No blk men plz

Hahaha even old roasty literal whores hate blacks.
Racial discrimination should be decriminalized in all aspects. Imagine how great our neighborhoods would be if we could say NO BLKS PLZ.

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>Imagine how great our country would be if we could say NO BLKS PLZ.

Almost every single one!!

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>certified gfe specialist

Why do their foreheads always look like prunes?

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r/justbeblack eternally BTFO

I've heard people say it's because their pimps are black and don't want competition, or because of the spread of disease. It is something you see mentioned quite a lot though (I'm a 2 year veteran in the John industry now).

Actual whores looking to get paid and not beat to shit. No wonder they don't take blacks?

fuck, I can smell that nasty twat from here.
Also, why surfing for whores, user?

Guaranteed it's because those women had niggers before and they either robbed them, tried to cut them short, beat them, or whatever other nigtivities you can think of them doing. Experience enough black shit and you realize it's best to just avoid them.

implying these women don't fuck black men for fun on the side.


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>Greek is synonymous with anal
This always cracks me up

that hand is over 40yo

OH shit i have never heard of this site. Fuck i wish i wasnt broke, no one has seen my dick in 4 years.

Why .ch? Thats a swiss adress...

It means girlfriend experience. She larps as someone who loves and cares about you.

How sad is that? There is massive demand for that from Jow Forums fags.

The irony is all their pimps are niggers lol

>I don't know much about whores but I"m willing to learn
It's called edema and it's a side effect of hard drugs

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No black mem, but what about a black


Go to black guys motel room. Handcuffs you and ties you to a bed and has 9 of his home boys destroy your asshole, put out cigarettes on you, take shits on your head. Leave you tied up for room service to find. Oh yea, they didn't pay either.

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They’ll have a different account for niggers.
They just want to give off the impression that they don’t fuck niggers so whitebois don’t get too frightened.

I take it she doesn't mean the actual language when she says Greek, what does it actually mean?

They don’t do blegs in the uk either. Due to assaults and just not paying or asking for retarded shut like blowing 5 guts for $10.
Literally all of them do this so they get the perma ban.

Im talking about the wrinkles. They scrunch up their foreheads for pictures or when they think they are being cute.
Also why are girls foreheads so fucking huge? Its like they are half bald.

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Well they do expect to get paid for it.

I am black and I can't blame them.
> It's the free market
> Some will always be ok with it
> Being aware of the crime, robberies, violence and statistics, even if they are a bit paranoid, I can't blame. Specially in the US where american blacks are specially niggerly

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Do women need pimps when any horny guy with a smart phone can find these girls?

She does mean Greek if you read the rest. Though usually saying something like "I specialize in Greek" as a prostitute means anal but she's probably too dumb and too young to know that reference.

I've heard whores say blacks typically are more aggressive with penetration, not in a fun way but in a try to jam it in dry like a retard or throw the girl around, leading to injury, often are unclean, will pester for unprotected sex, will pull the condom off, have higher incidents of STDs, will try to ask for discounts, and many times will refuse to pay and rough them up if they try to stop them. Of course none of these things is stereotypical of basketball americans and comes as s complete shock.

Plus diseases.

Too much time on my hands. I've never employed one.

how does one become a veteran? is there some secret code. I thought you just nut and pay the whore

Women can't manage fluids the way that men can... a tiny bit of heroin or cocaine makes them into absolute messes
>white men don't do nigger drugs so we don't have this malfunction
>except for the meth freaks... just kill them all

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>no blks pls
Translates to, my pimp doesn't want another chimp tryna steal his dime piece

Sure thing DaQuantavius

I have fucked over 45 escorts and 90% of escorts don't see black customers.

>and 90% of escorts don't see black customers.
What, you're taking a poll? You asked them? What else did they say? They have any stories?

They know what it means. If not then they'll figure it out after their first John rams them there.

Even the Emojis mean certain things

Black customers are violent, unhygienic, and will barter to get cheaper prices.

Imagine the smell


it has nothing to do with drugs. I noticed this when growing up all the girs would have these wrinkly half bald foreheads the size of a yardstick. When they take pictures the scrunch them up like that. There are times its normal though so its like they have control over it.

So uncle sam doesnt shut it down

>I specialize in poop and pee

I only deal with women who are 120 IQ and above. lol yes this means that I deal with a disproportionate amount of East Asian girls but most of them are more credentialed than I am.
I love smart women. It's too bad that retarded women are pushed to the top of the "stack". Meh I think we can kick them down a few pegs

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