Wtf is he saying

wtf is he saying

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>wtf is he saying
he admires trump and likes jewish allegories

Trump is literally the antichrist

Israel loving, anti-white boomers are saying Trump is supernatural, but white genocide isn't a real genocide. Imagine that.

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I want whatever Bill Mitchell is smoking

Quit trying to make this thread faggot

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Proof this is a glownigger bread
Even some of the replies are the same

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based boomer embarrassing himself on the internet

Trump is dope, all you socialist faggots can suck the tit until your incapable of producing original products and start rotting in the streets. if your anti trump your anti capitalism, and capitalism is innovation.

>t. Kushner Real Estate Holding Company Cayman Islands LLC

Trump bailed out Big AG because of his tariffs tho..also wants the FED to initiate QE for wallstreet, corporate tax cuts went into stock buybacks while tax revenue collapsed and debt is going parabolic which we are on the hook for. Isn't that a socialist oligarchy?

He's a fucking moron.
The oligarchy are the elite Jewish billionaires who funded Trump's campaign like Sheldon Adelson while Trump lied and claimed he self funded.

Nothing of value.

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It's corporate socialism, yes. Trump is a corporate socialist but the majority of White Trump supporters have a sub-12th grade education. Sad but true.

No fan of Democrats, but Trump is all for backdoor subsidies for wallstreet..just look at his tweets for the FED to prop up these markets and USD devaluation. It's like when Trump wants backdoor socialism for's considered "Pro-Business".

Wasn't moses exiled from heaven or something like that?

How is he like Moses? The jews did not like him even when he was leading them out of Egypt. Even when he lead them out of Egypt god punished him for not circumcising his child.

jews live under the delusion that they're an ancient group of "God's chosen people" so they jump at anything that could vaguely reaffirm that. Reality is that jews are nothing but shysters.

He'll free us from socialism by importing millions of socialist loving third worlders. USA USA USA

Nothing, just blasphemy.

He's telling you the truth.
That's why you can't figure it out.

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you know where to go back to

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Reminder that there are people who donate money on a regular basis so this "man" can continue his "reporting" on Twitter.

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Was punished for striking the rock at Horeb twice, instead of just speaking a command to it.
Was not allowed to go into the Holy Land at that time.
The devil and the angels fought for his body. The devil lost. As usual.
Moses and Elijah came down from heaven for a last chance meeting with Jesus just prior to the crucifixion. The Two Witnesses met with Jesus before and after the crucifixion.
So, Moses has been in the Holy Land, and will die in the streets of Jerusalem. Then he will be raised up, alive, and the world will come under the wrath of God.
Few will survive.
Billions will die.
Sure hope Anons are ready.

Back to ancient Israel under Ahab & Jezebel, their successor Joram, and his successor, Jehu.
This has all happened before.
Now with Bill & Hillary, their successor Barry, and his successor Trump.

who is the messiah?

boomers fueling a mega boomer

You sound like a Protestant

I sound like a bible believing Christian.
All the protestants, catholics, died 500 years ago.
Get a new boogeyman, papist.

Trump is about as godly as the back of my ass
he couldn't even name a bible verse correctly and STILL managed to get the bible thumper vote because they are just that fucking stupid

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He thinks Trump is the Highlander.


All men are equally godly.
Which is to say, not at all.


Oh, and tell the Farm that anime is passe, and your organization is on the chopping block.
Chop chop.


Or they voted for him to stop being replaced by beaners

How much of what you wrote is official Christian doctrine, and how much was pieced together as a fanfiction?
Would you defend the Clintons the same way you're defending Trump? I have a feeling you would eat his ass if he told you to.

Tump is like god to Boomer Qtards. I'm surprised you haven't noticed user.

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It's all in the bible.
I will never tolerate Jezebel.
However, Jezebel is as "much like God" as Trump is.
Which is to say, not at all.

lmao delusional

He's a generational world changing statesman.

im ok with this

how fucking delusional are these people?
is this idiot a Qtard? is this guy the 1%?

If he's smart, he is. If he's not, he likes to watch hockey.

Trump is not the antichrist.
However, the antichrist is taking notes on how to wield power.

>It's all in the Bible
Including the part where you're supposed to follow only the Bible, and are saved faith alone?

The bible says to only follow Jesus, but both Jesus and the bible are referred to as the word of God, and the Word of God, so I see how you could be confused.

