Flat earth

If earth is really flat what is beyond the ice?

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The only thing flat is your fucking head.


>what is beyond the ice?
That's the real question.
Could be like pic related. Could be an infinite plane pockmarked with realms like ours. Could be a hard limit like a physical wall.

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Flat earther’s can never give you an answer where the edge is, everything in our world is 3D, yet, flat earthers want hs to believe we live in a 2D world.

>because I see balls in the sky, I am standing on one

Attached: hatlet.jpg (645x729, 49K)

imagine unironically believing this

Attached: 4B2740EC-5992-41EE-9131-87F56E774F53.jpg (1024x1024, 80K)

>fLat EArTheRs BeLieVe reALiTy is 2D

Attached: inlet.png (211x239, 4K)

Flat errfers are a special kind of retarded. They unironically watch Owen benjewman and are into gay bears or something

I know, right? Pretty pathetic believing that because you see something it must apply to you.
Because he saw a dog, he is a dog now. Magical.

>They unironically watch Owen benjewman
Nah, Owen isn't down with Savanje, get with the times

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the earth is not flat

Prove it
>pro tip: you can't

Attached: Nasa Guy Vanishes.webm (1280x720, 1.57M)

Attached: Piece of crap takeoff.webm (320x240, 2.29M)

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Epstein's new island

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A dome

Its flat but in four dimentions. In a few years you will see this in scientific news.

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"The earth is flat because mommy told me so"

Attached: Cuck Shed.jpg (416x454, 78K)

wew.... GIDF out in action within seconds

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More ice.

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What is the gravity at the center of earth? If mass has gravity and the gravity of earth is "0" then the earth must logically be hollow.

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Your shit unspecified videos prove nothing.

Retard discovered how earth and space functions.

Go to school fag

we're gonna get these bastards for all the kids they've killed

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>flat earthers have to explain everything to the finite detail including "the edge"
>globe cuck scientists get away with shrugging the shoulders and saying the universe is infinite and there is no edge

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Probably even more kikes

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Gravity is just a theory. The only thing that is hollow is your badly shaped skull you mutt.

checked but also discarded because of memeflag

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Really makes you think

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it's past the dew line the government will shoot you for your safety

wasted get

Attached: hair.webm (720x576, 2.58M)

it's hilly and mountainous.

>it's past the dew line
based DEWposter

Attached: dew.jpg (1080x1049, 339K)

>Gravity is just a theory.
exactly and the example I provided proves that.

>at the center of gravity there is no gravity
>the cause of gravity is no gravity

So obviously gravity is an effect of something else.

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Fucking wasted digits

The highest land is in Antarctica. The fact that no one can go beyond freely on their own will in Antarctica is interesting.

Not a whole lot of video evidence of that whole entire continent. There are videos on YouTube that show admiral Byrd flying around and you can clearly see blue freshwater ice melt that’s about 38 degrees Fahrenheit.


There is land in which no man wanders freely.

Gold Deagle is a nice artistic choice

>There is land in which no man wanders freely

Attached: believing-intensifies.jpg (500x375, 34K)

Nice comparison between a space station that is 350 km above the earth in the outer space and a zero-gravity flight. Mongoloid

Attached: FlatEarthersBTFO.jpg (577x522, 29K)

Nice complete assumption that there is a tin can floating in a made up medium called “space”.

There is no gas pressure (air) without a container.

The container is the necessary antecedent to a GAS PRESSURE.

^ Pirateflag = Jimmy

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If Jow Forums has taught me anything, It's just more jews.


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It's turtles all the way down.

doesnt even matter if its flat or not, space is bent, You can only theorize and gues whats up there

a gravitational field in a three dimensional space would generate a sphere.

This is utter nonsense.

flat earthers don't even have a model

>imagine thinking stuff falls down because of a ratio of masses

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see cope harder faggot


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what numerologie is that?

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How about you do yourself a favor and just search engine a simple “earth from space”. Take a good minute or two look.

Come back and then post your findings.

The fact alone that there is 1 fake image is enough for me to realize somethings going on! Literally every picture is CGI. Why? The only real stuff I’ve watched were those balloons being launched up 150,000ft until they burst. The WORLD upon which we live looks a lot different than the spinning ball hocus pocus.

Neither flat not "3d". A hyperbolic projection caused by light from the sun. No sun/light=no earth. We would vanish instantly

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Image says reverse ordinal

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but this contradicts the seasonal model the other guy posted. Not to mention there should be no night in that model.

Pressure in space is so low it's almost nonexistent.
Much of space is filled with atomic and molecular gas and small particles of dust.


I guess your IQ is the equivalent of the level of pressure in space.

Why does stuff fall down?

consider that it is not flat to us, but to a 5th dimensional observer..?

Attached: pontchartrain-btfo.webm (852x480, 2.27M)


Retard discovers microgravity. Go to school, pay attention in physics class, please.


What is the source of all other known forces?

Attached: cosmologies.jpg (530x531, 88K)

>but this contradicts the seasonal model the other guy posted
>Not to mention there should be no night in that model
How and why?

I bet there are people ITT right now drooling on themselves.

^ Oh Jimmy is back, still cosplaying as a Pirate

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If Earth is flat then why cant I see Mt Everest (supposedly the tallest thing) from my backyard?

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is this the earth overlaying a starry background at 25% opacity?? directly from nasa I assume?

Why can't you see a candle 4 miles away?

What is down? What is it falling towards?
>in space
>much of space

But what is this "space"?

>What is the source of all other known forces?
another source

ESA I believe, european

Vanishing point as desribes, also, air isn't 'clear' as you may think. It gets hazy pretty quick, limiting vision greatly.

Look at the distance the light is traveling one direction and see how its much longer than through the middle. It doesn't make sense.

nothing this is all god made for us


^ Get Dubay'd

Oh so why can we see planets with a telescope but not the sun which is only a few thousand miles away and not obstructed by anything on a flat earth.


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