Walk into class

>walk into class
>see this
wat do

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This is breathtaking.
What an awesome teacher.

Thought it was gonna be a liberal piece of shit in the beginning. Glad I finished reading it.

they should give the teacher a raise

turn 360 degrees and walk away fuck that racist

>give niggers freebies for making trouble
>expect what you have incentivised to decline

The whole thing should be erased and done over. Civil war was fought to end slavery, which was a good thing however the failure was not sending niggers back to Africa.

Oh you silly leaf.


Go to the principal and report the teacher.
Also add a retarded swastika

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Literally a fucking boomer praising the shit that helped kill the country and then chastising zoomer shitskins for not RESPEKTING the flag of globohomo.

If you can't sing the pledge of allegiance and do so with a tear in your eye, then you should go home to be with your own people (Gorillas and Vervets) in central Africa.

We're human beings, we live in a society.

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Wow, this actually gives me a little hope for the future.

those are like the passive aggressive notes your roommate leaves on the bathroom mirror because you put the recyclable stuff in the regular garbage

But it is still a big pack of lies.

report the teacher to the principal for hate speech

Niggers are unironically based for doing this, imagine being proud of killing over 500.000 white people to free niggers, fucking Yankees are biggest cucks in history

Unreal. Where did that happen?

Sue the college for damages

curse my unlucky stars for being in a classroom with niggers


More evidence why we need to rid our schools of whiteness.

Call the SPLC and sue for more gibs. Black BTW.

He should add the part where the USgovernment forced the army on children that protested having to go to school with niggers, I feel like that's a very important part in US history

how long until this flaming racist wh*Toid privileged "colorbilnd" "aren't things great for lily white ol' me and the other good ol' boys in the klan like my grandpappy" asshole gets fired

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That’s pretty fucking based

Inb4 teacher gets fired

I agree.

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literally based
>still cannot believe the commies brainwashed the current generation of kids in to hating the national anthem and pledge of allegiance

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What is it like to be a leaf? To have the slightest disruption of your space send you whirling through the air. Where you float into someone yard and hope they want to see how colorful you are before they send you to your rightful place in a rubbish bin.

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(((Goodman))) BTFO

Let's not forget every major civil rights advancement came from the Republican party but Democrats are all like, "Yeah but we flipped, they're totally the racists now guise."
>Robert Byrd
>Hillary Clinton
>Super Predators

You have to be 18 to post here

point out the golden rule. state im a masochist. Therefore I should start attacking people.

God belle is such a smelly ethot

Bored? Check this server for the hottest lewds of traps and females, come and have fun!

discord gg/4wrBtH8

Fuck shitskins

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I love Belle DELPHINE

tl;dr: be a good (((mutt)))




>nu/pol/ thinks its BASTE that a teacher is highlighting, in a positive light, all the ways that the USA has cucked itself into oblivion over the last 150 years
This board is so fucked kek

Smile, knowing I have a teacher who may be worth their pay.

Niggers are just edgy children thats why they dont stand up they think its cool being an edgy piece of shit thats why they made their rap culture because it pisses off whitey.

>Stand up
>"Class, I have an announcement to make"
>"Despite being only 13 percent of the population..."

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Nice shop, almost believable.

Jacksonville = South Georgia

not this

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Must be a private school.


wonder how did i end up in the greatest country in the world ™


>the civil war was about liberating niggers
>the end of segregation laws was a good thing
>women's vote
>nigger kang wasn't a total incompetent retard
how the fuck is this faggot a teacher?

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Stand for the pledge and anthem and after class walk right up to the teacher, put out your hand to shake their hand, look them in the eye and say, “thank you for your commitment to America and my future.”

Then make sure you work your butt off for this teacher.

Boomer teacher doesn't realize that the basketball americans simply don't care about American history. It is simply a means to an end for them - if bringing up slavery can get them more gibs, then that's what they're all about. Also the reason they don't stand for the pledge is because sitting is much easier.


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Sit your ass down and start studying desu.

Yeah this, we still have separate water fountains, slavery and have never had a black president. The all knowing Euro who has never been to Amierca is right.

Count down the days until he is fired.

>civil war was largely fought over slavery
Mr. G sounds like a self-important nigger trying to flaunt a blatant perversion of this great nations history.

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Why does every where on the internet say the civil war was because of slavery. In school we learned that the point of the civil war was to gain independence from the British government and to govern themselves.

