Stop saying Ethiopians are black! We are of the Hamitic race

Stop saying Ethiopians are black! We are of the Hamitic race.

I for example have a quintessentially Mediterranean profile.

Title: Categorization of humans in biomedical research: genes, race and disease
>The one population in their analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group.

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Ethiopia is still a shithole.
Better than west african niggers but still niggers

Ok nigger

Well I mean the first Ethiopian did get fucked hard by BWC. So you're at-least 25% White.

>Stop saying Ethiopians are black!
Half-black. The other half are arabic rape-genes

There are six negro races in Africa.
The negroes that Americans are most accustomed to seeing are West African, a genetic distance of about 0.08.

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ethiopians are a mongrel race 1/2 negroid 1/2 caucasoid

>Stop saying Ethiopians are black! We are of the Hamitic race.
Subrace, Nigger.


Not white, not black, not a mixture of any extant specimen both. My blood is more ancient than all Europeans, Levantines or Nilotes. No mixture of white and black can produce my race.

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You're a nigger, Harry

Ethiopians are actually more Caucasian than they are negro.

>Most recently, Wilson et al. [2] studied 354 individuals from 8 populations deriving from Africa (Bantus, Afro-Caribbeans and Ethiopians), Europe/Mideast (Norwegians, Ashkenazi Jews and Armenians), Asia (Chinese) and Pacific Islands (Papua New Guineans). Their study was based on cluster analysis using 39 microsatellite loci.
>Consistent with previous studies, they obtained evidence of four clusters representing the major continental (racial) divisions described above as African, Caucasian, Asian, and Pacific Islander. The one population in their analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group. But it is known that African populations with close contact with Middle East populations, including Ethiopians and North Africans, have had significant admixture from Middle Eastern (Caucasian) groups, and are thus more closely related to Caucasians [14].

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ok then but why do want to cause conflict though making this thread?

Nope. Still nigger.

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I’ll punch u up faggot call me a nigger again

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>admixture from Middle Eastern (Caucasian) groups
>Middle Eastern
Choose one and only one

honestly you look more like a streetshitter than you do one of our niggers
though that's not saying much because our niggers are about 1/4 white on average

if you're in Ethiopia, please go raid that church with the ark of the covenant in there & tell us what you find. otherwise we don't care if you think you're white because you're from Africa, so....

ethiopians are scum, they sneak into Israel which is why they sterilize them and kill them in the night.

Anyone who doesnt hate ethiopians is an antisemitic NAZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!

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Are these people not Caucasian? Are you retarded?

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You got a sister?

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Ethiopians seem pretty niggerish to the civilized eye.

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I'm from DC so I've met hundreds of Ethiopians. Good guys, good food, decent looking women. Not niggers.

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God I hate the new fag redditors flooding pol...

Be honest how long have you been on pol?

69 IQ is rank #37??? Sad world this is

I think it is obvious to the unbiased eye that you are a different race than any other.
There are more than 3 races in the world fellas

Over half our country is fast breeding Muslims and Somalians. Without them we’d have Eritrea IQ, since we’re the same race -the Somalians

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Nope. Definitely a nigger.

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You literally look like a poo in the loo.

Also You have some insane identity issues so please have sex you shit shitter freak and stop looking for validation from incel losers online...

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Those people are all niggers.

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It's pretty funny how ethopia and Somalia still has a lower iq than 80% of African nations

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Bn why are you angry? Because you realized we are not same race? Pattern recognition fail: dark skin good nose good hair = must be Indian. Ethiopians look nothing like Indians, only uneducated think so.

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Fuck off, Chang, or Pajeet, or whatever your name is. Are you even aware of where you are?

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Do you see that quarter yellow slice and the green one that says Tigrinya? Those are the true Ethiopians, the Ethiosemites, the rest are slave races with low iq. Ethiopia is an empire don’t you know

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You're a mix of nigs and gulf araps

You are quintessentially a nigger

Looks British

You are mixed.

It's actually a toss-up as to whether I'd rather have my dick sucked by a monkey or OP's shitskin sister or mom. At least with the monkey, there would be no bizarre religion shit involved.

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I miss those original Jow Forums where we mocked Argentina for not being White.