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seems legit to me fag

Always gotta blame whitey

you are a nigger

Homophobia is pretty exclusive to abrahamic religions so it's not surprising that all countries where the majority follows abrahamic faith is anti-gay as fuck. It's one of the oldest agendas in the world. "Homosexuality is an abomination" It's a feels before facts argument too

Unfortunately there's no way to disprove this since niggers hadn't even discovered the written word until white people showed up.

>he literally doesn't know that written language was invented by brown people during the earliest civilization
How the fuck do you not know about ancient Mesopotamia? Dude I'm a fucking burger and even I know about that. Learn some history goddamn

>the world
I believe it

>NIGGERS are the same as tanned CAUCASIANS

stay mad blaccboi

You're welcome you bloody poofs
homosexuals do not reproduce unless forced to and target vulnerable people like teenagers, young adults and the mentally unstable often resulting in them perpetuating the cycle.

you don't need a holy book to know you're an abomination mate, you're dead weight

The only homosexuals "targeting" anyone are the ones working for religious establishments you dumb piece of shit. Pedo priests are all but celebrated by religious establishment, which is ironic considering the anti-homo rhetoric originated from the religious establishment. I guess they make an exception for being anti gay when it comes to raping little boys at an alter.

>millions view lgbt as ‘unafrican’
I see this as a positive

Fucking greeks.


>White people built civilization AND cured the gay.
Thank you whitey.

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Typically people aren't really talking about the middle-east to Egypt area, but sub-sahara Africa.
And "Brown People" makes you seem like a fag.

Fucking white people forcing ISIS to punt gays off of buildings

You fucking moron

So queers are targeting little boys, young adults and the mentally unstable but some of them are priests
woah I'm BTFO thanks for proving my point sailor

Man they hate the gays here. Had a talk with a a former co-worker, and he said all fags should be lined up and shot. It's not colonial teachings, I can tell you that.

American education everyone

>Thinks ancient Mesopotamian people looked like the current inhabitants.
You’re an idiot


Actually, religious establishment is targeting little boys. They enable pedophilia by allowing priests to rape kids and then get away Scott free with a comfy new setup at a re-located church. Rinse and repeat.


On the spaceship.

Good, we should help them promote faggotry in Africa so they won't breed like rats.

Ah so it's the church's fault that poofs are fucking little kids (mostly teens actually and they often go on to be bum bandits too funily enough) right you are because putting on a robe makes you a pedophile.
I think I'm catching on now

>all homosexuals "target" kids, even the ones working for religious establishments

Typically they're fucking retarded. White people didnt invent written language. That's a fact, and it was the whole point of my post. Carry on with your mental gymnastics


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The pedo priests Are homosexuals, you dunce.
>fags diddle kids
>fags infest seminars
>priests diddle kids


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>white man, we have to send your armies to africa to fight for the LGBT people
>you already dumped 5 trillion into africa but it's not enough

>"Homosexuality is an abomination"
That's true. The anus and rectum are not meant for penetration. Male genitalia is meant for female genitalia. I shouldn't have to explain these obvious facts.

Niggers didnt even have a written language until the evil wypipo showed up and gave them one.


Yes it is their fault. Are you joking? How the fuck are you going to put a pedophile around little kids even AFTER they've demonstrated that they want to molest little kids? This is what the fucking church does. The majority of gays dont support this shit. You're out of your mind and ignorant to believe that this is standard homo behavior and not just standard religious establishment behavior.


>feels before facts
The fact that people 'feel' the need to call it an abomination is technically a fact though.

We must ungay the world again

t. faggot

People feel the need to believe in superstition, and as a consequence sacrifice their capacity to think rationally. That's also a fact.

Of all the hardest propaganda to undo, it's the "Fag Question" that's the most hard coded. I'm certain Normies will become anti-Isarel socialists BEFORE they wake up to the redpill on homos.

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Fuck it
Dumping redpills on fags now thanks to this unrepentant sodomite.

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Faggots being disgusting isn't based on religion, rather the religions that call fags disgusting are based on that sentiment.

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Disgust is a feeling. You've left the realm of facts. Get the fuck out and take your religious trite with you. Faggot.

dude I'm not a xtian and I fucking hate gays

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Yes, I see, they protect pedophiles.
How does that force you faggots to fuck kids again? Is it some sort of mind control?

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And that's all your homo addled brain can think about. Muh feeling muh feeling g it's all about your feelings

>Disgust is a feeling.
All moral arguments are ultimately based on a feeling, faggot. Including you loving them and giving them a pass for their brand of degeneracy.

