So the other day everyone said 800 pounds down is proof of a new recession. I don't understand...

So the other day everyone said 800 pounds down is proof of a new recession. I don't understand. It has already bounced back no?

Attached: Screenshot at 2019-08-16 15-47-15.png (633x394, 28K)

>orange man bad
>recession bad for orange man

What's -800+300?

they are exhausting degenerate gamblers trying to short the top.

This. The you wont have time to ponder things when the real top comes in Nov.

Markets dont move in a straight line, faggot, also Trump called the Plunge Protection Team on Wednesday as he is panicking due to his tweets becoming ineffective at manipulating the market. Look to the bond market for truth, smart money is out, only the sheep are still in stocks.

>he didn't buy the dip

No recession.
Demorats are trying to talk down the economy, because Trump is killing them on the economy.

dear retards: Look at this fucking chart, this is the S&P 500 since 2007.

Look where we are now. America is fucking DEEP-DICKING the entire world. We are not in a fucking recession. We are absolutely STYLING on the rest of the world.

Literally take 5 minutes and look at the objective facts. Yes I realize corporations are bad, but America is not in a fucking recession.

Attached: reality check .png (1834x1034, 189K)

>what is the dead-cat bounce

>what is the The Plunge Protection Team

fpbp. pretty much the entirety of the situation. not actually in a recession or even CLOSE to it.

Inverted yield curve

>falling stock market is now an indicator for recession

Jesus, why are people such brainlets... a recession is clearly defined as "two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth"

The US had its highest GDP growth in decades and still tugging along nicely. its still around 2-3% per month and pretty much shits on any EU country, especial Germany, which had a 0,1% shrinkage of GDP last quarter.
Germany is actually on the brink of recession and is in stagnation for a year now.

QE. The whole thing is inflated.


The yield curve is the recession indicator. Don't worry so much about the actual Dow numbers because those bounce up and down frequently.

The left wing media is going to try their hardest to create a recession in the next six months. Every single economic article will be negative and push the narrative, true or not.

Hand job.

They only do that when ((they)) are out of the market and risk has been transferred over to the goyim who reliably follow the crowd and buy the top.

douche bank is up 50 cents, so our markets went up as a result