Trump wants to buy Greenland to unite the US with Europe to help save Western civilization

Change my mind.

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Niggers on ice.

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I don’t see how exporting niggers and mutts into more places saves Europe or western civilization in any way


There is always room for improvement.

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Stop encouraging this.
After lessening protections for near extinct animals and giving almost 2 milliion acres to oil companies (another artical is talking about 9 million, suddenly trump wants greenland?

His plan is to let the oil companies fuck over the land and permanantly destroy it. we need that land in teh future for when this shit hole planet finally gets too hot. The land will be useless after greedy oil companies destroy it.
reminder that is a huge reserve of the very little fresh water we have on this planet.
Even in america fracking has destroyed wells and polluted the environment, imagine what theyll do when there is no one to answer to

>Both places are being overrun by immigrants ,socialism ,atheism and jewry is rampant.
>Uniting these places will help save western civilization.
How so? isn't it more like doubling down on stupid?

He wants to buy Greenland and flood it with Negroes so they build a big enough warband to invade the last white stronghold....Iceland.

I'm so sick of you shills. You people sound stupid and you are stupid. At least I'm not you, what a relief.

Climate change can be seeń both as tool and as weapon.

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If the US possessed the territory of Greenland, then the US would have indisputable dibs on exploiting the rich resources of the arctic circle, as well as northern trade routes. Alaska is pretty awesome strategically, but it is so close to Russia that it could fall fast. Greenland is also strategic because it gives north-pole nuke ICBM paths to the entire northern hemisphere as a backup to AK. There may also be benefits in air routes, since Russia is the only country that charges butt-tons to traverse its territory. Perhaps Greenland could alleviate some of that cost, but I'm not sure. Odds are that it would be another Guam, where it gets a lot of red tape-cutting benefits for being technically the US, but within convenient distance from foreign shoppers, resulting in it getting very wealthy for pretty much no effort.

You should not forget the financial weapon it creates in Europe and the cogs of greed that were put into motion with that offer.

>Buys Greenland to give it to the Alt-Right.
>Trump will say here, you want your land, go take it, just get out.
>People will agree because they want Whites out.

>cogs of greed
Trump has a marked effect of causing people to spread their wealth around in order to cash in on his surprise plans, only to change his plans quickly to something else.

Nah. He just wants a better claim on the Arctic.

It has the potential for oil and other resource extraction, along with a potential northwest shipping passage should the ice melt with global warming.

All the northern nations are paying more attention to this region now days.

>climate change
I dont want to go down an environmentalist argument. Both sides generally accept the world goes through hot cold cycles which involve antactica thawing and turning into a lush forest before it freezes over back into a snow hell.

can be seeń both as tool and as weapon.
In undisputed that whites own the northern part of this planet, regardless of which country currently has "legal custody".
When, not if, the planet heats up again to be a burning hell planet whites WILL need a place to migrate to farther north to get away from the heat.
The great white north, greenland, alaska, scandinavia, and siberia will be the place most of us go. Our descendants will need a clean and unpolluted place to live. Not some toxic shit hole where wells are not even possible because some mega rich fucktards in history decided to shit up the place for quick gains that they hoarded to themselves. Some people out there think that its fine, "thats their problem" (booommer). That attitude for the majority of people alive right now is retarded. We will not benefit from this in the slightest. Oil prices will stay the same for us through artificial inflation just as they are now. It makes no sense not to protect these lands for our descendants.

This is one barrel of that financial weapon.

You fat americucks aren't getting it. So keep dreaming.

He's going to use nuclear power to melt all that ice and turn it into golf courses. It's going to be beautiful.

Stop whining and use your purchasing power to change that. Go green.

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Wut? Denmark does not want to become richer than Germany?

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The US could make an unbelievably, freakishly generous offer...and they would still be refused, simply because of pride and anti American sentiment. America and the American ‘brand’ is badly tarnished in Europe. Its just not popular.

Greenland will be the 51st state. Danes are fucking broke! HSBC was just lost 500 billion in loan repayments when China defaulted the other day.

Forgot protip: Denmark is not using Euro as of now.

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He wants to do it because he’s a retard with no significant accomplishments.

