually no European blood, but you still call yourself Latin. So I'll continue to ridicule you and call you a nigger, because that's what you are.

that chic needs chapstick

>He doesn't love you user.
Totally beside the point, but whatever, so many triggered shills here that want Bernie elected.
There's no white nationalist movement in this country, and there never will be. Skinheads that guzzle beer and fantasize about killing blacks doesn't count. White nationalism was never the solution here in this country. Maybe in places like Poland, but maybe not.

I literally put israel at number 11 on inportant topics when free speech, gun rights, and silicon valley chinese running the leftist panel of candidates.

Nigger Silicon Valley is funded by China as is the democrat party. And those are the primary globohomo vehicles.
Again, tell me an alternative candidate who will allow me to keep my AR and free speech?

Trump is a zionist reformer, his objective is to reform zionism from the crafty smart way it used to be and turn it into a crass dumbfuck and trashy enterprise, and in this way make its unlawful infiltration of the US federal government unsustainable.

Non sequitur you fucking cock gobbler. Trump isn't a white nationalist. It seems like you're just coping, fine, you can cope all you like, but that doesn't make Trump useful to our cause.

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Lol you think the fucking Chinese are running shit. You fucking Alex jones loving faggots are so stupid it’s the fucking Jews.

>Fuck Trump. If they pass Red flag laws im going to war
You're going to beer more-like, just like every day.

Okay so who other than Trump is advocating I keep my AR15, free speech, conservatuve judiciary, and will keep tariffs on China?

So if the deep state or whatever is so evil/arrogant/naive, why haven't they killed Trump? It's because they like him as president and he is their puppet. The media screeching is to convince dumb boomers he is doing something.

Fine he isn't white nationalist. So who is your alternative that allows me to keep my guns, my free speech, and will keep globohomos out of scotus?

It blows my mind how fucking stupid you are. There is no fucking political solution there is no candidate who will guarantee those things because they all are controlled by kikes. The only thing that will preserve those rights that you want is mass kinetic action against the system but boomers are too pussy and most people are stuck in their bubbles of comfort and false sense of security.

Fuck all, people who are unironically nationalist are to politics what professional wrestling fans who think it’s real are to sports. Inb4 schizophrenic accusations of Jewishness.

Answer my question or admit you are a shill faggot.

So tell me faggot, since you clearly admit there is no alternative candidate. How likely is it Americans will rebel when they have money, food, water, shelter, and Netflix?

I don't give half a fuck, that's not remotely what the thread is about you mongoloid.

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Keep it up user. Look how frustrated these leftist shilltards are getting.

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I am entirely convinced that the same people who so rabidly defend Trump despite his complete failure to enact any of his main goals, with the excuse of him being the lesser of two evils. Would probably defend Hilary Clinton just as vigorously had it been a race between her and Bernie.

I'm not spic, I'm from Europe. My mom and dad come from two different countries. But it doesn't matter because you're so brainwashed that you call nonwhite's shitskins even though everyone is generally the same when you speak to them in person. You're just a generic racist, there's nothing impressive about you.

You're a spic. You consider indigenous savages to be European. You call them latin.

It depends on the situation how long can this house of cards stay up. I say if we hit a large enough recession or if they keep pushing for gun control it is possible something will kick off. Perhaps more lone wolf forms of kinetic action can kick something off. I agree most are fat lazy and worthless but when they lose their comfort maybe they will do something.

Nigger Trump is the topic. Answer the question or just admit 1) Trump is the only candidate that will keep gun rights and a Constitutionalist court 2) America isn't going into civil war when most of the country is literally fat and rich.

Dude, I voted for Trump and Ron Paul because I wanted to see if they would be successful, or get shut down. It's valuable information what is happening now with Trump.

Is ann coulter even relevant anymore? Trump's administration is the most pro-white in 70 years, anyone who disagrees is probably a seething kike

>watching news the other day
>some jew has the balls to argue Trump is a fake zionist because giving freebies to israel just puts israel on the spot where they have to do favors for Trump in return


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Nigger notice I didn't defend shit. Im asking you for a realistic alternative and you are splurging like a fucking retard

>I want the Chinese government to shoot every last one of those traitors.
Wow, being this bad at politics. I'm just going to reply to good posts now.

