AltRight Leadership Exposed

This is one of the most important videos right now. No eceleb nonsense, no shekel grabbing. Just an abundance of redpills. Discover how Jews and crypto-Communists are turning White Nationalists into Israel supporting Neo-Bolsheviks.

Attached: altright never jews.jpg (1024x1024, 176K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Apr_2009

Taylor and the Golden One have both explicitly named jews

uh huh..

Attached: jared taylor words.png (1000x1845, 409K)


Attached: (((golden one))).jpg (892x764, 109K)

None of these archive links work

Nobody cares about semites killing each other.

Why do you lie? The very first archive link is and it works just fine.

that has nothing to do with the screenshot, moshe.

If hook nosed desert rats want to fight each other over their shitty desert shithole, why should I care? Also the holohoax never happened.

Shit doesn't work

Attached: yer shit doesn't work.png (1686x967, 25K)

YouTube account has 1 video. /leftypol/ is pathetic. Btw we see you guys on bunkerchan and we're in your discord and telegrams.

>If you don't see a Jew hiding under every rock, you're a Jew puppet.

>If hook nosed desert rats want to fight each other over their shitty desert shithole, why should I care?
that has nothing to do with the screenshot I posted. Also pic related.

Attached: it works.jpg (1919x958, 149K)

It works your shit is just gay like you.

Wtf why can't I open archive links

Try a diff browser

None of them work

Attached: 1565990161237.jpg (952x960, 145K)

Now that you know the archive links do indeed work, what is your response concerning Taylor's words?

Hello morpheus. Pulling an all nighter?

Gotta figure out why these stupid fucking links won't work on my computer, but he's not my dad or my god so I don't really give a shit if he's wrong about foreskin eaters while being right about nearly everything else.

Thought I was talking to that greasy obese lardass. Is punching right the only thing this tubby fuck does?

He admitted that jews are partially responsible for what's going on.

>The Jews are fine by me
>Jews have a valuable role in the work of Amren
>Jews can be white people
>Jews must be part of the movement
>I dont endorse any form of National Socialism

Imagine defending this guy. Also is you're running a vpn or proxy that's prbly why you cant access archive. Clear cookies, delete System32.

Yeah keep running your mouth fatty. You haven't done one one-millionth of what any of the people you're shitting on to help white people. All you do is bitch bitch bitch. Why don't you name a real national socialist hero or whatever the fuck ideology you believe in? If all you can do is tear everything down you're no better than the communist retards.

How does defending Jews and saying they're white helping white people?

>somehow relevant today


So what would you have them do? Go total sperglord about the jews and get blackballed, disgraced and conveniently suicided?

Most of those people name the jew

>blackballed, disgraced and conveniently suicided?
Is our priority stopping white genocide or is it our careers and individual lives? Where is the integrity? You don't need to do it like some idiot.. Patrick Little or Mike Enoch.. you can tell the truth in a very reasonable way. Why not?

You're talking to "Morphaeus", some fat autist who screams that anyone who doesn't go full geobbels in public is a controlled kike shill.

Can you give a single example of someone "telling the truth on the jews in a very reasonable way" instead of screaming "KIKE SHILL" at everything that moves? Be the change for fuck's sake.

Yair, and the Golden One, are very correct though. Syria, Iraq and Libnan used to be white as well. Arabs cry about the Ottomans, too, but since they aren't around any more, it's Israel's time to be blamed.

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Oh look, it’s another shareblue character assassination

Attached: D4B40D92-66ED-48F8-8E3B-58A11192E5A1.jpg (400x236, 22K)

Sage for shareblue shilling.

Sure. Assange and the Wikileaks team told the truth about Jews. They exposed every Jewish plot from Zionism to Communism, and despite some kikes screeching "anti-Semitism!", that charge never took hold. They have a huge following and continue naming the Jew in an intelligent way. If they can do it, why should we expect anything less from these "political commentators?"

This guy is fantastic apart from his jew love

Cool which documents? I would really like to read them. Hopefully the links work this time.

