Suck it up, Donald Trump. You will not be buying Greenland!

Suck it up, Donald Trump. You will not be buying Greenland!

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Honestly Trudeau should stop being such a cuck and offer to buy it instead. The people of Greenland and Nunavut share a similar culture and language, it would fit well as a Canadian territory.

Better yet, invade us.

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It's cute that they think they would have a say in the matter.

>Greenland: “We are not for salel
>Trump: “Thanks for starting the negotiation”

everybody and everything is for sale. Just ask a woman if she had sex with her for a million dollar, she probably says she’ll do it. Then offer 50 bucks and say now it’s a negotiation on price.

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Their loss

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You'll do as your told worm.


This. We are losing that glorified iceberg some day either way, its too important geopolitically, might as well make a buck off of it and gain 5 percent of our BNP back from babysitting those alcoholics and make a great deal! But we wont, because our politicians are short sigthed cucks. Sad!

Are you for fucking real that GREENLAND would not like to be a US territory/state which would allow free travel within the US without a passport, even a chance to move to any US state they want?

Nah whatever stay with Denmark bros, you don't need that.

Trump should buy Canada instead.


we'll just fill it with niggers and spics and start cutting off the ends of everyone's dicks, i am terrified for the children of greenland. here comes the enrichment.

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With Greenland, the US no longer needs Canada as far as defense goes, since Canada will now be surrounded by US territory and the Arctic Sea. It'd be nice to have a land connection to Alaska but the possibility of Canadians infesting American towns is too great to let occur.

Based leaf

Niggers can't stand hockey rinks, you think they'll move to Greenland?

America need to buy Greenland as the fishing grounds is perfect

We have enough empty tundra. We should buy a southern island, so our retirees/vacationers can take winter breaks within Canada.

What is strategic for the US is not necessarily strategic for us. We don’t need military bases, and our oil and resources are already open to US companies under free trade agreements.


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canada vs greenland I think that greenland would still win. Ud become asian if canada purchased u at this point. Although from your pick i take it that isnt something ur concerned about.

Everything is for sale. Is it worth the trouble for some strategic bases and reindeer meat though?

Thank you for falling for a distraction. The Greenland talk is a shill slide in real life.

Greenlanders are racists that don't want to welcome refugees from South America.

Literal russian propaganda. Fuck RT and little manlet 5'7" putin.

You would say that.

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Greenland needs to accept economic migrants from the US. Its population growth is not high enough to support its aging demographics. They need to be sending the message that they are welcoming to immigrants from the US

Why can't you faggots just leave America if you hate it so much? Why stay and be a nihilist loser that contributes nothing but negativity to society? Off yourself, faggot.


post igloo please

Now that's just racist.

miga fuckin' homo

What is the source of this Greenland story anyway? It seems like a contrived narrative by msm

Buy Greenland with El Chapo's seized beanerbux

Are they implying that a nation is comprised of it's inhabitants? Filthy racists.

>"would you sleep with any man for a million bucks?"
>of course
>"Then sleep with me for $50"
>No way. What kind of girl do you think I am?
>"We've already established what you are, we're now just haggling over the price."

Everyone has a price.

Boomer cocksucker

We'll invade it then.

Of course the Russians don't won't America to own Greenland
It's a strategic space between Russia and the US

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It's treason then

Based and Cornette pilled.

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Hans, we already own Canada.

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I don't know why but this is the first good idea Trump has had.

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Here’s a proposal my Danish friend, you sell us Greenland, we leave them as an autonomous region. The US then annexes the following Canadian territories Quebec, Newfoundland/Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island. We leave them as separate autonomous regions as well. The US, former Canadian territories and Greenland form the “Northeast Corridor Coalition” or NCC. We elect an NCC council made up of 3 officers from each region for a total of 21 officers. Those 21 are then tasked with with working out deals that will benefit each member state of the NCC. We all share in the profits that come from this partnership due to mining rights, oil rights, tourism, business development, etc. the NCC member states will even cut Denmark in on the deal to the tune of 8% of profits, all you have to do is sell and sign the treaty.