So what purpose did the Bush invasion of Iraq serve?

2003 in, 2004 pacified, 2006 insurgency, 2011 getting out again, 2019... still a shithole, just one in which America has sunk 4 trillion dollar

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Other urls found in this thread:

Made a lot of money for shareholders in the arms industry.

To prop up the petrodollar, ensure our poppy fields so we can keep our population nice and opiated, to provide military contracts for the military industrial complex, ritual human sacrifice, and “Jews”

That about sums it up

The intifada in Palestine ended and all focus was shifted to Iraq

Oil. Lots of oil. Enough oil that tankers were waiting weeks to unload in US ports. Oil had to be pumped back into oilwells cause everything was full. It was just that much. Also a lot of oil got stored in SA, a great US ally. Both the US and SA avoided peak oil by that cheap ass campaign.

The second intifada ended in 2005 mostly because of the Israeli wall construction

Who the fuck ever cared about shitskins shooting each other?

The US is a net exporter of oil, idiot. We sell it to the rest of the world. Oil we get from within our own country.

All national enterprises got stolen for scraps.
Israel is more secure.
Direct oil pipe to israel, protectef by US military.

What is petrodollar.

Pretend that they are the enemies to cover up 9/11 (inside job)

The US has hated Saddam since the 90's. Iraq was probably an excuse to just take him out.

Can somebody list all the normie reason to invade iraq and how all those were memory holed. Weapons of mass destruction is always the claßic but what else.

Iraq borrowed a lot of money to rebuild their country. That will take a LONG TIME to repay.

They said Saddam funded 9/11 and was funding terrorism globally. Also, he was supposed to have rockets filled with sarin gas aimed at Jerusalem, Kuwait and Tel Aviv.

Lastly, they said oil prices shouldn’t go up.

Only to eliminate Saddam

destroying iraq.

Saddam had recently voiced his intentions to fight Israel instead of Iran.

no we didn't

There was a lot of fighting. Fighting is fun.

Not everything has to have some great reason.

Attached: soldiers Iraqi Freedom.jpg (2000x1312, 545K)

must suck ass to be infantry vs. bradleys fuck.

Favor for his masters

a leftist conspiracy theory

Making W. feel like a big boy.

It served the purpose of hastening the demise of the US empire
All presidents since the cold war have been on a diehard course to dissolve the empire

Destabilizing Israel's neighbors

Nothing. It destabilized Iraq and later Syria (with US Intelligence meddling.) and made Iran more influential and powerful.

You think that the CIA is filled with Jow Forumsaks?

this ^ the only reason we are in the middle east....

I dont know for sure user, but there is allot of ancient history in that country. Maybe they wanted it for some occult reason.

>The US is a net exporter of oil, idiot.
Not in 2003, you goddamn fool.

Attached: oil_exports_USA.png (525x525, 22K)

You pirates have forsaken your flag and you need to start understanding that you can't just point two fingers at the googly eyes in your inbred eggplant shaped head and say "Look at me. I'm the oil exporter now" because it doesn't work like that. Also your statement is irrelevant.

Same purpose as all invasions, sell guns

here you go oilnigger

>Paris Club: $21 billion, before interest, including
>* $4 billion to Japan
>* $3.5 billion to Russia
>* $3 billion to France
>* $2.5 billion to Germany
>* $2 billion to the United States
>Unpaid contracts: $57 billion, most of it owed to military contractors
>Arab nations: $40 billion
>Other debtors: $10 billion

that's from 2003 honeybun

I believe a rothschild central bank was set up, so mission achieved on to the next one, Libya: check Syria: check North korea: pending

So post a more recent one.

I don't know.

But I can tell you all these Boomers are dead, we will have already prevented Generation X from rising up to take the place of the eternal boomer.

Attached: vietconggirl.jpg (454x610, 76K)

when these boomers are dead*

Resulted in the deaths of a few million Arabs in exchange for a few thousand lives.

They just felt like they had to strike at someone. Iraq was as good a target as any.

Also, iirc, there was an assassination attempt on Bush Sr. with Laura (Dubya's wife) right there, so maybe there was something personal to it too.

The only reason we end to war with Iraq is because they were a threat to Israel. Literally the only reason


The 2003 Iraq War plays into the Afghanistan War as it was both a hunt for "WMD"s and Osama Bin Laden.

What they did was set up future conflict.
ISIS arises to take the place of the Iraqi government - many Iraqi's preferred living under Sadam. And oil.

Northern Afghanistan has tons of opium fields.
10-15 years after we're in Afghanistan, America has the largest Opioid epidemic it has ever seen.

Attached: Friday Night.jpg (556x515, 567K)
on the right side it says economy of iraq with a nice pic under it, even more down is details like debt and gdp

Attached: debt.jpg (299x234, 21K)

Look at the companies that made money off the war like Haliburton. Look at whos on the board of directors and who owns stock. It was an alliance between the ango elite in the US and Zionists to make a fortune off destroying the enemies of the Zionists.
>Contractors reap $138bn from Iraq war
>Halliburton's revenues from Iraq increased from $320 million in the second quarter of the year to $2 billion in the final quarter. Revenue from US military projects brought in $3.9 billion in 2003 - an increase of 680 per cent on the 2002 numbers.

Attached: Genie Energy Syria.jpg (960x960, 167K)

Bernie Sanders voted against this crap. He tried to get as many politicians on both sides to vote against it too.

sure just let cheney off the hook. he wanted to project american power and there weren't enough targets in aghanistan (he actually said that). he was part of the bush 1 team that let saddam get away the first time and he wanted to finish the job.

It appeased the Jews. That's what America's military is for.

Attached: de368a70230beb7b77f4588c1fca7b04abb52a468d0747940a3d31deba6c5e4e.png (500x500, 35K)

We could've bought Greenland for that kind of cash

>he tried ta kill muh daddy

Attached: bush-he-tried-to-kill-daddy.jpg (212x240, 14K)

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Now it is, yeah.
It wasn't in 2003, idiot.

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>It appeased the Jews.
at the time yea, but then Iran ended up defeating us there and turned Iraq into their client state so nojw the jews are extra pissy

>Made a lot of money for shareholders in the arms industry.

But the Bush family and Big Oil control the Federal Reserve. They can print money, fuckface.

OP's answer is that the invasion was to protect expand the central bank monopoly and it's tie to oil.

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For America? nothing.

I don't buy the "Saddam was going to use Euros" meme. Sure he may have taken steps to do it, but he also wasn't retarded enough to continue to do so if keeping the dollar meant preserving his regime. Israeli interests came first during the invasion.

Put on your thinking cap for this image, user.

Attached: 1535017263819.jpg (6460x3480, 2.99M)

Destroying a culture , history ,land and its people.
Stealing the ancient treasures.

Maybe the real on terror was the friends we made along the way.

Money, with merchants is always about money

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literally splitting the muslim world down the middle. divide and concur.