Why are muslims so succesfull?

Attached: Viral image.png (417x642, 149K)

And yeaa the average iq of muslims in uk is only 92 one of the lowest of any ethnic group.

Meanwhile million of east asisns or any ethnic group for that matter outside of jews are politically irrelevant even when they are much more prepared .

How they do it pol?

good thing I screenshotted this

Attached: nigger.png (1866x274, 31K)

muslims and jews are united snd act as one in a individuslistic dociety

shit I meant this

Attached: niggerbehavior.png (1863x199, 38K)

And redpilled

The question is if we have enought time to create an ethno religious ideology to further our interest

Each day makes it more apparent that we are living on borrowed time, redpilling more and more, I am sure we will have a chance at least. 10 years ago, barely anyone was redpilled in my country, today, that is quite different, (we had a sandnigger try to commit a terrorist attack in my hometown 2 days ago lel) what is the situation in Spain though?

>keeping their women in check
>harems set up for the alpha men
>tales of 40 virgins set up to have the betas and incels kill themselves while taking some enemies out with them
>keeping the women shitting out kids while paying for them with oil money

I dunno

Im basque and even if the progressive are waking up a little there is zero push for a traditionslist change and zero new and organic culture being created

They're Asians, you racist.


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This is why.

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They do commit a lot of successful terror attacks

And yet they took over Britain.

high in group preference vs. individualistic western cuckolds

Maybe Christians would act as an Abrahamic unit if it wasn't so fucking perverted.

Because if you don't support them you automatically become a racist, transphobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, nazi bigot

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"Even though they are roughly 3.8% of the European population, muslims commit on average 400% more terrorist attacks than all extremists combined."

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Is this imagine filled with facts? Bongs confirm this.

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Chad muslim vs the Virgin brit

Western Europe has fallen.
Get out while you still can.
In 15 years they will have out bred whites 7 to 1 on average.

Leave now

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