Trump saying inflammatory shit about the libs has always been a strategy. Then he fails as a politician, he can fall back on being that guy who uses his bully pulpit to say what every other conservative has been thinking

Trolling is not something amerifats see on a daily basis. Boomers see Trump as a breath of fresh air, hence the cult of personality that surrounds him now

not for long

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For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.
>not of works

He is a breath of fresh air.
A strong enough breath of fresh air to change the world.

Good Christ was a jew

So if you believe Jesus is the Son of God, you can continue sinning as much as you want, and you still go to Heaven?

>he doesn't know the significance of the image
how fucking NEW are you?

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well that worked out huh

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All of my sins were forgiven me before the world was made, except one. I have not committed that one unforgiveable sin.
All of your sins were forgiven you before the world was made, except one.
You are currently committing that unpardonable sin.

There is no significance, only psyops.
You must have missed the thread where we outed you clowns.

Q predicted this

Yeah pal it doesn't shock me right now that you're a schizphrenica fuck who can't even for one second think he is wrong and just attacking an user
and as far as the image
>hurr durr duh CIA is stealing out big GETs
most retarded thoery i've ever heard
i can only imagine what went on your schizo circle jerk
>we be exposing dem, see dis bird feeder, see symbol on it, just as thought, it linked to trafficking and how traffic work? it go fast just like how thread is fast right now, checkmate CIA

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Doesn't shock me one bit that you're terrified of the noise of a massive trainwreck screeshing through McLean right now.

I'm not the one doing mental gymnastics to defend every single action trump does or does not take

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We should probably apologize for laughing as your world crumbles down around you, but considering who you are, and what you do, this is your best life.
No matter how bad it is.

He who the Son sets free, is free indeed.
Get used to hearing a lot of screeching. Weeping. Wailing. Gnashing of teeth.

I have no clue what the fuck you're even talking about at this point fucking hell man you just live in your own reality, you're a joke to me and the lurkers, just so you know

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oh you wanted seconds, here ya go

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pic related

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Only one of us cares about how we appear on an anonymous message board.
Unless, of course, someone is monitoring your posts.
And wondering why they hired you.

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Jesus died once, for all.
You and yours don't get a second day to feel triumphant, only to crumble in abject terror three days later.

You misspelled "Jesus".
I wonder if you're even allowed to pronounce Yehoshua out loud.

I see your shift worker from Bhutan caught up with you. Good black market in Bhutan, from what I hear.

here we see a religicuck
when confronted with something he cannot understand or comprehend he may spout crystal yet unintelligent jew-book babble at you
this is usually followed by praying you die

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Pretty straight forward Christian doctrine.
Of course, it requires spiritual discernment to understand, as if I needed confirmation about your lost status.

just wind you up and watch you go, look at you, i'm not even reading the posts and getting 4-5 replies per post from you
is jesus helping you atm? battle me?

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Yes, there's a battle going on.
No, it does not involve you.

look at him go folks, he's had his monster energy drink today folks we can be certain of that

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Literally pointed out your shift change for anyone interested.
Like you, though, my working day is almost over.
Good luck with that whole coup against God thing.
Sounds like you need some help.

I'm a Christian. I reject your ideology because sola scriptura is the Christian equivalent of liberalism, and has done nothing positive for the religion or its adherents. Stop posting so much boomer, you don't belong here and don't understand how imageboards work. You should get back to Facebook and praise Trump endlessly who has yet to do anything significant for your children.

im sorry are you saying something? have god beam the message to me, it just isn't getting through atm

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Why is it then that many international corporations, the end stage of capitalism, act like progressive socialists?

This theory about divine appointment comes from Kim Clement, who made prophetic prophecies, supposedly, about Trump and this time.

look like i tuckered the christcuck out, shame

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boomers i swear to fuck

so, they saying all this about trump, huh?

They donated money to him so he could move to DC to "better report the news" and instead he took the cash and moved to Florida because it has "better weather".

fag rareflag


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He smokes jew dick.

Sometimes I worry Trump is, or is setting up the place of the Antichrist. Why?

Because a lot of bad shit that’s supposed to happen hasn’t happened yet per the Bible for rainbows and giggles and fluffy clouds to come across the world. Doesn’t make sense. Revelation. Peace in the Middle East. The rapture. And so on.

Will gladly be proven wrong on concerns.

He a good example of why Republicans have lost and will continue to lose.

Any sauce?

I've been trying to tell everyone this but they don't care.

Retarded libertarian Bullshit.