Yep they had to hire the fattest boomer dyke just so you could shitpost about the most reddit tier nonsense. It's amazing you could mindread what babycocksucking tribalists think. It really activates my ginger freckles how that's possible. Never mind the fact that the Trump admin was immersed with so much AIPAC members. The fact that we don't have a nationalist revival throughout the last seventy years shows Trump was the right man for the job to prevent White people from fleeing like diaspora kikes or god forbid exercise their 2nd amendment.

Apparently nothing his fault. It's really nobody's since if you're a puppet and want in in the big league of magnates your decisions are actually subconscious. Everybody knows giving up your daughters to Jewish seed is just a part of love. It's not like Soviet Russia had Jewish commissars and Communist members with Jewish spouses. Can you please try harder jidf glownigger? This immigration talk is a cover for Israel's own imperialistic takeover of Arab nations. You're talking about narrow views, just go outside and come visit the Bible belt; it's all Mexicans and spic halfbreeds. kys

i guess that’s why he supported red flag laws. cuz it’s really actually bad for global elites. huh. thanks op!

>Nigger Trump is the topic.
If you could get his cock off your brain for 10 seconds you'd realize it's really not.

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He hasn’t deported enough spics. Spics don’t belong in the United States. These invasive insectoids must be removed. His lack of action on spics proves he is part of the globalist open borders agenda.

Why shouldn’t they kill a bunch of traitors who are being led by a foreign government? Don’t give me a muh morality argument. It is in China’s interest. Modern politics has made people far too soft killing of traitors should always been seen as a justifiable action.

Exactly right. And until then we need to keep our guns and hold the line.
Who is the candidate that most enables us to do this other than Trump until a recession, a serious depression, hits?
Because those conditions aren't here, and accelerationism is gonna only strengthen zog like it did in NZ where they lost their guns, free speech, and are taking in more muslim scum. NZ did nothing, no rebellion, nothing. Tarrant failed, and gave NZ to globohomo on a silver platter.
Now when shit dies pop off they are defenseless and have to deal with a violent muslim population

LOL stop being a faggot bitch, user. You are too much of an incel shill to even go outside and talk to white girls. just KYS now because you are worthless to your race right now

Again nigger shillfaggot. Im waiting for your alternatives.
As you just shill against our only option to stay armed and with freedom to speak without jail for social media or shitposting I can't take you seriously.
Answer the question or Ill ignore you.

>I'm not spic, I'm from Europe.
Technically Abu Hamza and his kids comes from Europe you maggot-guzzling cousin-fucking shit-coloured bastard.

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>Answer the question or Ill ignore you.
I haven't addressed one of your inane points and yet here you are still writing paragraphs, I really doubt you're capable of stopping champ.

>Why shouldn’t they kill a bunch of traitors who are being led by a foreign government?
Its against the law to compare the terror sponsor Israel to Nazi Germany because its a convincing argument

>Uses term savages.
Only evil white people use that term, not good white people. Holy smokes you actually think you're better than other people, but you're worse than most of them.

I still have my AR15. What is your alternative, realistically speaking, to Trump?
Realistic now, not some bullshit.

Will voting third party or democrat(same thing really) get us in better shape after semi auto rifles are made illegal?

Trump is supporting red flag laws he is just as fucking bad just boiling the frog a little slower. Acceleration could work or it could fail no strategy is guaranteed. If we are to believe all the from my cold dead hands faggots then it has a real shot at working. As long as the system burns I will support the strategy you fucking stupid oh trust the plan types are cowards and just want to stick to your comfort. Things need to get worse for them to get better. I want shit to kick off while I’m young so my children don’t have to fight.

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So you don't have an alternative. You want white people disarmed and unable to speak and you want homos on SCOTUS forcing our kids into federally mandated LGBT schools.
Just admit it then faggot, you are a larp.

Castizos aren't white. That's precisely why they are called Castizo. Holy crap you're dumb.

You honestly think Trump (or any potus) can and will stop any of that? Completely delusional. Big Trump cock on the brain.

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So it’s an unjust law I don’t blindly support all states but in China’s case I support them because they seem to be less kiked then the Western Hemisphere. At least they actually crack down on things when a foreign power tries to meddle with their business.

100 percent pure bavarian digits.

