NYPD hunts for person of interest in subway station rice cooker scare

Was shocked to see no thread about this, so thought would start one. Maybe you guys had one this morning a got bored of it

Skinny kid(approx 18-22 yrs old), very light complexion, curly dark fro, big nose big ears,

>Abandoned devices spark New York subway station evacuation before police determine they're safe



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Hey whatcha doing there rabbi?

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looks Albanian

This ni**a finna find Barb an sheeit

Fpbp there's no need to make this a long thread.

don't pretend like you've never had a haunted rice cooker before:)

hoyl shit! I know this albanian faggot. he used to play b-ball in the park near me.

>Police are questioning a man who was allegedly seen leaving at least two rice cookers in a subway station, and sparking an evacuation in Lower Manhattan Friday morning, law enforcement sources told The Post.

>The man, who is in his 20s or 30s,was seen on video taking the two cookers out of a shopping cart and placing them on an upper and lower level at the Fulton Street subway station, NYPD Deputy Commissioner John Miller said.

Please provide his full name along with address.

We need this for reasons

>thin upper lip
>fat bottom lip
>jew 'fro

Can't imagine his race.

We shouldn't have let ginzos come here.

OK as i thought. you guys solved this one already.

i recognize him. supposedly this is a pic of his accomplice

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That’s a Jew! I can tell, I’ve seen them before.

Imagine streaming your face online with those monster pimples

>leaving cooking appliances in the street is now a nationwide manhunt federal crime


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his name is larry, don't know his last name. he's always begging for money by union square.

was actually 2 in subway(same make/model) and possibly a third out on street

Why never wear a burka these people are stupid.

They do no knock warrants in the USA if you don't pay your bills


>Police said the man appears to be homeless, and was wearing a blue T-shirt that appears to say “Prime Day.” He has black, curly hair and a tattoo on his right arm.

Just over an hour later, a third rice cooker was found near a garbage can in Chelsea.

oh, that's old mr silverstein .
he wasn't the same after he lost his buildings

Imagine you’re such a fucking retard that you decide to help the poor by hooking up rice cookers at every public outlet


Oh nononono did we just catch a Jew creating another Epstein terrorism distraction in person?!

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White male again. You people are nuts

>walk into a place with a cheap appliance made for cooking rice
>everyone panics and runs away
>you are terrorist now
You fucking suck America.

>has to go on pol to say what he really wants to say because he can be jailed for speech in leafland

>meme flag

What is tattoo

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Im sorry Chan, I didn't know Ashkenazi Jews were white.
Guess Jow Forums was right.
The Holocaust really was a case of white genocide

faggot leaf

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I wonder if FBI when hiring this actor was specifically seeking the most shady looking fucker imaginable.


reported to RCMP for cyber bullying homophobic comment

Yup, Jow Forumstard

yeah watch your fucking mouth maplefag you could get a fine

thank you

Looks like your average Antifa keyboard commando.

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kek stay strong Dixie chick

i will

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Looks like an italian

It's literally nothing. Did any of you read the artice?

I don't give a fuck. I tell you this right now. The government is not getting my InstantPot.


Heh like Bill from Bill & Ted or something?

Did IcePoseidon get a nosejob? It looks great.

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You can litter the subway with drug needles and feces but god forbid someone forgets their rice cooker!

well ISIS blew up a rice cooker here a year ago so people are concerned about exploding muslims

Pretty sure that’s Tom Hanks.


Funny how (((ISIS))) rebranded from isiL
funny they never attack (((Sauds)) or Isreal
I mean they literally use to be called
Islamic State in the Levant

Concerned enough to report them?
Then fuck off, we dont care

It was in the news faggot washingtonexaminer.com/news/new-jersey-man-gets-16-years-for-isis-pressure-cooker-bomb-plot

When u just try to make rice for the vibrant folk of NYC and then you get years of federally mandated anal rape for it.

What crime is it to use a rice cooker? Maybe he didn't want it to go to waste.

Clearly just delivering a rice cooker for PRIME

Greek dude for sure

It's amazing what a man can accomplish with $50 worth of broken goodwill rice cookers.

cook the rice pay the price.

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correction "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant" (abbreviated as ISIL)

He has some redneck DNA, your neck grows towards the sun like crops on your farm, but arms stay tiny.

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i smiled, but thats it leaf. reddit tier humor. do better next time.

probably one of those people who doesn't have pillow cases and has had the same unwashed pillow for his entire life

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Son of rabbi

>Be me
>Funny looking, skinny af, on the spectrum but thank god I'm white at least
>Mom's birthday coming up, I remember like 8 month's ago she said she loves rice
>Buy two new rice cookers from amazon with mom's credit card because I want the best rice and idk which one is better, they both have great reviews
>Going to surprise mom with a birthday dinner of the best rice
>Packages arrive, mom is somehow sober enough to get the packages open
>She starts screaming like a banshee about how I'm just a waste of money, why did I get two, and yells to take them back
>Throws almost empty bottle at my head, it misses
>Grab the packages and run out the door
>Fuck how do I return them to amazon they just show up at the door
>I have to take them somewhere
>Bring them to the subway station right near the apartment
>Brand new rice cookers, I'll just leave one in each bathroom as gifts so that some nigger doesn't take them both for himself
>Walking back to apartment, smile on my face, at least someone will get to enjoy them
>People pouring out of the station in a panic
>Cops show up at my door, arrest me

How's your day going Jow Forums?

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Another Jew larping as a white

will try, still newfag, used to be butthurt at the greif leafs got
but after reading a few leaf posts i understood
pic related

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like this?

More like Serbian. Definitly Balkan Dinarid.

Rat jew