>Serbia couldn't single-handedly destroy Canada in a week

TOP KEK dog fucker!!! Oh believe you me, us Serbs are ITCHING for a war with Canada. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Canadian soil that has running water, maple syrup, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the gypsies, albanians and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY Canadian dog fucker they see. When Serbia's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

Attached: srb vs leaf.jpg (400x399, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:



A little gang of serbs could take whole canada in a few weeks making them victorious

based and truthpilled

We will copulate with their mothers. It's about time the inferior leaf gene was snuffed out by Balkan BVLLS.

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We already pushed croatia's shit in and they're way smarter than you are, bring it on you turkish rape baby

Attached: the weak should fear the honk.webm (720x406, 2.87M)

Ohhhh here we go again, based Serbanon.
How will you Serbs invade Canada again? I forgot.

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Canada would fuck you like they fuck their dogs

Actually you got so cucked by Croats you had to suppress the information about it in the press lmao. Imagine that. Your gay ass soldiers got shot at, but you couldn't even talk about it and honor them because the incident went against the narrative of your SUGAR DADDY to the south. Hahahaha.
You're on borrowed time buddy. Expect us.

Attached: the absolute state of leafs.webm (720x404, 2.94M)

Oh no the neo-turks escaped special ed class

Canada will fall when China gets a canuck dog, mix it with human DNA and ends capable of speech.
The collective memory of what Canadians have done to dogs will supersede any chinese or swiss canine atrocity ever recorded o video

The Canuck Canine Holocaust will destroy their country for eternity,

>When Serbia's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
this line always gets me

>Canadian victory
>croat loss
you sound like a nigger, like all s*rvs
>expect us
Ok I'll get the Raid

Attached: 1552791538005.png (350x350, 77K)

Via our traditional naval superiority and expertise, of course.
Also, don't forget that we have Russia for a vassal. That's a huge arsenal at our disposal.
Anyway I just wanted to give these leaf cucks a fair headsup. I'm going to bed cause I need to rest. Operation Leaf Sweeper draws nearer every day so I need to prepare myself for the copious amounts of rape that shall occur across Canadian lands.

Attached: serbian navy.jpg (1024x576, 223K)

thats a flour. based and wheatfilled

>getting so scared you quit your own thread
lmao can't even last 10 minutes online

Canada will destroy your muddhuts like the USA in 1999

The rightful Serbian lands in Cascadia shall be reclaimed, but we won't go across the US border, at least for a time, as long as they don't get involved.
We'll just line the border with 100,000 leaf heads mounted on spikes as a warning to the Americans.

Attached: it begins.jpg (640x360, 18K)

On our way to Canada, we will make sure that we exterminate the mountain kikes off the face of this continent. The solution to the mountain jew question is looong overdue.

Attached: giga chetnik.jpg (862x960, 93K)

You are next mountainjews.

Still assblasted over the cunt kicking we handed you?

We will make a safe barrier with Nazi gold around us so get fucked chetnik

I thought you were going to bed roach

Attached: serbian ice cream.webm (640x360, 2.94M)


Attached: fuck leafs.webm (938x660, 2.82M)

I request more information about the picture

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STFU Stupid. Your irrelevant existence is about irrelevant as your irrelevant shithole country. I cannot stand Canada but as a neighbors of the USA, if your worthless shit eating country thought about "boots on the ground", in Canada we would wipe everyone of you out in 30 minutes. That's how pathetic you are. You've spent so much time fighting unarmed women and children you forgot that any man would laugh in your face and turn you around and fuck you a new asshole. You would cry and beg for more. Know your place in life cockroach.

Attached: hil.gif (276x393, 278K)

Is she pooping out green bell peppers?

Attached: zJXH3Ey.gif (708x421, 1.09M)

Ok, bro.

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nigger bird kek

How the fuck are Serbians even going to get to Canada? But if you do kill all the muslims, please.
Canadians need liberating.

Sure, man, no one is going to do anything about it. Especially the UN and the NATO

Attached: Albanec.jpg (768x576, 20K)

This is the funniest shit I've ever read try it you slav fuck

oбoжaвaм oвy пacтy

>ITT: canada seriously arguing with a shithole country that lost every war it ever fought about who's stronger
holy shit, justin really fucked you up, didn't he?

shitty slide thread by discord trannies

W-who is this?

eat my shit you fuckin' fag

miga queer

nazi larper you must be over 18 to post here.

