Mexico hate thread

Are mexicans the lowest life form on earth?

>shit language
>uggly women
>shit genetics 65% indian 30% nigger 5% spanish
>shit history
>spic anchor babies
>cartel runs the country
>10 kids before 30 per woman
>We Wuz Spanish and Sheeit
>infested and ruined California my home state

Beaners are the absolute worst!

Anyone else glad we are deporting these gremlin beans?

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Other urls found in this thread:–American_War#Treaty_of_Guadalupe_Hidalgo

this is a school in USA

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literally no one is being deported
Trump is a uselss jew fuck toy

Burrito monkeys need to be rounded up and deported

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have sex sweetie

that's a lot of rodriguezzzz

The mexicans are the human equivalent of the animals who clean the filth off the sea floor, or those insects that gather dung. Bottom of the food chain, sub minimum wage slaves. They arent even good at being parasites like the Jews, they just bottom feed and procreate. They add nothing to humanity.

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Nothing wrong with it.

They're all siblings


you wish you fucking insect your race never invented anything worth tasting.. get off my lands and go back to europe.. also start seasoning your shit food

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In my opinion Indians are the worst people on earth, but yeah mexicans are close too

Europeans were the first humans to reach and settle in North America.

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Why do their bodies and faces turn into pic related?

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Time for a RACE WAR in the USA? (perhaps starts this weekend ??)

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I'm not from Europe you dumb cotton picker, I'm pure Somali. You know the people who fought back and didnt get enslaved like your bantu west african gorilla ancestors.

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And OP's pic related, bottom is them by 18.

a diet of cannibalism turns them into orc shrek.

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90% of americans weight more than a adult whale. Fat is ugly

Live in USA. Can confirm.

99% of nordes are cucks, take your elf race back to skyrim bitch.

>pure somali
inbred nigger. kek!

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It baffles me how Mexico has a murder rate higher than Somalia, a failed state with no real government.

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>A fucking Somali calling anyone else subhuman
What clownworld are we living in?

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Actually niggers are and always will be

Get your band of Somalis and fight the spics, you faggots are already having a racewar in thugvilles.

so are japs and koreans inbred too? they are pure. Don't be mad im not a mutt like you!
The blacks in america come from a race called bantus these are the negroids of africa, which horners don't fall under.

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so what are you? a polish toilet cleaner in london or a paki? UK might was well be called New Pakistan

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>taco bell
you need to reconsider that one friendo

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>Are mexicans the lowest life form on earth?
It will always be niggers

Mexicans are the niggers of latin america, we can agree on this

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Holy shit why are all of their last names Rodriguez

>My Dad to me, as a young child:
Listen, son: never trust a Mexican.
>Me, a stupid faggot:
Wtf dad, that's horrible.

20 years later, and every wetback Mexican/El Salvadorian/Puerto Rican "friend" has been a backstabbing demon.

Listen to your parents.

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They truly are an eye sore for any decent society. Dumb and almost insulting to consider them as "American" as you and I. Embarrassing that we have to share air with them. If thats the case, what does being an American even mean?

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They're disgusting but the men are the most disgusting. They're old fat fucks that hit on really young women. At least the women have a use but the men? Burn them

all their ancestors got raped by a couple Spaniards from the conquest boat hence the lack of diversity in last names.

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I'm white and spics are fine as long as they're not coming here in crazy numbers lowering wages and abusing our system at the tax payer's expense. We could have waaay worse neighbors to our south.

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>those digits

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they make good gardeners, maids and toilet cleaners.

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>65% indian

We are white nigger cuban or rican monkey

Mexicans of European descent or European Mexicans are Mexican citizens or, people who identify with the Mexican cultural or national identity, who are of complete or predominant European descent.[8] While the Mexican government does conduct ethnic censuses in which a Mexican has the option of identifying as “White”[9] the results obtained from these censuses are not published. What Mexico's government publishes instead is the percentage of “light-skinned Mexicans” there are in the country, with it being 47%[4] in 2010 and 49% in 2017.

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Those digits.....

But they are and now it's too late they are the majority in california

game over man

>We are white
We wuz europeon n sheet

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only when whitey pays them to
ever see a toilet in mexico?

Viva Mexico cabrones!

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of course nigger.

we are the 3rd whitest country in the America.

We are western, christian, and have all european customs like religion and bullfighting.

get over it, we founded and bult up California.

