Did any amerifags have success moving to a european country?

This country is fucked in 101 different ways, its screwed. I'm white (real white, whiter than most europeans (blonde+blue eyes), not amerimutt white) and want to GTFO this shithole asap and regroup in europe, maybe down the line we can take it back. What are the best countries, has anyone done it successfully?

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Other urls found in this thread:


So who the hell is this chick after all? She's almost a meme at this point

My nephew made it to France.... but not France is fucked.

Isn't Europe a Muslim fiefdom? Why the hell would you bother?

check it out, a streetshitter in grease

that's my girlfriend

>thinking Europe isn't fucked

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america younger generations are literally 50% ethnic man, this country is over. there's no way europe is as bad as that

ethnic and FAT
don't forget that part
you're "ethnic" and fucking fat


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God I bet her pussy smells like tulips and roses, and tastes like ambrosia. I'd give my right eye just to lick the strip of discharge left in her panties.

I want to save her

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>Moving from the frying pan and into the fire
At least we can have guns here. When the brown horde comes for us we can die on our feet and not on our knees.

Disgusting scat-loving creatures like you should be burned alive.

It's the same in Europe.
Video related:
You're better off moving to a rural white community and standing your ground.

stop masturbating

America was put in a bad position with it's slave-era blacks and being right next to Mexico, but at least we're trying to slow things down. Parts of Europe are rushing to commit genocide on themselves.

At least out nig population percentage is staying the same, theirs continue to increase. We also aren't getting grenades thrown into our homes and acid thrown in our faces.

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yea, this country is truly fucked in 101 different ways
me too user
i guess i will try north dakota or montana or some shit

Every reply to this post is hilarious


Really though has she been ID'd?

she got too many betas messaging her and went dark

Damn. Oh well.

Late stage capitalism USA occupies Germany

eyes don't look the same color

the US owns all of Europe

look closer nigger
same pic

Go to souther Europe or some shit I don't want a huwhite mutt to fuck up the Nordic gene pool

Nah, but I made it in Asia.
Luxury highrise apartment, nice car, a colonizable wife, and a good salary (would be a middle class salary in the US, but is upper class here in Vietnam). Take the yellowpill user.

nigga i have blonde hair and blue eyes and 189 cm, im as nordic as they come, probably moreso than your romanian ass
maybe, maybe...

>nigga i have blonde hair and blue eyes and 189 cm, im as nordic as they come, probably moreso than your romanian ass
Idc what you are, you have mutt genes. Let's say you look white, but in reality you are at least 20% mutt so fuck off
Were there any more pics of her besides the profile pic?

lol stfu sven, your country needs whitening from american bvll cock that i know swedish girls crave (fucked like 10 of them in 3 weeks when i was there last winter)

Nah, we have enough mutts as it is, go to souther EU or something they need some more huwhite guys
>american bvll cock that i know swedish girls crave
Swedish girls don't date fat Americans
>(fucked like 10 of them in 3 weeks when i was there last winter)

>fucked like 10 of them in 3 weeks when i was there last winter
kek. the only place you were is your basement and the only thing you fucked was your right hand

t. someone that's never been to europe

no problem taking in somalis, but a 189 cm blonde blue eyed american is a problem. lol, i'm coming whether you like it or not and you better be grateful
dont project on me incel, they really have a thing for american guys(for what reason i do not know), look it up

See at least this is something Japan can understand.

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>no problem taking in somalis, but a 189 cm blonde blue eyed american is a problem. lol, i'm coming whether you like it or not and you better be grateful
I have a problem with taking in all kinds of mutts


Anyone who uses terms like bulls and incels is a virgin
>they really have a thing for american guys
Nah, Nordic girls hate the obnoxious amerimutt personality

>they really have a thing for american guys
hah bullshit. nobody cares about mutts here. the best you could possibly do are drunk cum dumpsters at night clubs

Hail caesar.

Why do you want to move here anyways, you seem to have the typical Amerifat personality that everyone hates here.... Just because you're partly huwhite doesn't mean that any European would accept you as their own....

This is the kind of attitude they want, btw. Good goy.

Reminder that this bitch has been BLACKED

OP, have you been outside of the US before? Which countries are you thinking of? What languages do you speak?

Just because you share some physical resemblance with us doesn't mean you share anything else. At best you share the same skin as us, but everything underneath is totally different and you will never truly be one of us. You made your own country a hell hole, we don't want you to move here so you can repeat the same mistakes. Admit it mutt you have almost nothing in common with us besides a thin facade at best

No she hasn't that's only a thing in the US

Can't you go to Greenland now?

Way to abandon your fellow white Americans. As for me I will be here fighting to the end.

Americans don’t understand that a deep culture exists.

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Yes, I fuck so many European women now, its awesome. I even had to beat up a couple Danish incels once because I had a threesome with there gfs but yeah it's like meh

Smoking, swearing, and drinking in front of children, should be disallowed in the ethnostate.

What makes you think you belong here ? Being physically white isn't enough

Europe is flooded with 3rd worlders. Last 5 years fucked the place. Poland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia are the last places holding out but their languages are hard to learn. There's Russia too but it sounds like a vast shithole

My mom and uncles are all Irish citizens as well, so I can flee to the motherland if I have to

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Sounds like an attractive prospect

Polish language is the natural defense against low IQ Amerimutts and Africans. Americans can’t even learn Spanish in school. Hahaha

Ireland is massive enriched Libtard impending shithole

>"if i say it's not true, it isn't!"
im whiter than 99% of this earth breh, cant get whiter than blue eyes + blond hair + tall
idk man, ive sseen on social media many swedish girl w/ nigs
i mean white = euro ancestry = homeland, no?

