The Greenlandic argument against being bought by America is literally

“muh, we’ll die because no more welfare, plus too much diversity in society.”

Are these the two most common reasons why Europeans don’t want to be Americans? Muhh socialist welfare state and muhhh America is no white ethnostate but a multiculti society?

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As if 30,000 snow niggers have any culture to lose.

We're buying Greenland and there's nothing gay ass Denmark can do about it lmao

germany is totally controlled by america.

A leaf

Denmark can get fucked if they think they have any right to Greenland. Greenland is AMERICAN

No sane (western) european would ever want to live in the US / be american. Life here is infinitely better, you can shill (((muh second ammendment))) as long as you want.

I'd rather be American tbqh

ITT: American Fags

If that’s the case, let’s have Germany roll their tanks into Denmark again and take over. No more Danish government, and the US can simply seize Greenland without paying anyone.

I wouldn't join this nigger-infested country either.

>Muhh socialist welfare state

You say that as though a system where you can't go bankrupt for getting sick or injured is no big deal, lol

Few years ago I had to take an ambulance ride and I didn't have my insurance card on me. It got sorted through insurance later, but they initially mailed me the bill for everything. Just the ambulance would have cost me thousands of dollars, not to mention tens of thousands for a couple days in the hospital. If I hadn't had insurance for whatever reason at the time, I'd have been completely fucked.

I would be all about annexing Greenland back in the 90s. Now I just sigh knowing that the Continental United States won't even be intact in ten years and this is just pointless.

>we wouldn't be able to leach of the Danes anymore

>drug addicted welfare queens scared of integration
Don’t see the problem. They’ll get along just fine when we ship all of our drug addicted welfare queens out of the US to Greenland and turn it into a beautiful diverse island of degeneracy containment.

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Multi-culturalism leads to failure. Show me one real nation that has made it work in the long-term.

you sheltered swiss faggot
how much longer is it until you have to pay for diversity/crippling welfare?
your white overpriced paradise needs to fall to deeper inclusion for all kinds of people.
mostly africans.
have fun!

True, i'd earn a lot more.

why shill anything? I don't want more immigrants

They would not be crushed. They might have to make a lot of adjustments, but they would still be around. They need to quit acting like no governmental socialist welfare is the end of society.

Unironically, china will. You're just another number and if you say anything about race, religion or individuality, to the reeducation camp ya go.

>we dont want your US niggers and other shitskins
They are smart.

>you can shill (((muh second ammendment))) as long as you want
Imagine trashing the greatest law in existence.
The only law that always constantly enforces itself whether those running the country want it to or not.

Give up your guns, bro, you don't need em! lol

Greenland doesn't have like America, but people are allowed to own bolt action rifles 30-06 and up due to threat of polar bears.

fpbp, snowniggers stole the land from Vikings anyway.

Here's the little dirty secret kraut: welfare policies only work in ethnically homogeneous countries.

Just fueling the desire to buy it even more!

You don't get why these things cost so much. They cost that much precisely because of government interference. Take away that, then they have to compete on prices again. Obama care made medical prices go through the roof, because "free govt. money we can write the laws ourselves and charge what we want".

Trump should rename it North Baltimore

Bawwwwing this hard at becoming part of the hyperpower.
Fast forward 50 years, Greenland is a full US state with an important polar air base, a growing naval base, the largest container port in the world, a growing offshore oil industry and booming summer shipping and fishing industries in an ice-free Arctic Ocean.

Same Greenland is better off part of Denmark. And actually, why would they want independence at all...

you will not be white in 50 years thus your empire will colapse . or civil war happens anyway

and full of niggers

You faggots have Somalis handing out Find Jesus pamplets, Turkish faggots,halal meat, and political correctness. Plus I've seen the commie disease first hand in your country. It ain't that special all you got are the fucking Alps and over priced everything. Migros is the best you've got for convenience. Plus you have 1 eco system.

Nah, that isn't why. It's because providing healthcare and health insurance is treated like a business in America instead of a necessity and a right. The shit you're talking where it's actually the governments fault is true, but it's due to lack of meaningful regulation.

Look at other countries where they have a universal, single payer setup. They pay less for the same shit as we do, but you won't believe me so I strongly suggest you look into it.

Bomb Denmark

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We should have let the other white savages destroy you.

and having a booming population of niggers.

What makes European countries better is less non whites and that is simply it. America has equal natural beauty from coast to coast and what makes America unbearable is living among niggers.