Wtf is a serb?

Based, rolling for the Serbian Canadian War of 2020.

What a jackass. How much longer will he rule leafland?

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that slivo looks pretty good

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Wouldn’t be much of a war, they’d invade, notice all the fancy stores and infrastructure we have like running water and toilets and they’d ask to stay.

This sounds like a swell idea. We'll even sell you some of our best military surplus! How would you like to buy some F-117s?

Attached: 1546117160053.jpg (157x117, 3K)

This. In fact let's break this down.

Need five revolts and direct Russian involvement to make it stick

>Serbo-Bulgarian War

>First Balkan War
Victory in a war where Bulgaria and Greece do most of the fighting. Serbia is still cucked out of Bosnia.

>Second Balkan War
Defeat, only to be rescued by Romania after their country was already overrun

>World War One
Defeat, losing 20% of their population in the process. Eventually the Central Powers are defeated and the Entente give them the rest of Yugoslavia out of guilt.

>World War Two
Defeat as their fellow Yugoslavs rise up against them in support of the Axis. Manage to grab an Italian port as a consolation prize while the Axis collapses.

>Ten Day War
Defeat, Slovenia becomes independent

>Bosnian War
Ceasefire resulting in Bosnian independence

>Kosovo War

These are the eternal fucking losers that Canadians are arguing with here.

Imagine if there were 300,000,000 Serbs on this planet. lmao they would take over the planet.

I'm not gonna lie, these bad boys can take two or three Canadian destroyer ships, in LESS than hour. Yes my friends, maple gooks don't even stand a chance

Attached: DSC_0117.jpg (1024x624, 128K)

plz do. As a descendant of a European family, I hate Canada

Thanks for stating the facts papa brit

>Serbia couldn't single-handedly destroy Canada in a week
What a surprise.

direct descendant of the Orlovic clan here. what is going on, why is this serbian talking shit to canada? I feel like I missed something

Attached: Orlovic_grb.jpg (429x548, 76K)

Gay diaspora retard, everything you wrote here is bullshit, without any context. Not to mention that odds for all these wars, except Balkan wars, Bosnia and Kosovo (where we have won), were 1:1000 for Serbia, if you look at population numbers

Only a butthurt diaspora faggot would actually take the time to write down so much horseshit lmao. Absolutely obsessed.

Attached: heyalbos,Iexist.png (1027x865, 440K)

>[angry microstate noises]
No I'm not "diaspora", not from the rival tribe in the valley opposite yours. Just an anglo who finds your posturing and pride laughable.
For the record what exactly is bollocks there, the fact that you dorks lost to fucking Slovenia?

>Dang 59 Co2 is a lot

What is this diagram even attempting to get at?

No joking, you have no chance
There is a reason the US did not invade yet. there is a rifle behind every maple tree

Attached: adult nerf gun.jpg (716x794, 75K)

Fuck your record you moron lmao.
I've got better things to do than get into shit you can read on Wikipedia. Besides, if you really aren't diaspora (which I doubt), then I don't give a shit. I need an anglo's opinion on Serbian history and identity like I need a lump in my ballsack.
Goodnight faggots.
Canada will burn.

Attached: gastronomija.jpg (480x360, 36K)

canada is so fucking sad

Then you're stupider than you look. If there had been a fair fight, Serbia would've won, just like in Croatia. Instead, Milosevic was preasured to stop in front of Osijek, and stale mate was formed later on in Croatia. Croats of course won later, with US and european help, against 30 000 farmers. Just a reminder, Croats had 200 000 active soldiers. Fair fight? Only rival to match our strenght was Bulgaria, and they had won fair and square in 1885.

What a great thread

Nobody cares, but hey, want some Swiss cheese to suppress your anger?

Why Swiss cheese is so good and addictive?

*a rifle behind every dog.

Лoв диc пacтa кeк

Лeaф кyeшчн из лoнг oвepдјy
Гoдcпид aнoн

Cпacићeмo мaлe цyкe и јaвopoвo дpвeћe, имa ли вeћe cpeћe ?
Cpбијa дo Moнтpeaлa

Well you see, we Swiss people are the most superior in cheese creation.

