Argentina meet your new leader son

argentina meet your new leader son

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they probably post here

why does Jow Forums hate trans so much youre all so repressed your just a bunch of eggs with a fragile masculinity youre not fooling anyone sweaty

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he cute!

he not cute!


Youre mentally ill

if you lurk more then you will learn opinions are split 50/50 on traps being gay

Because trans people are insane.
That shouldn't be tolerated.
There's a reason almost 50% of them aren't suicide.


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gender dysphoria is really really hard to deal with you have no idea what its like so maybe you should just shut up and listen to people who know what theyre talking about

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>he fell for the meme of transforming his body into a masturbation aid for him to jack off to

no lie I would eat that booty

No wonder why all the young people of Argentina will leave soon

umm idk if youre talking about me or contrapoints since i used a image of them but if youre talking about me im not agp at all i hate my body i find it completly repulsive so nice try sweaty but youre wrong ive known i was trans since i was 11-12 and tried really hard to repress it and push those feelings away but thats not how it works the best treatment for people with gender dysphoria is to transition you should just stop being so judgemental and mind your own buisness what does it have to do with you how i feel about my own body this is why women are sick of you stupid men and more are turning gay everyday

>listen to people who know what theyre talking about
who would that be? the ones that push for it, ignore the suicide rate and silence the ones that after going for the change regret it
face it you will never change what you are

ugh you idiots always try to bring up that suicide rate thing and its completely fake anyone who has actually looked into it knows that that isnt a real statistic and its really deceptive

>face it you will never change what you are

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drag queen not trans just so Jow Forumstards know

Thanks for the info tranny

its cosmetic, no matter how many paint, hormones and butchering you do to your body, every cell in your body knows you are a man

you also do to, your experience is forever divorced from womanhood, real women don't transition

just accept who you are

omg i regret it soooo much ima rope myself reeeeeeeeeeeeee , yeah, no I dont regret it at all happier than ive ever been and living my life authentically as my true self, not all trans are leftist anfita larpers im a white nationalist and keep a copy of mein kampf on my dresser like its the bible Jow Forums BTFO

Get a rope.

You're all child molesters

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>implying it matters

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No they won't lmao every Argie I know is a fucking cuck lefty only the brown hooked nose half Indian ones are right-wing of any kind

lmao user i have accepted who i am and thats why im transitioning you really have no idea how it feels to be this way have you ever even once tried putting yourself in a trans persons shoes? (they would probably fit you btw) cant you even be a little sympathetic to other peoples struggles and not just be a gigantic asshole?


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Prove it take a Pic and stop hiding behind a meme flag.

trans people don't exist!

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lmao what the fuck, i cant speak for anyone besides myself but i most definitely am not i'm attracted to masculine men aka NOT YOU, Jow Forums are such speds. why cant we just talk about the jewish question instead of trying to make trans people feel bad?

i littearly just posted a snap i took from yesterday itt, and I'm from Texas. I'm a honest to god white nationalist and proud of it too. nobodies perfect idk why you think so.

Aquaria the drag queen?
So beautiful

>I'm a honest to god white nationalist

that doesn't exist either.

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what are you even talking about you sperg -_-

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Literally no difference.

Of the bible and mien kamlf I don't give two shits what you look like.


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Da fuq kind of she-golem is in that pic?


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The queen of /v/

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Narcissa Wright

Lots of mental illnesses are tough to deal with... that's why they're called illnesses instead of advantages.

i never said its not a mental illness, it is valid af though

whats so funny

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not all drag queens are trans
but all trans are drag queens

Holy shit is a pic of you?

pic related is the new president of Argentina?

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Here's how to make a anti jew children bomb.

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Now post the shadman version.

this but unironically

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no thats narcissa wright

is me

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I could land a plane on one of those shoulders.
should've tried football.
maybe you would have actually found your real self instead of developing an obvious fake.

I thought life was a tragedy until i realized life was a comedy

ha ha ha ha ha ha
(Laughing) ha ha ha ha ha ha
(Laughing) what, you laughing at me?
(Laughing) what, you laughing at me?

