Do you support capital punishment Jow Forums?

Or is it a barbaric medieval practice that need to end?

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In principle yes. If you commit beyond a shadow of a doubt, and not just reasonable doubt, premeditated murder then you have proven you are not fit to live in a civilized society and should be removed from it. That said, I don't trust the courts to hold to that standard of evidence, nor do I trust the government to not falsify evidence for people it wants to remove, so no, I do not support capital punishment.

Just look at cucked countries that dont have it..

There's problem about it. There was a sadistic serial killer in russia in 80th whose name was Chikatilo. Police couldn't find him and instead they literally sentenced a lot of people to capital punishment. (Judicial system sucked ass.). I tend to think that as law is expression of rich's will it's not very responsible to support capital punishment since there are a lot of political prisoners. In other words government can just kill you if they want to. The only obstacle is to fabricate fake accusations, beat victim to death so it admits he did something horrible and there you go - dead. I think capital punishment can be good only in idea society. Still i believe there are people who deserve it.

Yes, but only for extremely violent crimes

So, for people like that guy who run over protestors in Charlottesville right?

Yeah northern korea also has capital punishment. I don't think their citizens have better life than those who live in "so called" cucked countries.

We have a civilization that could do away with it. Capital punishment was necessary for societies that could not house inmates humanely. As it’s no longer the case capital punishment is immoral. If a mass murderer repents at age 90 it’s worth it.

>If a mass murderer repents at age 90 it’s worth it.
This sounds too cucked. You live in a fucking world, not fairy tale.

for kikes

Everyone except him

yes, killing non-desirable people is just common sense, espeially when the alternative is to spend huge amounts to keep them alive in prison, thus punishing honest citizens even more

I support killing 99% of everyone on earth.

that's not a crime, getting rid of the filth roaming the streets is basic hygiene, it should be paid as any job actually

No unless they are Japanese

Yes b3cause I'm not a lying hipocrate.

If you chopped up my daughter you get the gas chamber with no fucks given.

Lmao you chinks sure are really salty after 70+ years.

moral is killing those who kill?! the ONLY argument against capital punishment is the fallibility of the justice system. Ill let a million walk than imprison, much less kill an innocent man.
second is the liberal bias, aka the Charlottesville charger, that kid should get a medal, but fag liberals put him in jail with a fake as fuck death threat.


And for a culture that exist for a 1000 years. You still have no edible cultural cuisine

Only for confirmed psychopaths, MRI their brain to find their deformed frontal lobe.

>chinese cuisine

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>Only for confirmed psychopaths, MRI their brain to find their deformed frontal lobe.
>Comie flag
Good to hear you did not exclude yourself

In a hundred years, not transitioning new borns will be archaic, barbaric, and transphobic.

Comedy gold

>English delicacy

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>I’m unable to conceive of a better world and make it reality.
>the only argument.
>eye for an eye.
The moral duty is to keep society safe from known threats (murderers). The threat is neutralized by life imprisonment, killing them is not only more costly but ultimately just satisfies our emotional desire to “make things right or get even.”

Do not unmake a life you did not create if it can be helped.

>Chinese slaughterhouse

Attached: 1431229393071.webm (320x240, 1.47M)

fuck you whang fan

>English butcher

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Barbaric? Have you SEEN some of the shit people do? Read about it? Some people deserve to be eliminated quickly and without question. The pain is not the point. The elimination is. Unfortunately there is not a painless way to eliminate grotesque offenders of natural law. But it must be done.

Yes. It's not about deterring criminal behavior. It's about ending violent people's genetic lines. Capital punishment for violent crime, labor camps for petty crime. Problem solved.

>Do not unmake a life you did not create if it can be helped.
What are you a fucking jew? This sounds like you're a woman in her 50th.

unironically read Foucault

Both of your countries suck ass.

including yourself and your family

>do not unmake a life?
your moral judgement is equally subjective. I would say life has zero intrinsic value and you can show no universal external metric to prove otherwise. Therefore
Justice and equality demands an eye for an eye.
Deterrence is a social good in that it decreases FUTURE crimes while righting the balance of equality.

so for those keeping score
Objective measurments:
Equality of outcome is justice +1 me
Safety of Society +1 both of us
Deterance of future +1 to me
>yours might also deter but death is obviously "more" scary.
3v1 bro.

Back in late 18th century the french public was greatly disappointed by guillotine : death was immediate unlike hanging, there was no sadistic pleasure to see someone agonize or even be mutitaled during a botched execution. Beside the penal code removed entirely torture during trial.