>Is our priority stopping white genocide
I honestly wonder. Why dont you condemn white nationalist terror attacks? You think your ideology is ever going to gain traction when you don't even condemn the violent radical elements of it? Now, I personally dont give a shit about your feelings. Fuck of with that. The facts are as such: not a single reasonable person in the world will accept or support an ideology that is demonstrably violent and destructive towards greater peace. And honestly you have yet to even prove "white genocide" is even remotely a tangible threat, let alone an actual global plan being carried put by high profile bad faith actors, organized in such a way around the globe that they're tied to all western countries governments or whatever the fuck conspiracy trite you swallow in your echochamber.

You can just search "Israel" in their archives. Here's an example:,_Apr_2009

Here's an example of them exposing Bolshevism:

And pic related is them recently exposing Zionism.

>Why dont you condemn white nationalist terror attacks?
I do constantly. I don't support the Brenton Tarrant or the Breivik.

Attached: wikileaks zionism.jpg (624x826, 91K)

Everybody knows the settlements are fucking illegal and everybody knows AIPAC owns our worthless kike government. Also reams of internal documents are not something retard normie shiteaters can digest. They need e-celebs to feed them the relevant information and the leftovers on youtube are the best we have right now.

Tell me how horrible Nick Fuentes is now, despite going on angry tirades about kikes in thinly veiled language.

>show that wikileaks can expose jewish zionism and communism in an intelligent way and that ecelebs who refuse to do these things have no real excuse

Attached: nick fuentes embrace you genocide.jpg (640x839, 363K)

>I do constantly. I don't support the Brenton Tarrant or the Breivik.
You are a minority, bud. Most white nationalists celebrate what white nationalist terrorists do when there is violence involved. You need to be more active and raise your voice. Or you're just full of shit, which is more likely. I've never once heard a white nationalist condemn any attack committed by one of their own. You assholes ALWAYS celebrate and circlecerk about it.
>its time to rise up white brother!

I cant believe i was ever okey with milo
He a faggot jew, what was i thinking


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>everyone and everything is a jew except me.
Remember lads, this is the faggot that calls everyone a Jewish psyop. Beware his pilpul.

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The amount of psyops directed at white people is insane.
>You need to be more active and raise your voice
I'm trying

You have two posts itt referencing Moarpheus. Why create a strawman and not address the actual video?

Well you gave me a heap of documents and in no way told me what's in them or how they're connected. There's no deflection at all. I'm just telling you retard moron normie shiteaters can't be bothered to read and need "e-celebs" to sum it up for them because the "real" ones sure as fuck aren't going to.

Also Nick is right on both of those accounts. All those alt-lite retards are labeled as WN when doing nothing but shitting on the very idea, and America is already 56% or less, dude. The country as a whole is completely and irreversibly fucked.

Do you have any point at all or are you just going to point to giant stacks of documents you haven't even read and say "SEE I'M RIGHT" without even mentioning what's in them?

Because everyone knows you're a fat retard with nothing positive, constructive or useful to say.

>prove wikileaks has a long history of exposing zionism and communism
>but somehow kosher ecelebs can do the same thing or else
see how stupid this sounds?

>violence bad
Found the cuck. Leave and go back to the shitstain website you've probably been banned from for wrong think.
>watch my video!
No. Not gonna give you shekels.

jews are enemies of white people

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You haven't proved anything. Right now I'm reading what pretty much amounts to a gigantic Jow Forums post emailed to startfor. There's nothing intelligent or reasonable about it.

>I'm trying
Good luck. Not sure how you're going
to reconcile making a fundamentally violent ideology seem nonviolent. Nor do I know how you're going to separate your identity as a white nationalist from the core radical elements of your ideology, and from the extremely radical/violent actors who also identify as white nationalist.

