Who was the worst US president?

who was the worst US president?

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The jewiest one.. and uh guess who dat might be

woodrow wilson

William Henry Harrison. Didn't get a damn thing done.

The one objecting to boylove


Lincoln. Didn't deport the niggers when he had a chance.

The one who cares the least about our Constitutional rights

Attached: Takethegunsfirst.jpg (409x366, 23K)

ding ding ding


Zion Jewjewcum Don

Attached: 351E581B-3A46-4564-8083-763B810BBF9C.jpg (583x463, 99K)

George Washington. Had a chance to start this thing off right with a monarchy but chose a faggy democracy instead. What a tool.

3-way tie: LBJ, Lincoln, and Obama – all statist, authoritarian asshats

It’s not a democracy, genius.

Wilson, FDR, Lincoln

>1 Wilson, Fed, League of Nations, Jews, 1st Immigration alterations
>2 LBJ, Civil Rights Act, 65 Immigration Act
>3 FDR, destroyed whites by millions, continued Depression for political gain, socialist policies, catered to niggers

need to add, women's suffrage under Wilson and Prohibition

Woodrow Wilson
>Created the federal reserve
>Supported Rothschilds creation of Jewish colonies in Palestine
>Supported the Christian zionist movement and the creator of the scofield bible
>put a Frankist jew on the US supreme court


Lyndon Johnson


Based Varangian


Donald Trump

Attached: ct-trump-western-wall-20170522.png (1646x1004, 751K)

Carter. That peanut farming son of a bitch and his emissions regulations killed the American muscle car.

Woodrow fucking Wilson. May his soul be pissed on for all eternity.

FED is pretty gay, so Wilson, close second FDR


Absolute the correct answer.

what is this, an open book test?
you posted the answer.


unjust war, suspended many freedoms, allowed war crimes.

Starts loses, then it's "slavery" and goes down as a hero even tho he hated blacks. Martyr syndrom is real and scary.

>William Henry Harrison
31 days.


I must agree on Lincoln.
He cemented the federal govt as the supreme entity when we were supposed to be a federation of sovereign states and he did it with force

Carter was bad but the muscle car was killed by the oil embargo.
I remember it like yesterday. I had a 69 Mach One with a Holly 1450 that would pass everything but a gas station. At least gas was only about 40 cents a gallon

Roosevelt. He was a communist jew who secretly allied with Russians and staged the attack on pearl harbor so they could stop hitler. Pearl harbor was done by the russians. Hitler had stalingrad and moscow. Thats basically all of russia. The rest are villages of pesants. Stalin painted up a fleet of planes to look japanese and attacked pearl harbor. And roosevelt played along because he was a communist jew.

WWII was the moment when the criminals gained full control and went mad with power.

They nuked japan so nobody could tell the truth.

Amnesty Reagan.


Picked John Tyler for VP, who did near all of the preliminary work to allow Polk to conquer Northern Mexico.

Why the fuck would the japanese go off and attack america? They had no reason to. Its stupid and asians arent stupid. They almost had china. And germany almost had russia. Communism was on the verge of being wiped off the planet. Why the fuck would they antagonize America? Everything was going good.

They would have done a full fucking invasion. Not a few dozen planes. Thats just retarded.

The japanese knew better than that. They said behind every blade of grass is a rifle. So why would they half ass an invasion?

All democrats, and also rep. Since 1930, but If I have to choose one, it's obviously Bush

He routed Tecumseh, that's why he was elected President. Are we only considering the actions of a President in office or throughout their public career. If the former, then Harrison is one of our better Presidents because he didn't commit treason or shoot the country in the foot. If the latter, then he's one of our best Presidents.
RIP Tecumseh though. We will go the way of the redskin if we don't take his lead and unite the tribes against the menace on the horizon.

All Presidents after McKinley had to negotiate with the Jews and financiers (but I repeat myself) but of the most treasonous sellouts, I'd say Woodrow Wilson and FDR top the list, followed closely by LBJ. Every President since Carter has been an utter tool for the Jews that run the foreign policy establishment. The domestic policy is mainly directed by the Jews through their lobbies and men in key positions in the govt.

Exactly. Sexually blackmailed asshole allows Jews to set up the Federal Reserve, appoint a Marxist Zionist to the SCOTUS, and planned to enter WWI on the side of the British as a secret quid pro quo for the Balfor Declaration while pledging no involvement during the election. Guess who heads the Woodrow Wilson Center today? A former US Congresswoman caught making a deal with Israeli spies in AIPAC, (((Jane Harman))).

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he did in fact sell you all into slavery when he signed the Emergency Banking Act which dissolved government because of bankruptcy and the Federal Reserve investing kikes own you through your birth certificate and income tax backs the dollar.

Attached: Emergency Banking Act 1933.png (1521x607, 623K)

>kikes in the government are corrupt.
>which gives this other set of kikes the ability to abolish the government and enslave everyone