It should be a capital offense to use the wrong form of their/there/they're or to/two/too. Lesser punishments can be considered in cases of autocorrect or people under 13. It should also be a capital offense for niggers to be seen or heard anywhere besides safari parks like Chicago.

Trash statement that’s not an argument.

>muh blackpill
>muh rule by fear.
Why live if you’re so intrinsically not worth anything...could it be that you know (your) life is worth preserving? Your moral compass is vandalism: ‘destroy what displeases me.’ You further assume that deterrence is a must; not so!

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It should not only be legal, it should be worse.
Bring back shootings and hangings.
Pizza pedos get the brazen bull. Go full konrad kurze on the guilty

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It’s gay now. Needs to be more violent and made public.

Please explain to me how it’s more costly to kill an inmate than it is to house them for a lifetime sentence? The average costs yearly per inmate in many states is between 30,000-40,000 per year and can go as high 60k+

I would much rather see those who commit rape, sexual abuse, murder, and other acts that can be proven without a shadow of a doubt, killed immediately via public execution.

Example, some fucking idiot driving his/her/it’s car and texting and driving hits and kills a pedestrian. They are dead.
Some fucking pedophile piece of shit sexually abused a child, torture by penis mutilation etc and killed.

I bet people would start cutting the shit real fast when they can’t expect a comfy bed, food, free housing etc in jail. Punishments have gone liberal soft in this country and that’s part of the problem. Fuck their rehabilitation, they don’t deserve it when killing someone or permanently damaging innocent people for the rest of their lives

there are some crimes for which a perpetrator deserves to die, but governments have proven many times that they are not responsible enough to wield the power

You my good sir, are an educated man.

What you're asking is do I want to pay taxes to feed, clothe, and house Jamal until he dies of old age after he did a home invasion and killed a family. No, I do not. Kill his ass and do it swiftly.

Depends on the crime doesn’t it? Serial murderers and such deserve it. If the evidence is solid beyond the point of refute and the public demands their execution then why not? At least make it available for the public to view.

only for non humans

The gene pool needs regular cleansing of deviant/violent gene's in order to maintain order and civility. Capital punishment is necessary for civilizations survival.

I remember that guy, wasn't he the Rostov Ripper? I remember leftists were so fucking butthurt because the decades old meme about how in glorious USSR they don't have crime and serial killers because muh bourgeois corruption causes crime was debunked.

Yes, only for the global elite.
Guillotine style is a great choice that really gives homage to the French Revolution.

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Juries will often rubberstamp convictions for heinous crimes, simply because of how heinous the crime was. They get outraged after having their faces rubbed in the nasty details of some ugly homicide and start howling for blood.
If the prosecution has a cop testify before a bunch of bluelivesmatter types that you are the guilty party, and the crime was brutal and ugly, and you can't prove you didn't do it? Fucked.

In theory we should be having the lifetime inmates work for the benefit of society and that work should negate the cost of their incarceration, and help mitigate the harm they’ve caused. YES I KNOW we’re currently inefficient, that must change.

I get that you “want” to lawfully execute evil people most people have that feeling BUT it’s an emotion ruling your actions. Look in a mirror for liberal soft, because your decision process is the same.

There have always been murderers, even when the punishment was to torture them to death.

Most people misunderstand capital punishment. The purpose of capital punishment is not to deter crime or criminal behavior. The purpose of capital punishment is to clean the human herd of those specimens who have proven themselves to be unworthy of keeping themselves aligned with the most sacred values of the herd.

Did France behead nobles like England did during the Ancien Régime?

Those people are to be cast into exile.

The global elite are the only ones who should be given Capital Punishment.

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I'm only against the whole death penalty thing because there are ridiculously many innocent people being sent to death row, it's inefficient and costly and there is a racial disparity as far as what race is most often being sent to death row.

This, but without all the gay.

The cost of a bullet to the head is rather cheap or a rope that can be used many times before it wears out. The cost of executing people the way it’s done right now shouldn’t be done that way.
Crime would never go away under any circumstances so I’d rather it be done the way I mentioned. Effective and cost efficient and less burden on the taxations of the people to foot the bill for worthless fucks. I guarantee crime rates on many different crimes would go down if the severity of punishment was equally or much more harsh.

Capital punishment has been proven not to work as a threat, but it sure keeps the prison population down. We need it.