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>just accept globohomo
>forget your principles and standards
>what, who else ya gonna support goyim?
i reject that defeatism but enjoy it. the fact you even say “who else?” shows you know cucking on red flag was a bad bad BAD move. just admit it. he made gaffe. hopefully he learns.

>the future of our country
not necessarily in the long term
This society is fucked up beyond repair. The Epstein cause shows this once again. We can't save it, it's not worth saving it.
We must create a new society within the general, expanding, and with high birth rates eventually replacing the old one.
If only 20,000 goys would come together and have large families(4+), we would double our numbers each generation (25 years). Now image birth rates of 6+ -the time necessary to double the population wouldn't be 25 years but ~18 or less.
After only 270 years, there would be over 655 million new whites, all descendants of the original 20,000.
How isn't this is a way to unfuck society?
More here:archive.fo/9K9qa
We don't need to outbreed third worlders. We need to outbreed the NPC-whites. Everything else will come of itself

Red flag laws won't pass and he knows this. And again every other candidate wants semi autos made illegal.
Again did it work in NZ?
What evidence do you have that it will work here? None.
Tell me, how does this plan of your pan out? You go splurg some mass shooting, then we are all disarmed. Hos that work? You think fat Americans are gonna stop watching Maddow and Netflix and rebel?

What the fuck are you on? It's like you didn't read my post. I never said that Trump is our guy and we should vote for him 2 terms, I said that if it weren't for him, we would not even be talking about the potential of someone who calls out the white race and the federal reserve and the Jew.

Just the amount of hipocricy and humiliation that is being exposed on the Left, and on top of it the Epstein thing that is pointing the finger at global pedophilia, but you're still not happy. You want Hilter 2.0 in a nation that is 62% white, and who themselves are divided over globalism vs. nationalism! The level of just.

You guys aren't even at the fucking airport much less ready to take off when it comes to realistic expectations. But keep hoarding that ammo.

I’m done voting. It’s useless and globohomo gets its way no matter who is elected. Trump proved that. He may talk a lot, but the schools in my area — 80 percent white until the mid 90s — are still overrun with beaner anchor babies at 45 percent. America’s future hasn’t been secured as Trump promised, and the only way to do that is to physically remove spics.

When he holds up his promises and removes spics by the millions then I will vote for him again.


Checked for truth.

hey, take those fucking words back RIGHT NOW or I'll immigrate to your fucking country

Okay. But realize by not voting you will be voting for globohomo taking your guns.
How does this work out? Realistically.

Memeflag D&C shill

>won’t pass and he knows this
it has MAJOR bipartisan support by leaders of each party. wtf are you talking about? it may not have veto proof support yet, but it has the votes to pass once details are ironed out.

>You want Hilter 2.0 in a nation that is 62% white
America is 100 percent white. All spics, Muslims, and other brown undesirables are fraudulent invaders. Only a handful of blacks directly descended from slaves deserve our tolerance, and they can have Mississippi.

this old tired line
if trump supports red flag, my guns are fucked either way. i may as well get my student loan forgiven or $1k a month if that’s the case. unironically. i’d rather maintain 2a. if trump can’t do that, then fuck him and fuck voting. forreal. this isn’t a shill position. basic fucking shit. fucking actually conserve something

It works out the same as voting. Voting is useless and a show to suppress the masses. Trump is definitive proof of this.
You are the shill. Castizos aren’t criollos, and this aren’t white. They need to go back, too.

This. I wish black pilled faggots would just die already. Whining and being retard niggers. Literally nigger behavior.
Go have kids, vote your ass off for right wing candidates so you can stay aremed. Teach your kids morals based on founding principles. Go to the gym. Cut off cable and jew video games. Buy land. Stop being bitch niggers!

You don’t think our situation is a bit different then nz? I think Americans are less likely to actually turn them over. Also as I recall a lot of the people in nz didn’t turn them over either. Did you see the nog that shot all those cops how many fucking cops they had to have to stop one person. Imagine that on a mass scale and your telling me that wouldn’t kick something off. Also better targets are needed then just some random place now I wouldn’t advocate for such a thing but it would be interesting.

Trumps SCOTUS is solidly behind gun rights.
Trumps SCOTUS already is shooting down globohomos attempts to punish Christian bakers who won't serve pedo weddings.
If you don't think thats a good thing Im not sure you understand anything about history, civics, and the masses.