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this post glows so fucking hard

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Hot show me more

>saying being trans is a mental illness
>saying it's also valid
>implying we should humor your delusions instead of suggesting you get help
Pfft.. you crazy.

What do you like about Kurt Cobain? That he liked to wear dresses too or the shotgun microphone

>Posts from Jow Forums glow

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you cant shame me by calling me a meanie, im saying what everybody else is uncomfortable to say, the others don't say it cause 1 - you throw hissyfits and victimize yourself to make them feel bad, maybe even threaten to kill/harm yourself if they don't play along, or 2 - they simply don't care about you

How do you feel like something you've never been before? Also, what made you decide you were trans? Like what was the reason/moment?

this "paint a meme a day" thing has really worked out for lush his lines are almost perfect these days, full can control

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oh god that little budge

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What the fuck is wrong with shadman, seriously?

Kill it all. Life was a mistake.

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Jow Forums doesn't need the feds to do dumb things
> Forums-white-supremacists-bringing-gun-to-mi-1744412287

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Y’all insufferable.

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Only /soc/ has killed more people

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Traps were a meme traps were a dream
Oh so sweet oh so fleeting
Take me back
Sons of traps

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lmaoooo nooooo wtf my shoulders are my biggest insecurity wtf shut upppppp
danka user
mental illness is valid. transitioning is getting help.
kurt was hot af and i like his music that bitch courtney love killed his ass
youre not some courageous genius who is speaking the hard truth to a bunch of people who have power over you youre just some whiny sped crying about trannies on Jow Forums youre not saying something everybody is oncomfortable to say youre just being a sheep and going along with what the masses think, youre a sheep.
ive just always felt like more of a girl than a boy since a young age.

Nice try sweety, go hang yourself now bye UwU


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Does ur butt hurt cause i want to fuck u butt an cum in u

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wait, show flag

>I've always felt like more of a girl than a boy.

Okay, you said that already. What I'm asking you is how is that possible? You can't feel like something you have no understanding of being, you have no idea what it feels like to be a woman, at best you know what it feels like to be a man who feels like a woman. Also, what was the deciding factor?

I know you have been abused.

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Nice bussy

>we just want acceptance!!!
we ok i guess, sure you can be trans just keep it to yourself
um yah i can't figure out why people hate you

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>youre not some courageous genius who is speaking the hard truth to a bunch of people who have power over you
>youre just being a sheep and going along with what the masses think, youre a sheep.
Im sorry being a revolutionary or an underdog is not a moral fetish of mine, im just telling you what everybody knows

my butt dosnt hurt unfortunately maybe someone can help change that hahah jk .. unless?
there you go
youre not that bright are you? i know pretty well what it feels like to be a woman, socially at least. deciding factor? im just being who I am I was tired of repressing my true feelings and hiding it from everyone so came out and started to transition, the deciding factor was just to be myself regardless of what others think.
no I havnt been abused lol, thanks for your concern trolling though.

not to mention girl isnt a feeling, he means he has always felt effeminate

I wanna rape you and cum in you
I wanna hate fuck you
You failure of a man fucking faggot

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Because trannys are delusional and so are they people who think it's normal to enable the metally ill so the medical industry can profit.

>We just want to be left alone bro
>We just want tolerance bro
>We just want acceptance bro
>We just want a world where we fit in whitey
>We just want control over aspect of your life, thoughts, and future Nazi

oh i've mistaken you for some limey cunt, my apologies

>you have no idea how hard to deal with schizophrenia is, you should just listen to the people who suffer from it, they definetly know what to do about it
Mentally ill faggot

>retards actually falling for this shit

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I'm as straight as they come but I'd totally fucking wreck that sissy buttslut's tight little asshole. He wouldn't be able to shit right for a month. At least.

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But user :'( im not aussie bakka

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im not some fucking leftie sjw ive never said anything like that user, sure there are alot of stupid fucking trannies out there and they make everyone look bad but that shit isnt my fault were not a hivemind.
i dont even know how to respond to that you just assume so much and youre just so wrong idek.
that could be arranged
everyone is entitled to their own opinion so thanks for the imput, i disagree though.
no worries

So Your WN? When should children learn about trans and how come transitioning is the cure for gender dysphoria?