Terto Ngiviu
Naalakkersuisut Siulittaasuat atsiorusutaminut atsiortarpoq isumaqatigiissusiortarlunilu apereqqaanngikkaluarlusi. Inatsisartut aamma qulakkeersinnaajunnaaramikku Siulittaasup illerngi sumut ingerlanersut. Tatingaarsi ikorfartorlugulu ingerlanerani, taamaattumik akisussaaqataavusi matoqqasumik Kalaallit Nunaanni politikkikkut aqutsisoqarneranut. Suli paasinngilarput suna pisiassatut neqeroorutiginiarneraa, sapaatiuppat Mette-p reklamertussaammagu aatsaat. Kisianni naatsersuutigisariaqarparsi Folketing-ip tamarmiusup aarleqqutaasa annersarimmassuk Avanersuarmiut ikiligaluttuinnarnerat inuisalu sinerissamut nutsernerat. Nuna inoqanngittoq politikkikkut qanoq oqallisigisarpisiuk? Siunnersorteqarpisi nunanut inoqanngitsunut tunngasuni?

North Africans aren't arabs

hehe I couldn't help my self it's a comment from a greenlandic paper, this language fascinates me

anyways, wtf is even an alt-right in 2019?

what is pic related? is it wikileaks exposing israel in an intelligent way? yes, i think it is. so tell me: why cant these ecelebs do the same thing? explain.

We need something new, not White Nationalism as a movement or brand. Too many agents have poisoned that well for it to become politically powerful.

Attached: israel wikileaks.jpg (1440x1236, 494K)

It's all just rex 84 and Agenda 21

the hell they are
all bolsheviks deserve the rope.

White nationalist, race realist, white supremacist are all examples of alt right.

Alt right is anything further right and more authoritarian than what is considered acceptable-far-right in mainstream politics. Anything to the far right of the establishment right wing can be called alt right, really. If I understand correctly

they all look like fags. alex jones is cool though


Because it's too intelligent, retard. NORMIES DO NOT READ THEY NEED E-CELEBS TO SPOON FEED THEM. I don't know how I can make this anymore simple. News personalities are the sphincter that shits information into the normie mind. If there isn't someone spoon feeding them, the information WILL NOT GET INTO THEIR HEADS, and all you do is try to plug these sphincters up while acting like you're accomplishing something.

>wikileaks has a massive international following
>ecelebs are struggling to remain relevant
explain to why it's too intelligent if the dumb ecelebs have less traction than wikileaks? that doesnt even make sense.

>We need something new, not White Nationalism as a movement or brand.
Just drop the ethnic identity politics bullshit and you'll get a lot further, for one.

>Too many agents have poisoned that well for it to become politically powerful.
Get used to that. Those are your people my dude. No matter what you label or brand it as, that type of ideology attracts the worst kinds of people in the world (who happen to self identify as white) who are braindead retarded and only want to solve things through mass violence and spreading propaganda. Virtually never through actual discourse.

>Taylor loves Jews
Taylor has pretty much admitted to as much as he can, that not talking about Jews is pure optics on his part.

Look it's time for our daily alt-right e-celeb is a jew thread. Please hurry and kys OP.

>Just drop the ethnic identity politics bullshit
Whites are facing genocide, so it has to be talked about.

>muh discourse

Too late for that. We're well into the low level tribal warfare phase.

That was a good video -I knew I didnt trust those fucking people.

half of those guys actually did mention jews though

name them? which ones

Demonstrate that that's true then. Do so without posting fucking opinion pieces from b-tier news sites or linking tweets. As far as I've seen there is no real plan for white genocide, just cherry picked Twitter posts of some radical leftists spouting off their trite and a bunch of white nationalists who spend too much time on the internet fabricating connections between them.

Be honest. You never intended to attempt discourse in the first place.

The Golden One just shilled for a 12 year old screamo song, by a kid that announces in every single guitar vid that he was an 11-year old kid
Holy fucking cringe


Op faggot slidenigger

You're talking to this retarded fatass . All he does is scream about how every popular right-winger is a kike shill. No different than a leftist faggot in practice.

No, that's only yourself. Glad you hate jews though, at least you got that right.

some of those twitter posts aren't half bad.