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Thats what i mean they make good mindless servants doing menial labor.
No i dont want to see mexico, they are practically turning California into that shithole which is why we need the WALL.

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Look at your fellow compatri-diota . Listen to his screeching.
Say something that will make him feel good, he's chimping out again, throwing a tantrum

Man....four lousy digits off and that would have been the Kek smile.

nuke everything that has any shade of red

>>shit genetics 65% indian 30% nigger 5% spanish
Those figures aren't even remotely correct.

the blue rare blue eyed mexican

Lol the future of goyim. Hahaha, have sex pathetic white incel!


USA is a nigger country. Europe, Australia, New Zeland and Canada are the only anglo wasp countries on earth

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pure somali

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>Everyone, I've got an idea! See the worst in each other!
>Btw, I'm not doing satan's work, in case you were wondering.

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your race isnt even human let alone white, your a gang of 3 foot tall dwarfs with a speck of spanish blood, i shudder to think how you acted when you were pure 100% native Indian, your ancestors probably didn't even know how to create a fire.

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>the blue rare blue eyed mexican

its very common in northern and western mexicans have blue eyed family members.

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>your race

we are not a race.

we are 50% white
40% mestizo or caucasoid
10% indian

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>Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada

Not for long

bump and the picture is sadly not even exaggerated
Nonwhites just can't compete

t. Border Baby

Thats a black american you dipshit, he does not even have horner features..

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You could have ended it here–American_War#Treaty_of_Guadalupe_Hidalgo
Literally captured their capital. Could have annexed the whole country and forced the mestizos into South America. But you didn't

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>50% white

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Is it infested with cartels and shit? Might go.

You're white, and mexico is run by whites.. think about that.

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Americas fatal flaw too nice

lol, the funny thing is that the guys who makes that kind of post are chicanos in regular basis who rejects his heritage. It's really funny how that my mere existence butthurts somebody else in any part of the world

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Mexico had a huge glut of German immigrants a hundred years ago. That's why they listen to that horrible polka music shit on every radio station.

Perhaps you are a nigger off kilter.

Get fucked commie redditard.

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wait, you are a somali?



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>Somali Intellectual

Boy do I have news for you

You should be very proud of what you whites did and continue to do that country and it's people..

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this ungrateful nigger from california dont read history. we are his forefather.

yes, he is from somalia

he is mad because we want a black genocide there

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Mexicans are not even a race per se but a mix of mostly mayans/aztecs (asians) and spaniards (europeans), not the best of both races imo.

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Top pic is a lie. That's beaners at 15. At 16 most of them are knocked up.

>why they listen to that horrible polka music
Always wondered about that

Spanish is English for retards.

No shit that looks like a batch of US Marines stationed here. They were all manlets, nkt a single chad amkng them. I almost laughed at them.

Yes I'm proud, my people have a culture of being warriors not a fucking colonized rape baby like you, to make it even worse you are the new cotton pickers. kek. There is literally zero honorable thing about being a mexican or any Latin american. You are all bitches and rape babies, vermin.

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Not anymore.

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Checked, and disgusted

I think they are worse then nogs desu. They are a close second too the Jews

the cartels only kills people involved in that shit, the people involved in that shit are prietos (brown people).

>hola amigo, ¿como estas?
>aYo hoL up whAT DUP mY fRIeND

First picture isn't even Latino women, they are at best white mixed.

we could solve all the problems in the middle east by conquering mexico and giving it to either the jews or Palestinians. These subhumans in there now do nothing but run to the border anyway.

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>Yes I'm proud, my people have a culture of being warriors not a fucking colonized rape baby like you, to make it even worse you are the new cotton pickers. kek. There is literally zero honorable thing about being a mexican or any Latin american. You are all bitches and rape babies, vermin.

you are ugly as fuck nigger

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Do you want to know why Latin Americans prefer obese women? Because only after they are really obese they grow some ass, else it is just flat lard, but when obese it is lard + round.

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Are you insane you want to give Mexico over to the rats? I have a much better solution just nuke all of these shitholes

>I'm proud, my people have a culture of being warriors

without white people your kind will be extinct you mudnigger, my kind in other hand are knows to be warriors, unlike you that literally a bunch of farmers can beat thousands of your negroid '''''race''''

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>we could solve all the problems in the middle east by conquering mexico and giving it to either the jews or Palestinians. These subhumans in there now do nothing but run to the border anyway.

I doubt it somalian nigger, we are a great country

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