He mentioned Hillary, the crowd started to chant lock her up, then Trump was unhappy and quickly talked over them and changed subjects. This is the same thing he did with the 'send her back' chant.
Remember, the day after he was elected he said the Clintons were good people.
Can't wait to vote for the complete opposite of him come 2020. Make this fucker pay for his treachery.
Matthew Torres
Can you bastards just hurry up and have a civil war, soon? I'm tired of waiting on this shit, and I've got about three dozen rounds of BMG ready to blow some border-jumpers heads off.
Daniel Cook
Trump made a deal with Podesta on election night.
Hillary was too drunk to act on her own behalf, so john podesta did.
Hillary agreed not to contest any states in exchange for Trump shielding the Clinton cabal from prosecution.
Trump probably never wanted to prosecute her anyway, so he jumped at the chance to have Hillary concede in exchange for no prosecution.
Trump made a deal with the devil on election night
Daniel Hill
They probably have as much dirt on him as he does on them. Trump and the Clintons were friends going way back. Back in 2010 he even said Benghazi was a meme and people should shut up about it because Hillary is a great sec of state.
It wasnt smart for to do it in the first place. If she were to be prosecuted, one of the first thing her lawyers will say is its political, and point to the times that trump said she should be locked up. He should stay away from the topic if the justice department plans on going after her
Liam Martin
fuck off. trump must win. the chaos from it will further bleed info and activities previously hidden to the surface.
Asher Butler
so you like hillary clinton? fucking weirdo
Josiah Long
>wants people to shut up so he can talk >omg he likes the clintons now
Nicholas Wood
Shitting on the SEND HER BACK chant was one of the most pathetic moments in his Presidency. I don't recognize the man we elected anymore.
Mason Rogers
You know AG Barr is Bush's AG? Ruby ridge Barr who supports red flag laws.
All these people are the 'deep state'. There is no discernable line between the deep state that magapedes talk about and Trump's own cabinet other than 'well Trump hired them so they must be based'.
Elijah Rivera
There's no political solution
Josiah Peterson
bullshit, he got some head from Melania and took a massive shit after realizing he actually had to carry on this charade instead of landing a TV station deal
Lucas Rodriguez
>36 rounds of .50 cal is going to stop the burger flood You'd be better off stockpiling thousands of .22 or 9mm
Isaac Richardson
Righters elected a deep state shithead, what did you expect? He's as crony as they come and is happy to sell his maga followers down a river.
Christian Miller
Connor Hill
I think it's moreso the fact that Trump is realizing that he has to keep appearance up a bit more than he has been. He called Kim "little rocket man" but insults didn't solve anything, once he met with Kim and was polite and had an actual discussion, that's when things began moving forward. Fuck the clintons but maybe there's more of a reason than just "Drumpf treachery" You guys are starting to sound like 2015 leftists.