Even native Greenlanders know better than joining the amerimutt hellscape.

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>doesn't want their unique culture to be devoured by jewish globalhomo
>don't want their people ethnically eradicated in a planned genocide because the jews will immediately begin deploying millions of niggers to white greenland (even though the replacement population would be miserable in the cold, white man's climate of misleadingly-named Greenland)
I support her desire to not get jewwed

Yes, nobody wants to become a 3rd world warzone full of niggers like the USA.
Can you blame anyone?
Look at America, for fucks sake.

Why are so many americans in favour of jewing up greenland?

>Demark is bleeding money into Greenland.
>Has done little to nothing to develop it.
>citizens are crying over welfare being at threat.

Is Greenland just political points for Denmark.

We could fuck them into extinction in 10 years.

gotta love Trump! his ability to TRIGGER faggots on the left is at level 999

why should they be exempt?

It is, post WW2 Russia and USA divided Germany in two and have total control over it. Same way USA has total control over Japan, Vietnam, S. Korea. USA was kind enough to allow culture of the land to stay as is and not be forced to fly USA flags.

Problem is; USA falls under same conditions when it was bankrupted in 1930s and submitted to British Crown.

Wow an American who shits on Europe for its "diversity programs" all the while failing to realize that his country is already the biggest welfare country in the developed world, with 56% white people supporting the other 44%. Also failing to realize that most EU countries are at the very best 80% ethnic Europeans, excluding maybe the UK, and Sweden.

You fuckers are so pathetic, just because you have segregated yourself from the niggers via suburbs and rural life, doesn't mean that your country is not demographically fucked.

But muh 2nd amendment though right?

Honestly ANYTHING has a chance of working in a white majority country, some things better than others, but still...

Nah we will just give Greenland the Crimea treatment. It's ours now. No one will stop us. Europe has all of about 4 guys who know how to fight. Russia and China won't like it but they'll let it be. Just take it.

fuck yourself island nigger

Shut up guido your country will be gone in 20 at the pace you are giving up. I might be wrong but I believe your country is on track for death.

Naalakkersuisut Siulittaasuat atsiorusutaminut atsiortarpoq isumaqatigiissusiortarlunilu apereqqaanngikkaluarlusi. Inatsisartut aamma qulakkeersinnaajunnaaramikku Siulittaasup illerngi sumut ingerlanersut. Tatingaarsi ikorfartorlugulu ingerlanerani, taamaattumik akisussaaqataavusi matoqqasumik Kalaallit Nunaanni politikkikkut aqutsisoqarneranut. Suli paasinngilarput suna pisiassatut neqeroorutiginiarneraa, sapaatiuppat Mette-p reklamertussaammagu aatsaat. Kisianni naatsersuutigisariaqarparsi Folketing-ip tamarmiusup aarleqqutaasa annersarimmassuk Avanersuarmiut ikiligaluttuinnarnerat inuisalu sinerissamut nutsernerat. Nuna inoqanngittoq politikkikkut qanoq oqallisigisarpisiuk? Siunnersorteqarpisi nunanut inoqanngitsunut tunngasuni?

Don't buy Greenland.
Invade and take Greenland.

also btw, it something like 55-60% of people working there, work in the state

What kind of gay proxy are you on with that gay flag?

a burgertard

>USA was kind enough to allow culture of the land to stay as is
not really... what is social engineering

if you only knew user, if you only knew. I am afraid this history is beyond disgusting and ebin

population is way too low for them to be able to stand completely on their own legs.

they should be happy they get to keep their language, flag and local customs. Had I been USA or Russian President, I'd force everyone speak my language and fly my flag!

literally everyone with a brain wants to be american you idiot. we are the best of the world and everyone knows it. im lucky to be american but i can be 100% sure if i had been born anywhere else i would still want to move to america. nothing compares with the level of wealth and freedom we have, nothing even comes close

This. They are fucked up 24/7 but even amidst their drunken stupor they know America is a shithole.

this is btw related to the topic, but I ofc do not have a single clue to what it says.

there is this greenlandic newspaper called semitsiaq, and it's so funny to watch comments there. As one guy will write in danish, then some others reply in greenlandic and so it goes. They communicate that way there apparently, it's so fucking weird

This. Fuck the world. Everyone needs to understand that you can’t relax around blacks and that your child is actually transsexual. God Bless America!

Based, fuck ZOGmerica.