
Attached: 1644444.jpg (419x610, 195K)

Other urls found in this thread:

absolute embarrassment

Best ww2 tank
Debate me

You guys! I finally landed my dream job in UK and am moving to Tower Hamlets in March! I'm finally going to be an Englishman! Who wants to pop down to the pub one day for a pint and show me around the area? I could use some new friends.

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Shut up stupid czech retard

>don't listen to lying Remainers telling you nobody talked about No Deal

Average day for Pube

love it


Should move to Newham instead, you’ll love it

i was about to say that tank that was a big fucking gun on a train track the germans had was the best tank but then i realised it wasnt actually a tank it was just a big gun on a train or something

Bait post that will guarantee replies
Well done

>am moving to Tower Hamlets

user, I..........

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Tanks that you can’t afford to build aren’t good tanks

>def 0
>implying that's how rituals work
>those stars

sister got into her uni :D

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Yes, this is literally a years old meme.
I remember a Leaf posting it in /ptg/ talking about some shit hole in California.
Redditors ate it up for weeks on end.

Shhhhh....dont tell him.
Just enjoy it unfolding.

>lol he's not even a Christian, Stacy
>SHHH Emma, that little creep will hear us talking about him

Attached: BRITISH_JESUS.png (500x627, 165K)

>Survive The Jive has made me curious about paganism, but it comes across as a bit LARPy
>a bit

>builds 1 tiger
>I build 35 T-34s

Pretty sure he posts here shilling his own vids

Paganism is LARPing.

I dont know if he was British but he certainly only spoke english

I started making a new tootpost.

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T-34 lad

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Will she have blue/green/purple/pink hair and a ring through her nose soon?

stop talking shit about our tom
he's done decent videos on genetics and all sorts

Attached: STJ.png (578x348, 200K)

God's work

anyone been to Church recently, is it the sort of place for a 20 year old?

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Germany could have never beat Russia

Dunno, a lot of lads fall for the herring.

yeah that's what I mean. It's still interesting and kinda cool, though. if all pagans were like STJ then i would consider taking part in it, but as I understand it they're more like picrel

Attached: larpers.jpg (1200x630, 113K)

His vids are comfy though.

I slewed some pagang user for larping about visiting ancient barrows at halloween, pretty sure it was him but I might be tripping

No matter what happens, the UK is already slipping out of the US's grip when the Gibraltar decided to release the Iranian tanker despite the Americans ordering the UK to hand it over to the US instead.

Seen the most recent one where he says Cheddarman wasn't a Kang?

Thanks lad.

Nobody ever actually says tower hamlets in real life unless they are taking about some election, people refer to each individual neighbourhood like Whitechapel or West Ham

Not who youre >>(You)'ing, but yeah, watched it. Quality vid.

post toots

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I went to a church fête a few weeks ago. It was OK. I won a bottle of crap wine at the tombola thing.

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Tigers on the eastern front had a 5:1 kill ratio. Kurt kneispel had 168 confirmed kills before they got him. The only thing the t34 had going for it was numerical superiority. Filthy commie tank.

I have never personally met an English person that regularly or even once a year goes to church, ive met a few people who call themselves Christians but only becuase their parents called themselves that

pic related too

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Says the one who shills master jew

kek, cheers lad

Get some new bantz nigga god damn

oh no no no

Being Christian unless you was raised going to church is larping

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Sadly 2000 or so years of persecution of a religious group will mean a few holes in the narrative.
Also there has been a lot of shit made up about it.
I've been to a few pagan meets or Moots as they call them and they're basically a bunch of chubby 40+ something women who larp about meditating then saying they interact with spirits and shit.

Paganism when you strip away the nonsense about shrines and shit that really doesn't matter boils down to:
>Make babies
>Don't fuck up the natural order.

The later of those two things has somewhat been hijacked by hippies and shit but it's true non the less.

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And how many tigers was there? Less than T-34s I guess

That pic looks like pepe made a visit to London

I'm the Xi poster, not you? Got it??!!
(-200 Social Credit Points)

Attached: Xi Jinping official.jpg (486x600, 52K)

There are different types.
There are fat hippy weirdos doing the "we love nature" thing that you're describing.
Then there's the vampire pedo child sacrifice type like what Jeffrey Epstein was in to.

The sole reason for the Pagan larp is because Anons feel they can't reconcile anti-semitism with Christ being a Jew.

Attached: China1.webm (480x480, 1.97M)

President Switzerland Ueli Maurer from the Swiss People's Party thinks that he's a great person, so Xi Jinping is awesome.
Never question the wisdom of the Swiss Federal Council ever again, plebeian brits.

Let me guess: you live in a big city.

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Yes. Thats what numerical superiority means. You absolute spacker.

>hurr a hundred downies could kick shit out mike tyson so retards are better fighters.

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I'm not a christian but it doesn't seem like the Christians in America or Africa have any problems making babies.

Paganism is an umbrella term, invented by the Christians to cover pre Christian European cultural practises and myths. Look at the India, there's lots of variation between different hindus, and there is the sihks and Buddhistsbut there's no sectarian conflicts like there was between the Catholics, Protestants and the orthodoxs. The only religious conflict in India is between the Muslims and everyone else.

Start dancing to nigger composition.

Don't know if you'd care about this, but these are some comfy church pics here lad. Some great history in these places.

Yeah but ive also lived in semi rural Kent and it doesn't really seem much different

Heb frässi

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My great grandparents came from bohemia in like 1914 could I be jewish?

where's lulu

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>The only religious conflict in India is between the Muslims and everyone else.
That's most places, lad

Awesome, now we could sell that one guy a new bike and accident insurance.

lads i'm worried about lulu
she's been missing for a while

oy vey

your Rabbiniac ID implies that you are.


Saw """""""her""""""" posting on twitter when I went in for a rare check the other day

trips come and go

of course I care, love a good church me.

Try the fag board lad that was his/her/its home board, surprisingky.

>being angry at the decision of the servants of Lord-Emperor Blocher
That's it. No more welfare for you.

try this

there's a board about cigarettes?

I want a sausage roll from Greggs goddamnit

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I thought hed become a successful comedy writer. Then i realised i was looking at chris morrises feed.

we all do lad

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>post toots
I will lad.

I agree, but it's less of a LARP and the cringe factor is much less.

Agree with a lot of this.

That definitely seems true, at least in part.