Lol civil war was about not buying northern machines that would replace slavery, nobody cared about nigs

he's so fucking fired

why not a 1080?

Wrong civil war there bud.

I like that she keeps becoming progressively more disparaging and ridiculing of her own fanbase; But I guess that's how women are in general, opposed to any unique characteristic of hers. Before long, the dumb beta faggots are either gonna kill themselves or get a hefty redpill on women.

fuck that shit. Pledge my ass. Only in America do they seed the lie of pride.

Boomers literally cannot disappear quick enough.

Still writing on dry erase boards by hand?
Erase it so the next period has a free study,

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Top Jacksonville

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Based teacher; redpilled and makes me sad that theres not more like him

Yeah this.

It's crazy how you iT wUz AbOut StAtEs RiGhTs people still exist. The Confederate states literally had a clause that mandated slavery. Even history illiterate normies know that. There's a fucking Steven Crowder video about it. It was literally about slavery.

what a loser

>The whole thing should be erased and done over. Civil war was fought to end slavery, which was a good thing however the failure was not sending niggers back to Africa.

This is the "gradeschool spoon feeding" that NO ADULT should still believe in. Every civil war history class i EVER had as an adult? the civil war was NOT about slavery. It was about the states righhts, the role and scope of federal authority, and whether or not a state could secede from the union... slavery was just ONE of several pawns back and forth in the pursuit of settling all that.
Secondly? we HAVE sent "blacks back to africa". Its called... "Liberia". The Liberians LOVE US, and we continue to give them low level money, food, weapons and ammo. LIberia has a "complicated" 16 sided civil war that wont end, and i direct you to "Liberia's Cannibals" to see how thats been going on. (VOX did a special on it, its pretty hairy there, you can get EATEN easily)
The Liberians THEMSELVES are okay people, their country is just stuck int he never ending story of constant violence. (interesting side note? the Liberians BEGGED the USA to "allow them" to fight in the middle east against our enemies, they LOVE the USA... all they wanted was a boat ride there, and food and ammo.)

>we killed the nazis and now we'll kill you too if you don't get in there and get BLACKED
>we're just following orders from mr goldstein

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>nobody cared about nigs


No solider on either side cared about the slaves. Civil War is always sold as a war over slavery when the south really thought they were fighting the second American Revolution

Smoke weed with my boomer teacher, as we spit on the annoying kid that needs constant validation. Also we make the nerd kid piss in a bottle for chad quarterback, cause its his turn to take the hit.

this is so embarrassing to watch

Daily reminder that this makes perfect sense.

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imagine being so mad you take the time to write this and force your politics on a bunch of kids who literally dont care

Tip the teacher

It was more about western expansion. Southern slave owners were kikes after all.

Based, my fellow MIGApede!

you just admitted it was about state's rights...

Wonder why I'm going to school with niggers.

If I had been there, I would have broken him in half for hitting that person. I get so sick of scrawny little nogs thinking they can do whatever they want and acting like they're tough after abusing some sickly weakling.

basically, teacher of the year award.


Civil war had dick to do with slavery...it was an uprising against the ruling/financial class by the despondent agrarian class in the south. ( Poor northerners working in factories didn't give a shit either way.

70% of slaves were owned by ethnic jews on wallstreet.

Jefferson warned of the power granted to a corrupt few by establishing a federal treasury system..Hamilton...the definition of elitist evil...won out.

Now you know.

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argue it

So this is what people mean when they say cringe

Will you guys please just educate yourselves? I'm actually tired of sharing a space with you fucking retards. You could have just looked this shit up, but instead you're so fucking stupid and self important you have this version of history stuck in your head and refuse to deviate from it. Fuck off idiots.


I want to shove that bat up her peehole like Vlad the impaler while simultaneously Epstein'ing her with the non existent foreskin of my pecker.

Can you not read? The black principal got replaced so obviously he won’t get in trouble.

Call the teacher a civnac cuck

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Based teacher redpilling white men. We are objectively worse off because of all those changes. We're the ones who should be sitting for the pledge.

Stand, give a Roman salute, and roar:
"Hail Mr Goodman! Hail the Aryan race!! Gas the kikes!!!"
Then roundhouse kick the nigger in the 3rd row as I start Rahowa.

I took AP U.S. and World History.. I never heard this.
If this was real I think I’d know of all people lmfao