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Hahahahahhahahahahahahha ooga booga

Homosexuality is being attracted to the same gender. There is no power dynamic involved in that alone that makes anybody want to molest a child. You need to be in a position of authority to become twisted enough to want to do that, hence why religious establishment ENABLES pedophelia. Homosexuality doesn't enable pedophelia, obviously, because straight people rape little kids too. More than gays do in fact.

It's objectively bad, and a proven social contagion.

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Most homo pedos aren't priests, you faggot.

Literally almost 1/2 of all homos are pedos.

Good thing people who believe in superstitious bullshit dont have an authority on morality then! Because those same people are complicit in institutionalized pedophilia.
>muh wholesome church

Homophobia has a direct correlation to closet homosexuality. It is no surprise that christfedoras rather be sucking dick than having sex while also claiming their celibacy is intentional.

>1 post by this ID

>Oy vey! Don't be gay, goyim! It's a sin!

I don't get this mentality. It's the (((Bible))) that says homosexuality is an abomination to begin with.

>Kikes are accusing whites of what they are doing part 6 gorillion

Here's an example of (((IMF))) making the proud Africans "EET DA POO POO" as they call it.

>One of such hidden conditions is that Ghana needs to put in place sufficient safeguards to prevent discrimination against health care workers serving lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) patients in the country.

Kek good point

No sodomite, homosexuality is considered an abomination everywhere even the Chinese and Japs think its fucking disgusting and deviant. No go dilate before you tranny wound closes up.

I like how you hide the dates in the really old studies
But not a reputable study format

Cherry picking old studies that are decades in the past or further is so old hat and don’t hold any merit
Find a comprehensive study from 2016-2019 that details all of this and I’ll believe it otherwise you’re just posting shill studies funded by Christian/hate groups
Bonus points for actual university studies
You won’t tho cause none of it is conclusive
Hrrrr drrrr leaf

>b-b-but muh pedo priests that definitely aren't faggots and didn't become priests to have access to boypussy and have an excuse for not chasing women

You say this, when faggots are pimping out little kids such as "desmond is amazing"

>Homophobia has a direct correlation to closet homosexuality.
So it's closeted homosexuals hating on other homosexuals? Dumb shit faggot, the AIDS probably infected your brain

Japs think homosexuality is fine but you still have to make babies, just like most societies did before (((YHWH))) worship came around. Look at all the same-sex h-doujins they draw.

spamming is against the rules

Older studies are better studies.
Lefty faggots have literally crashed scientific progress because they didn't like what it was telling them.

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every state where homosexuality is punishable by death is an Islamic country tho, that's the reason

Closeted homosexuals hating on non closeted homosexuals*

>that futa/Loli/shota connoisseur

Yeah sure bro

The vast majority of Japs find homosexuals absolutely disgusting



Cope with what? What for? Am I supposed to be upset because you haven't said anything of substance or?

honestly do you not see how rarted what you're saying is? A study doesn't have an expiry date you coping freak of nature

Ayy bruh whats so bad about dripping hot cum in a man's asshole?
Ain't nothing bad about it!

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> lol ppl dat hate fags r fags akscully

You hate pedos, therefore you are one. Checkmate faggot.

>make buttsex great again
Gloating? ha ha ha

A study taken decades upon decades ago doesn't necessarily reflect the current state of things as they exist today. What you're trying to argue is almost like what flat earthers like to argue

Get in faggots, we're rewriting history.

Yes they do otherwise they would consistently update these studies with more data as the years go on.

Eat da poopoo!

>studies that don't have strong pro-faggot bias don't count because I like pee pe in da pooper

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Yeah usually it’s basic psychology
Why do you focus on gay shit? Articles, info, data? Why do you care so much
I don’t like niggers so I’m not consuming nigger media or music or anything and I stay away from it.
But you seek out this gay stuff
Are you trying to look for a community who will accept you?

How can you be a pedo when you hate kids? They're annoying, they stink, and they're not mature/developed enough to be sexually attractive. Nice mental gymnastics though, conflating a consensual relationship between 2 adults with an adult raping a little kid. Real big brain take my dude.


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idiot they do that in any establishment they slither into. the homo underworld is fucking dark. they look out for one another and work to build themselves into institutions.

faggots are oversexed, mentally unbalanced, unhappy and cruel. the homo subcultures in their underworld are twisted as fuck.

Homosexual behavior puts you at risk for diseases without the added benefit of reproduction. You feel disgust because you have evolved to feel disgust.


You sound like a bot.
A broken record.

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I'm not one bit religious and even I know it's wrong. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that penis goes in vagina. Gays can't reproduce so if you're attracted to the same gender then there's something w4ong in your head.

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>study doesn't count because of (((author)))
Nice try projecting your mental gymnastics on to others. I know how your little brain works sweetie
