Every single thread...shilled

The shills are just camping every thread at this point. How fucking pathetic does the commie rat, globo homo ideology have to be to come here? They have every single other electronic medium at their disposal, but still they can’t leave just a bunch of white guys to their own devices without them falling apart. Be proud I guess Jow Forums, be proud in knowing that they can’t even leave one group of you alone and survive on their own merits...of which they have none.

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>Plan A: flood the board to make it useless, but keep it for containment purposes
>Plan B: Failing that, shit it down
We’re living through the image board end times

*shut it
They already shitted it

I was just thinking about this earlier realizing that the fact that they're spending their energy and effort to subvert clearly means that Pol and Jow Forums as a whole are a continued threat to their agenda.

>This person disagrees with me on this particularly controversial topic
>he must be a shill

Allowing reddit to immigrate here in 2014 and 2016 was a mistake

You can be a retard and expect a shill-free political board, or, you can consider the shills to be literally paid to argue with you. call them to a thread by saying HRC did Seth rich and Israel has never behaved like an ally.

Wrong, exposing redditors to the chans was the social engineering move of the century.

Because it's fun watching you get triggered.

Why can't you be more like the aussies?

Please fuck off back there

Who wants to live forever?


Hahahaha why is /pol deathly afraid of gays? They’re the most harmless people on this planet. Are you suggesting they’re all powerful, rich, connected and have massive resources? Otherwise why care about a degenerate lifestyle if it has no merit (according to you)?
Makes no sense

You obviously haven't been to Australia. It's the most homosexual country on earth.

You’re just a faggot leaf, why do you have to come here when you can spread your aids every other site on the internet.

No one is afraid of gays, I’m afraid that you might have an even less intelligent thing to say in the future though.

They were here before you

>muh sef spess
show me where I can get paid to be contrarian please without calling me a jew
big part of it
leave him alone cunt thats me lil bruh
nah actually dw, fuck ya americunt was right about you ya little nonce

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i’ve been away for wow classic for three days. the difference between then and now is fucking incredible. this board is 100% compromised. every single thread, you’re right, multiple different actors. you’re not exaggerating.

>he was talking about me!
based contrarian aussie shitposter. but he wasn’t.

h-he said we're gay

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>Hahahaha why is /pol deathly afraid of gays?
Why would I be afraid of myself?

Have AIDS.