Why would anybody want greenland?

Attached: greenland.gif (500x231, 2.57M)

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Oil, water

no niggers

>Climate changes, most of world turns arid
>Greeland turns temperate

Easy logic.

natural resources and strategic position for a global power such as the USA

Place to put niggers

niggers fear the cold

Attached: greeland.png (1280x853, 67K)

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qaanaaq literally thule

My favorite game zones are snow zones.

Maybe start a town and name it Thurgadin. Move a bunch of midgets in. They’ll live in the great divide between the eastern and western wastes.

how much viable oil is there?
are we going to invade Norway or something?

climate change happens.
land mass almost as big as United States.

climate change doesn't happen.
pretty close to temp of Martian surface, can test out habitats we can use on Mars, run other experiments.

you can fuck up the land as much as you want, since everything living thing (animals, plants) is only at the coasts.
environmentalists would have nothing to complain about.

Okay jew

read this pls. I'm most right. thank you.

It's thought to have the largest remaining Oil Reserve, so basically if it was in the hands of the Union then in if it becomes available to drill then we'll have a fuckton of our own oil.
I imagine that's the idea behind purchasing it.

terraform it

>2 degree temperature rise turns jungle to desert

Attached: imgpepe.png (1640x1284, 964K)

you can make snowman there

It'll be cool when the ice melts.

Attached: dixu9240wcf21.png (227x276, 150K)

Soon there will be no more ice so they're going to stock up on ice and sell it to people for 100$ a cube.
screencap this

To test ourselves before leaving for Mars.

Attached: lhbmz6pzvtl01.png (1920x1080, 3.56M)

if it were viable, I'm sure it would already be tapped into.
Besides, we might be switching to electric vehicles before run low enough on oil to pay for buying greenland.

Attached: tzero.jpg (400x249, 50K)

Drumpf wants to nuke it to speed up global warming because hes evil.

I'd move there

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