"White" People and Race

Here's how retarded your sense of race is: people that you call "white" were murdering each other less than 80 years ago.

White people ON THIS BOARD are already starting to say how "White and Asian" couples are the future and how THEY will be the bannermen of tomorrow.

This is how retarded your racism is: it's being undone in front of you by people WITHIN YOUR OWN RANKS. How many Asian + White couples do you see IN your own circles? How long till it's other races?

Your grandchildren will look back at your racism today the way you guys look back at the wars between white people of the 1940's.

Face it, you are all walking paradoxes.

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So many couples like that in my ranks.
In fact. I am in one!
It must have snuck up on me Leaf.
What do I do now?

The same way chinks were doing for milenia untill they formed the current china .

Is a matter of flexibility and that end up in what we could call the european ethno genetic cultural cluster.

Europe's been at war for thousands of years. Tribe fought tribe, then they unified and became a nation. Then nation fought nation. Most of the people outside of Europe, The United States, and SE Asia has no understanding of the concept of the nation state. The Middle East and Africa still have tribal warfare, something that ended in Europe over a thousand years ago.

>Your grandchildren will look back at your racism today the way you guys look back at the wars between white people of the 1940's.


As opressed minority white people will hate niggers like never before.

You can flex the gum indefinitely , if you do you have the current america

you are just an angry mutt

Most people here just hate niggers OP, some hate beaners. Is that really racism or just adapting to your environment?

I dont hate any group i symply love more my extended family

Yep, saw an Ethiopian and a Somali go at it at the train station a few weeks ago, shit was hilarious. My buddy couldnt understand why they hated eachother because they were both niggers.

>Here's how retarded your sense of race is: people that you call "black" were murdering each other less than 2 years ago.


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Says the Iberian Moor who’s the product of centuries of being raped by shitskin mudslimes? Fuck you

whites are whites worst enemies and always have been. they've always been at each others throats.

>the way you guys look back at the wars between white people of the 1940's.

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Have you ever studied the history of Spain?

There's a reason why you people are darker than the other Europeans, you dumb fuck.

Also, I am Indian.

I get what you're saying, but can you really say that tomorrow's people will see these attitudes as silly?

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Do you think the posts you see are real, in this place?
Do you even think real people are replying to your post right now?

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Im FAR more racist than my parents. My great granny who died in 01 wouldnt have a problem with it tho.

The Allies were controlled by Jews.
WW1 was a genocide orchestrated by Jews against Europeans by pitting Euros against one another. They continued genociding whites in the war with Hitler.

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>White people ON THIS BOARD are already starting to say how "White and Asian" couples are the future
Is this a new thing? Because I’ve noticed it a lot in the past few days. Idk if it’s shills, raids, memes, or what.

>wars between white people of the 1940's
shalom Rabbi

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whites are the elfs of lotr, they are leaving earth. In practice this looks like this. Whites are the multiplier or dna enhancer for other races to claim. The race that claims more whites, will have better chance in the mutt future.

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>whites are the elfs of lotr,
big fucking yikes, unironically go outside right now and have sex

No elfs are aryans in other words pure whites that dont exist anymore

checked bro

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Americans and Brits are not white.

He is not wrong elfs are based on nordics culture history myth, history ...

sure, but rest of whites are coming too, theres no way for any race to preserve its racial purity once we hit/teched globalism. Pic related, he teched it.

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You're right.
It's not really about being loving the white race, it's about hating niggers, taco-niggers, tree-niggers, and sand-niggers.

Ohh yes it is
Technology is the way of how we will purificate ourselfs to be what our pure aryan ancestors once were

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What's your point again?

>Your grandchildren will look back at your racism today the way you guys look back at the wars between white people of the 1940's.
And they'll say
>What the FUCK are you doing?

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Ofcourse they are negroe

Who else is in the
Aryan transhumanism train?

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probably saruman, careful

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