Obama has Obamacare, Trump has a silly idea about a fence that isn’t even being built. He wants Greenland so people will remember him for something, but no one will. He’s a joke.

It's about the artic fuck Europe

I don't what those Amerimutt mongrels over here. The fuck potatonigger Irish are subhuman enough.

Very true. Hopefully everyone fucks off and leaves it alone. Unlikely though.

The United States will never be the saviours of Western civilization

It does not mean jack shit what you want. What you can is what counts.

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Trump is doing it because he secretly believes in climate change

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Make this happen. I want greenland to become the 52nd state and finally live the dream

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>Trump is doing it because he secretly believes in climate change
Or he will be the one to bring us a mighty Habakkuk. Other presidents have carriers named after them, but a Habakkuk would be 'YUGE!

miga fag

Greenland is a seismically active volcano ridden frozen wasteland, why would anyone spend good $$ on that shit?

What the fuck are you even talking about?
Nothing I said is whining
You have no clue what I do with my "purchasing power"

says that while importing sand niggers by the millions

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Why don't he buy mexico?

>An island will drift away

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It’s actually the opposite, he wants to destroy any remaining white community in the Americas by flooding it with immigrants. Greenland is still ethnically homogenous, therefore against the idea of the New World being mixed race. Trumps family is apart of the same Jewish elite that wants to scrub any semblance of European identity in the United States.

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they are already

it won't' be frozen for long, it's melting, it's very good move actually for the future.

Trump is a Crypto-Jew, he never gave a shit about the environment to begin with. He wants to destroy the beautiful forests that our country has to offer and replace them with parking lots. It’s literally enforcing the idea of America being a corporation rather than a country.

The GDP is not everything. Culture and volk make a nation, not wealth.

Do you even image how long it takes to melt Greenland into lush forest? Do you or are you too primitive for that?
You have to calm down.

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do greenlanders even speek danish?

Because niggers and fuck Russia.

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Ah yes it’s melting and releasing methane which is just compounding the warming problem, not to mention nobody knows what kind of exotic bacteria/viruses are lurking under that ice.

with all this greenland talk I just want to say that I am a direct descendant of Hans Egede, one of the most important men in greenland history

In absolute numbers?
Not yet, Angela. Not yet. But that day comes.

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there could be ton of resources under the ice as well.
what's the point of worrying about things that are inevitable?

their standard of living is higher

Accept your future.

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Around half of Greenland speaks Danish as either their first or second language.

Just think of all the Icelandic expedition vehicle outfitter businesses that will gobble money upon burger colonization efforts

>Whaterver that means

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Let it go

Niggers do not like the cold, and America is not trusting of Muslims like you feminized retard are.

and the orher half? also, would the deal be technically possible? or would you have to "ask" them before?

How do we make Denmark buy the U.S. and also turn it into the happiest country on earth?

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>Having money to buy anything

I don't think you have enough Lego shillings to buy us out sweetie

Pretty sure he's just an avid Risk player so that's why

Do you even know how to read?
I clearly said "descendants".
The hundreds of fluids and hydraulic oils are going to remain there in the ground.
Do you have any idea how this shit works?

Just imagine how efficient you could run heat exchangers in Greenland. Them silly bitches have been wasting their greatest resource, which is the cold, of course. Most of the operating cost of a massive supercomputer center comes from running its cooling systems. Starting out in a cold-ass place, using nuclear power for electricity and local heating, you'd get so much more economical power. Plus, you could also warm the ocean water nearby for fish farming that the fish don't need to be penned in (because they'll stay near the heat). Then, you use that cold-ass air to keep costs down on a super-mega-computer... That... I don't know... does computerly shit. Imagine an entire country living off of ad revenue. No wonder the nigs are already trying to exodus.

Do you ever into technological and scientific progress? Or are you primitive by design?

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> Buying into fear propaganda

human development index probably
But he's wrong

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last one 7:11

I live in west virginia. Do not ever talk to me about "progress". The pollution in my state is beyond reason. They purposely dump the carcinogen c8 ( into the drinking water sources. Its rained literal goo that smelled like rotting flesh and rotting trash that stayed in clothes after 3 washes, people with wells can set their water of fire, tap water comes out black, and indian billionaires are allowed to burn warehouses of plastic and formaldehyde for 5 solid days without ANY repercussions because they paid off the epa and local officials to tell us that black plastic smoke is 100% safe to breath.