>im whiter than 99% of this earth breh, cant get whiter than blue eyes + blond hair + tall
Typical mutt mentality that thinks that blonde + blue eyes makes you 100% white and not a mutt in any way
>idk man, ive sseen on social media many swedish girl w/ nigs
Jow Forums is not real life, I've almost never seen a interracial couple in my life
>i mean white = euro ancestry = homeland, no?
You don't share our culture dumbass

we just got millions of 3rd Worlders and relentless Orwellian propaganda to enable it. They're pumping out kilotons of babies while our men cuck. They bring no available women, so they're kicking aside pussyfied European men and anchoring their way in via white trash females

Mr. yankoid, what are you blood ethnicities? If you're a English/Scottish/Irish confederate you would be welcome in the Commonwealth.

I envy you. I see interracial couples everytime I would down the street.

Not OP but I’m English and fucking Plantation of Ulster Scottish.

Based. I wish you could have seceded without the slave bullshit so we could have helped you militarily gain independence and deport all the non-whites, so there coukd have been another Commonwealth country in North America. We should have also helped Deseret become a reality in the west coast with Anglo-Mormons.

Ulster is getting multi culti arse fucked too, but it's the most likely place to resist. They have the most deadly serious, ready to die for it patriots, but also the biggest Brit hating IRA supporting types

Why did you ruin it?

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>the internet sucks
Womp womp

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You sound like an actual imbecile. Do you even know anything about Europe? Americans all like to make claims to being something else, but it all it means is that their ancestors might've come from somewhere else. Another time, another place. But that means jackshit for the individual living in the here and now. Asking Jow Forums is already a dumb idea if you're serious about relocating, and I suspect you're just baiting. But taking you seriously, can you say you have prospects and skills worth a damn? Do you know any language other than English? You being white doesn't mean jackshit if I'm honest. You're always going to be "the American."

nice proxy retard

She has never been identified.


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She has been identified though

Her face is that of a child's.

Sauce? Need to blow a load

White supremacy really only applies to the top 10% of white people out there.

If you go out in public, maybe 1/10 white people you see will be actually worth a damn.

What's put White people in a dominant global position is the fact that the history of feudalism and a competition for resources in Europe has bred a ruling class of whites who are capable of leading their people to political unity.

How can anybody believe that a group of people who have been predominantly field-farming peasants and serfs throughout their entire history are a superior group of people?

Only those who descend from nobility can believe themselves to be superior to others.

There is nothing special about the suburban middle-class class man who can attribute all the blessings of his life to the establishment he was born into.

The founding fathers are an example of White Supremacy.
Everybody else, including the subservient suburbanites, and the human garbage southern white trash are as valuable as all other groups of people. Nothing is special about them.

The only valuable white people to exist are the leaders with iron fists.
Their docile cattle is near worthless, and can be easily replaced (and out-worked) by slave niggers, spics, or Indians.

The kings are supreme. If you are not a king, you can owe all of your pride to the fathers of your society.

You are not special for the conditions you were born into.
You are special for what you produce from those conditions.

Do you understand? You worthless Jow Forums browsing NEETs who take pride in shit they have nothing to do with are no different than the niggers who spout "we wuz kangz"

Get it through your pathetically dense skulls. Become a leader and build, (((They))) will try to stop you but you will rise and become great.

I would but I don’t want to be with a jungle chink, that’s just flushing my genes down the toilet and asking my son to hate me. The Northwest is going to be the last stand in the Americas.

Sorry Achmed, America is bringing true Swedish culture back to the homeland.
You're welcome to go back to Nigeria.

Nice dress faggot

I moved to the UK for 3 years. Found it to be utterly fucked. came home.

What a fucking mess of things.

degenerates like you belong on a cross

Germany is truly fucked. Look for them to lose their technological advancement and become a third world country in about 30 years.

Europe fell a long time ago friend

americans should be genocided

You're living a fantasy. There will be no war and no revolution. All there will be in continual decline as niggers and other shitskins demographically replace the white native population and tank national IQ scores. Meanwhile, where I live:

Vietnam is a shithole country.

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No one with any measure of social success would even bother to say that. You either some one with fragile ego (ie tiny dick) or a fat virgin in your mom's basement.

Don’t worry, Jews are already taking care of it. Problem is, they’re doing it to all of Europe as well.
Perhaps you misunderstand, war or not, the Northwest will be the last stand due to demographics and terrain making it difficult to traverse.

How would anyone from your nothing tier country genocide anybody.

i've been there 3 times now yes and am learning swedish


here you go bud

>the Northwest will be the last stand due to demographics
if anything it's the midwest/far northeast

Europe is even more fucked than the US. The only disadvantage to living in the US having to live near that which is 13 but also 50. If you can manage to avoid that, you're golden.

The US is vastly better than Europe or Canada unless you are dirt poor.

i'm saying it because i know if i don't there's gonna be 400 fags like you going like "LE 56% amerimutt!". please stop pretending to be morally superior, you are a leaf.

How is it more fucked than the US? US kids are only 49% white, Europe kids are still like 80% white no?

also shes 15 so slow ur roll bud.

What a retarded take from a wannabe John Galt.