Since decades we used secret formulas to make our cheese and we will continue doing it

stfu you lost against us with all your mighty yugoslovian euqpment while we had berley any weapons and before the war ended we where advancing to take banja luka and liberate the rest of srpska

Is Serbia a real country? I thought it was like a suburb of Kovoso. What's the population? 10,000? Do they have a seat at the UN? Does anyone care? What do they do? What do they produce? Last I heard, there's no jobs there and anyone who's young with any brains at all is trying hard as hell to get out. It's sounds like a shithole country if there ever was one.

Serbia doesn't even have a coastline. How are you gonna fight each other?

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Moldy cheese won't cure my schizo seizures
Low iq narrative

low iq turk

just a reminder, this is servia's FM literally cucking himself to Erdogan.

Pacпpaвљaш ce y пacтa тхpeдy ca дијacпopoм и клинцимa

Лeт тхeм cиитх кeк

ok this is based

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Small dick energy thread

Attached: AFUCKINGLEAF.png (680x650, 458K)

>Implying we'd let your filthy Turk paws anywhere near our bros to the north
>Implying the RCMP won't just arrest Serbistans ragtag "military" for disorderly conduct
>Messing with the Anglosphere
When will subhumans learn Jow Forums?

Attached: 4946203545b89de28ee1e53adaf7_Gallery.jpg (572x360, 61K)

Why is this so funny. Bloody serbia vs canada. Deary me, lads

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Plum trees are thousand times more better than maple.
Your argument is invalid.

You cant even reclaim your old territory, Serb pls.

>couldn't beat croatia
also fpbp.

Britain and United mutlands should stay away from this 1 v 1 if you value your tress not getting cut down for space of plum trees after invasion.Your time isnt yet.
Capish ?

Funny that you mention that Juan. Last time I checked, you dwarfed Canada in population and resource, and yet they're still your superior in terms of quality of life, education, international standing (inb4 Trudeau), happiness and on and on and on.
Stfu and unfuck yourself cuck
Because Canadians aren't ones to brag and pat themselves on the back over a little skirmish. They're silent professionals and they got the job done, what did you do, get bombed?

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wow rude, let's settle this with a game of hockey

This is true, we think of ourselves as peace keepers but we’ll get in the grit to back up murica and England.


Nothing will save you , St. George foretold your doom and its up to us to follow his will.
When i see you i will grant you one last kind of empathy, quick rake.

You wouldn’t survive the winter memeflag.

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The leaf blower is a Serb invention, true story.

Based bong. Really appreciate your anti shill ops user, no one should be allowed to bully our leafy brethren except for us
Okie dokie, fine. Even without US/UK involvement, Canada would STILL wipe the floor with you
>tfw no ocean going navy
>tfw minuscule population
>tfw got invaded instead of doing the invading in ww1/ww2
>tfw Serb lites got already btfoed by the most polite nation on earth
>tfw the average Canadian makes more than 10 Serboloids combined
Bring it on buddy
Same thing here bro. Ignore Jow Forums and it's flaming homosexuality. When push comes to shove most Americans I know would stick their neck out for our brothers

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>be slav
>not surviving winter

Truly your date is overdue and messes your moose mind.


cringe bait thread

Your country is such a shithole even the cold doesn’t want to go there, your winters pale in comparison.

Lmfao, he thinks he knows winter
t.North East
stfu killjoy, most of Jow Forums's repetitive shit anyway. This is a nice break from the same old bullshit.
Have sex

Attached: ExpEnvBigChillPainting768x511.jpg (768x511, 149K)

One thing Jow Forums made me realize is I didn’t retain any flag knowledge.

literally no one thinks about you kek

Attached: lulpepe.jpg (640x633, 42K)

Give me a 100 men and I will paralyze Toronto

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No more brother wars.

God, I hope we don't have some kind of defence treaty with Canada.

Your geese will taste great along with your women while you run to your Pants land below for shelter with eskimos and imported ice.
St. George prophecy, faith and God determened that maple saplings shall not be taken anymore by your chink hand.
No more.