Be chiseled jaw chad

>be chiseled jaw chad
>be a rockstar
>literally have millions of dollars and a global audience of devoted fans
>your girlfriend cheats on you with a nigger and give birth to a nigglet
if this guy isn't safe from getting cucked by a nigger what chance do we, average guys, have?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ready to reclassify women as property yet? Nobody is safe as long as the eternal roastie is able to work and vote.


Why should anyone be surprised when a wigger's gf ends up with the real thing? He LOOKS like a fag with that shit in his nose tbqh.

Bro he is like 5’9” which disqualified him from being a Chad no matter how hard his jaw is cut.

That nigger who’s BBC she rode was about 6’2”. 100%+ guarantee he was out with his girl and they met up with the nigger and the kid got brutally, brutally mogged. 100% this is how it went down.

See no matter what a girl will lose respect for you if you aren’t top dog in every situation she’ll go try to get with the top dog. That’s why you leave them at home most of the time don’t let them go out. Shits stupid bro they are so fucking fickle they can’t be trusted ever.

By staying the fuck away from white women
White women are pure trash

>get cheated on by whore
>nigglet kid
Are women creating a powerful army? Men are not going to let this decay continue much longer. The breaking point is nearing. The 2020s are going to be fucking wild.

god damn that music is shit

If whites exist in the future lets hope white women never gain any freedom or rights

He"s chadish... not the same.

pick a non-slug gf, there's plenty out there. Solved.

Are we supposed to know who this faggot looking boy is???


>Ready to reclassify women as property yet?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, every women in this modern era has sucked at least one nigger dick

It's over, we need to return to the old ways

>chiseled jaw
Your pic better be unrelated OP, because that's closer to a basedface

Hopefully he's redpilled now.If he's not he's embraced cuckoldry and his music should be ignored.

>faggot tats
>nose ring
it's already a bitch

Face matters infinitely more than height regardless of Jow Forums's heigh autism.

Lmao yall thought the BBC was a meme? Nah our dicks are god sent its a national delicacy no women can resist it thats why married women and all women go out of their way for a taste, face it yall lost

my name is human...sounds like globohomo mutt propaganda. no wonder his girl is fucking niggers

horrible stuff, no wonder she craves bbc

Women weren't allowed to vote in parts of Switzerland until the 1990s. That's within living memory, hopefully Western civilization will see reason again.

Yes goy give up

It was over before you were even born

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A manlet and a leaf. How do you make it through the day without jumping in front of a bus?

its fucking insane, about 40% thread in the catalog are related to reproduction, and here I have the answer. Right here.

Attached: 1565518298678.png (552x2698, 803K)

lol zoomers fucking incel school shooting faggots

Attached: fuckmatriarchy.jpg (1802x3010, 920K)

Great. Breed us out of existence. I can't wait to watch this shit from the afterlife. You Niggers will turn the whole world into africa.

Attached: howitallworks.jpg (8360x6072, 3.96M)

Cringe and cuck fetishist all in one

He wasn't cucked by a nigger, he was cucked by a disloyal slut. what a loser... bang roadies all the time and never look back

Are you ok user?

Pls. Small group of tall wealthy niggers can attract some white trash, you get so many negative points for being niggers its practically disqualify almost all of you.

>about 40% thread in the catalog are related to reproduction
Because Jow Forums is made up of mostly normalfags now who only think of women.

What does the woman look like ?

POC are also goys

reproduction is a prime aspect of all life. Its no surprise really. I thought of many things that could give us greater control (to flag related) over society, and chose reproduction as a thing to pursue. It is well willed for now tho. But be ware!

this knowledge for your prime imperatives comes with a cost, obviously. For it makes you more kind looking towards natsoc/fascism!

Post pick of the girl can't find any info

No one needs to read all that shit when a single Nietzsche quote suffices to describe the relationship between men and women.

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I don’t have his shitty judgement though.

This. 5'7" atheltic and handsome manlet that fucked 10 times more grills than my average chad friend. Hell I'm even a legend people tell others how I layed down famous radio host and buttfucked one into unconciousness and many more such stories. Yes, I were a total degenerate and today no one talks about it anymore. Those times are over anyway but what I learned from this is never be too nice. Always show them their place. Always. And make sure you can control who they're seeing or at least make sure to get rid of her friends that will make you lose her because they're jealous or whatever. Be the chad. Be the alpha and you're 50% safe.

Had a grillfriend that had niggerfriends. Well white coal burners. I couldn't convince her they're bad for her until they betrayed her. After we broke up she went back to them. Women.

Oh man, as a chad I could tell many stories like this. AMA if you want guys. Even fucked leftist bitches while they knew I'm a natsoc. One of those grills even writes me today and just yesterday I sent her a meme objectifying women. I give her a week until she will contact me again.

Society is useless when every member is afforded the same rights as any other without contributing appropriately.

You talk of safety as if the situation itself is dangerous but the only danger I see is the white race failing to unite because of all the bullshit thrown our way.

Homosexuality, cuckoldry, interracial relationships... It's all designed to make the white man feel desperate so that he lowers himself to everyone else's level!

Most white women will never be worth anything. Their mother was worthless and their father too!

They've failed they're own people so many times that they just end up running into the arms of complete strangers... which would be fine... until they make the mistake of trying to betray their own!

Leave these bitches in the dirt!
Modern society is so obsessed with homosexuality and female whoredom, that the white male has become reclusive.

Angry white men are being brainwashed by media into wild-dogs who can't even stand their own people while worthless white bitches stand around sucking dicks for pennies!

Fuck what society says, time to group up and ship out the traitors.