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>I live in west virginia. Do not ever talk to me about "progress". The pollution in my state is beyond reason.
I've been to Kuwait. Don't talk to me about "pollution". A clear day there has a visibility range of about a quarter mile. The air is black from oil processing without polution regulations.

Maybe because by time it’s melted enough to mine there won’t be any people left.

That happened in Obama times too?

Nowhere did I say this pollution was the worst in the world, your response is irrelevant other than to further prove that irresponsible people with nothing but their own self interest in mind have any right to do anything to a land they do not live in.

Yes, most of it was under obama. Theyve been dumping the c8 for decades now. This has nothing to do with trump or politics. Its about rich assholes destroying everything for their own gains.

We have to beat China, you DemocRAT shill. If we have to beat them at pollution levels, we will do just that.

>irresponsible people with nothing but their own self interest in mind have any right to do anything to a land they do not live in.
So why are you in a thread about Greenland and telling a cautionary tale of polution and what you do and don't want? Concern trolling, I reckon.

>>I live in west virginia
>I've been to Kuwait
I've lived in L.A. feel my pain

Germany should buy Kaliningrad back
Why the fuck is that still part of Russia?

Buy Greenland with what?
America doesn't have any money. In fact you are in deep fucking debt.

Denmark already has billions and billions of dollars. Zero debt.

Why would you be the one buying land from us?

How about you sell Hawaii to us instead? Might help you fund that wall of yours.

I do not want greenland to be fucked up by reckless oil companies or whoever else has their eyes set on it. It must preserved for the future for when this planet goes into the next hot cycle and our currently inhabited regions are nolonger comfortably livable. Our descendants will need a cooler place to flee too.

>tfw England will never be a state
>you will never see English clubs dominate in the MLS
>you will never see Englishmen get destroyed by 400 lb black football players in the NFL
it's not fair

Neither do I. But "fucked up" is pretty reckless language. For example, I don't want you to get fucked up in a car crash, so you should not own a car. Just relinquish your income to me, and I'll take care of you, because I know what's best.

That smaII number is easily cancelled out by our savings. Denmark has huge as fuck pension funds and shit.

This is a bot right? Because fpbp was pretty funny.

I like your attitude. I also know you're white from this comment.


Reads like a leftist retard article on some fake news site. Hey, go post this shit on your blog faggot. No one cares about Greenland.

Antisemites don’t deserve land.

holy shit you linked huffpost and nytimes. Do you know where you are, nigger? Those are sites that literally MAKE SHIT UP to make you AFRAID.

Because fuck europe

You do, you kike fuck. You want more land for Judaism.

Do you think oil companies are going to go there, be respectful of the land, not use any fucked up chemicals, not dump shit wherever they want, and responsibly shit everything back to america for proper disposal, and then leave the land in a pristine condition?
They dont even do that here inside of the untied states. When they are off in bfe they will dump and pollute like its mainland china.

Im not getting the analogy you're trying to make.
If you are under the impression we will benefit from this in any significant way Ill have to disagree. Businesses in our society do not share the wealth. They still pay 7.25 minimum wage, raise the price of everything when fuel goes up, do NOT lower the price when fuel goes down, raise the prices again when fuel goes back up, and still pay only 7.25. How do you think we will benefit at all other than gas being $1 cheaper a little more often?

Are you just baiting at this point? Im tired and would like to go if people arnt interested in a serious discussion.

Trump wants to thwart Chinese and Russian access to Greenland

>oh no, after earning literal billions the year before, this particular season the two funds only earned millions from their investments
>It must mean that Denmark has no savings at all!

Did you even read the url? they are fake news sites. The core event is the only thing you were suposed to see from them.

LOL no you didnt read them.
Dont read the websites longer than to see what hte events were. The things that happened were "changed endangered species protections" "gave millions of acres).

Ever tried to cash out?

This. Praise Israel amirite fellow pede?