Attached: white genocide proof 3.jpg (1242x1241, 217K)

>we need to get away from white nationalism! It's no no bad!
the morpheus jew reveals himself at last. Despite throwing shit at others for not being hardline anti Jewish power he proposes to run away from white nationalism because muh optics.

go the fuck to bed, finn freak

The White Nationalist movement is led by Jews and Bolsheviks. Prove me wrong.

U shitpostin from the sauna?

You're thinking of Neocons.

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hi e-celeb-in-hiding, you can now go back to recording yourself for 8 more hours instead of having an actual job

How exactly does that prove white genocide? You do know what "genocide" means, right?

Spencer... Duginist/White Zionist.
Duke...Duginist/White Zionist.
Name just ONE White Nationalist leader who is not a Nazbol or Zionist?

So according to OP unless you're an all out Neo-Nazi you work for Zionists...

Sure. Here's a great maymay showing "replacement" is genocide.

Attached: white genocide proofs.png (2480x3508, 477K)

where did i mention (((neo-nazis)))? dont be dishonest please

Okay we're all devoted followers of you now. What's the ideology, faggot?

Dude, that's what you're doing. If someone doesn't imply they hate Jews or call out Jews that are somehow subversive... It's ridiculous.

Zionist Fascism is the problem, not Jews.

Who's the leader of the white nationalist movement? I'll wait while you try to sus that out.
Ecelebs are cancer. Throw more shit faggot.
Is a cunt that no one listens to in 2019.
How? Isn't he always talking about jews? Didnt he go on television and try to tell a bunch of niggs who the real slave owners where?

>This is one of the most important videos right now. No eceleb nonsense, no shekel grabbing.
No none of that
just plain and simple divide and conquer faggotry.
Get fucked faggot.

Attached: 220px-2008_Jared_Taylor.jpg (220x254, 20K)

Nobody is good enough for this fat faggot. Apparently he's the only one in the world truly crusading for the white race, despite being a surly fatass with no family of his own.

well guess who the fuck bankrolled the ottomans...
as a good symbol you know who owned the exclusive monopoly of supplieing luxury goods to the harem of the sultan??
well who is well known for luxury trading in the early modern age? mHMHJM WHO COULD IT BE??

Attached: 47580333_2169984709719288_2175746272269434880_n.jpg (720x413, 37K)

I'm not clicking that shit. Explain it to me through discourse, not fucking memes. Are you incapable of doing this? Why would that be? You can use your meme as a citation if you want but you need to explain.

Nationalism for the State.

You're falsely equating hating Jews with exposing their crimes.
>Zionist Fascism is the problem, not Jews.
One the Right we have Zionist Fascism, on the Left there is Communist Fascism, both fronted by Jews, and in the center we have Jews who don't care either way and do nothing to stop evil. Where are these good Jews?

You can Google "White Nationalist Leaders," pick one, and I'll show you he's a Zionist and/or Duginist.
>David Duke
Is a Duginist. He has denounced National Socialism on video. He's a crypto-Bolshevik.

According to the UN's own definition of "Genocide" replacement migration, anti-white propaganda, are both acts of genocide.

So national socialism? Or was hitler a kike shill too?

>nationalism is for the stete
nationalism refers to the nation a group of people with common origin, aka an ethnos a poeple A VOLK

you mean patriotism which is about the country itself and such much mroe tied to the system of governance

cherrypicked and queeb-pilled.

The UN itself describes genocide in "The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" as the following ;

Artice II:
>In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with
intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as

This is elaborated further in Article II.C,D, and E.
>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
>Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The irony of the UN, which was designed to prevent Genocide, is openly advocating demographic replacement, is completely lost on people.

In my view "National Socialism" is a redundant term. If Socialism simply means the wealth a society generates should serve that society and not a foreign State, then this type of Socialism is already implied by the word "Nationalism." Nationalism is not an economic policy - Nationalism is any policy which serves the greater interest of the Nation, and it is not restricted to one system of rule or another but allows the freedom for Governmental institutions to evolve as needed. National Socialism, as a political system, does not afford this evolution.
See above. Without a People, or a "volk," there is no Nation.