A white man is worth much more than a white woman, but the jews and white race traitors brainwash young people into believing they're so much less than they could be because A STRONG, UNIFIED WHITE RACE IS UTTERLY TERRIFYING!


anecdotes around the female condition are beneficial towards female imperatives, it really does take that long to comprehend women. For all of your lore around them is bathed in romanticism. Female ideals, female history. Female everything that is miles and miles long.

You also forget the fact that other mammals struggle with women, it is not supposed to be an easy thing, in our language and communication there is a goal of comprehension of them in each generation. And since I loathe this state we are in today, I am giving our side a boost of huge proportions.

this guy looks like he is gay for pay.. a chad?!?? nope. not even close.

Is that song from the guy in the pic?

wow its almost like looks and money doesnt matter, however that nose ring tells you all you need to know

this nonwhite abominationlet should have been aborted

What did he do with her?
I would be amused if she became a single mom, living in a shitty flat


>reproduction is a prime aspect of all life. Its no surprise really.
Yeah if you're a fuckin normalfag.

>its this guy again

>Nose ring on a man

who is that nord*id scum?

>tattooed neck
>nose ring
Clearly a faggot, girlfriend was a slut he used for camo.

Who is he, anyway?

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>Small group of tall wealthy niggers can attract some white trash

Wealthy nigs actually try to and usually get semi-top tier white girls ... but only them. If you're not wealthy? Nope, you're only going to get bottom barrel white girls.

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He didn't say it was the end all be all. He is right you know

LOOOOL spotted the goblin faced twink who thinks putting lifts in his shoes will save him

Women are filth and the rot that destroys civilizations.

this guy is balding

>By staying the fuck away from white women
>White women are pure trash

This society is fucked up beyond repair. The Epstein cause shows this once again. We can't save it, it's not worth saving it.
We must create a new society within the general, expanding, and with high birth rates eventually replacing the old one.
If only 20,000 goys would come together and have large families(4+), we would double our numbers each generation (25 years). Now image birth rates of 6+ -the time necessary to double the population wouldn't be 25 years but ~18 or less.
After only 270 years, there would be over 655 million new whites, all descendants of the original 20,000.
How isn't this is a way to unfuck society?
We don't need to outbreed third worlders. We need to outbreed the NPC-whites. Everything else will come of itself

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I googled him and the only gf I can find from articles is this shebeast.

Is this the one that cheated on him?

If so it makes it hurt more.

Attached: 66000506_146976116393103_4661633157659449599_n.jpg (320x320, 22K)

>Neck-tatooed wigger faggot
Yeah, no. Fuck him and the niggering world of niggers he's built for himself.

You assume they will leave you alone to create said society

>We don't need to outbreed third worlders. We need to outbreed the NPC-whites. Everything else will come of itself

Good post. Good plan. Great idea.

Keep spreading the message. We need structure, a plan, and an effective end-goal in mind.

This idiot is a hardcore leftist. He'll actually never accept what happened. He's a natural cuck.

he's not a chad, he's an insecure bugman pretending to be a chad by presenting a fake persona of himself

This is serious illumanati shit right here

he looks like a degenerate thug


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kekekekeke! A fucking niggwe emulator.

Face > frame/Height (depends on the individual) > status

It is LITERALLY all about the face as Chico said
I've seen 5'6 manlets with 9/10 aesthetics banging 6'1 women

Saw a single mother with a niglet at the store today. Of course the little demon spawn was touching everything on the shelves with it's disgusting hands and moving items around. Only kid in the store I saw doing that. The mother watched and didn't give a fuck.

Looks like a faggot to me

I was about to post this, looking at her pictures though it seems like she's just some random roadie.

Latest pic from june. Still linking his shop. I guess OP rused us.

No one has posted a pic of the mixed kid. Starting to beleive it wasn't mixed

Why is he saying the kid had another color in the song and no one realizes this in the comment section?

>Why is he saying the kid had another color in the song and no one realizes this in the comment section?
When does he say that? I'm not listening to that entire shit song.

>neck tat
who cares if his body looks aesthetic, he's an idiot who trashed it. I wouldn't feel sad about some rich prick dying in a car accident in his new super car either

He likes em big.

But then again so do the blacks.

Roadies are the dudes who carry your gear, you mean groupies. Youuuu don't want your dick near a roadie

None of the tweener fans reacting to the song on Twitter are acknowledging it either.

Are people that dumb

This is Johnny Stevens from Highly Suspect. Knew him when he was playing cover songs at a summer Irish Bar on Cape Cod. The band moved to New York and randomly blew up overnight because they got signed to 300 Entertainment, owned by (((Lyor Cohen))). He's a huge leftist anti-Trumper and alienated tons of his hardcore fans because they basically threw money at him and the band to get exposure.

Also, banged a chick that hooked up with him and she said he had a tiny dick. Not even joking, heard it more than once.

Can't tell if blackpill specialist or legitimate sperg.

y eah tell us more hahahahaha

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rollo is that you? also I'm the brit fag from your thread the other day.

Those are techies

Seems legit.

You really think these people pay attention to the lyrics of the songs they listen to?

I know some more shit if anyone's interested.

Trash cheats. Dump it.

Holy shit imagine writing a song about getting cucked by a nigger. Wtf was he thinking

he was thinking damn I got cucked by a nigger, man, I could make a song about this.

I'm actually fascinated by this guy because calling yourself out like this in your own song is the pussiest move i've ever witnessed.

Keep your cuckery private faggot

Do tell.

British humor never fails. Seriously if he wasn't a kike sellout he wouldn't do this

I didn't hear you say that he was a Chrisitan and that his marriage was based around Christ.
That is a huge factor that reduces cheating when committing a massive sin to God is on the line for you and your spouse.

Worthless thread..i don’t date whores so impossible..sage