There's a reason you fascist hide here, once someone exposes your belief as being a fraud...

There's a reason you fascist hide here, once someone exposes your belief as being a fraud, you crack like an egg and cry for mercy!

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You sound deranged

Fuck off, posts like yours get 200 replies because they go against the grain while posts like mine get none because they're "preaching to the choir".

But given the amount of people who bought into the Yang or Tulsi nonsense, i wouldn't be surprised if it was a true story

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And then everybody clapped

>Complaining about posts getting less attention.
Maybe you're just a whiny faggot.

This gave me a migraine.

The best time to not post was 5 minutes ago
The second best time is any time after now.

and then everyone clapped.

yeah cool but that never happened why the fuck would someone walks around in a fucking skull mask

Gee, it's almost as if national socialism is socialism.

I’ll take “shit that never happened” for $500 Alex! If that kid had all that stuff he was beyond committed to his ideology and would have blasted you in the face 10 seconds after you started talking.

Maybe it's because you fascist are BORING and lame. Seriously you never made love to a women of color? Oh wait you're still a kissless virgin. Try and be loving loser because LOVE IS COOL! HATE IS NOT COOL!

>and now he is a socialist

This regard tho

My eight year old daughter came home crying saying that kids at school were shilling brown squad cunts as the new force in American politics. I explained to her that squad cunts were actually helping Israel. She's happy and smiling again.

>disproved genocide.

Muttifying the white race is still white genocide you brown faggot.
These people are like the Borg. They cant beat us in a war, so they are demanding we breed with them.

And that kids name was Albert Einstein

Socialism in a white homogenous state works.
It doesn't work when the brown parasites flood in.

Haha literally me. I was brandishing my firearms and then I was like wtf we need open borders now. I'm a hildawg now

i only come here because you get shut up for talking about shit elsewhere.

kind of disproves your point bro

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Good thing the Fed's are looking into antifuck.

how brave, I am proud of that comrade!

Well yeah the tweet makes sense. Nazis were socialists

Literally glowniggers. Zero fucks given.

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>now he's a socialist
So...Still a Nazi?

I'll take things that never happened for $200 Alex.

Thanks for the input I suppose?

I just convinced a nigger to be white. He's now off to state school because Harvard rescinded their offer when he turned white.

>I went to the bank this afternoon and taught all the kind people there the way of Bushido. After putting them all down with the blade they're all resting in peace with their Holocausted family members. #BringingPeopleTogether #Unity

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>copulating with shitskins
Jesus christ how muttifying

You know im right you stupid Mutt.

Remember he put on 20 stones and became a fat socialist, just like OP.

>things that never happened said by literally who? From a memeflag OP with a bait post

A thread about mongolian stereo amplifier repair secrets has died for this.

>Seriously you never made love to a women of color?
>Implying you have
>Implying your not a fag
>Implying you are not coping
>Implying only sex you will ever get is faggotsex in your faggotass
>Implying "women of color" isn't some very ambiguous group of people
>Implying you are not a subversive kike

>and everyone clapped.

I didn't say you were wrong, you gas sniffing abbo. Stop being an argumentative prick. You spend too much time here and think everyone is arguing with you. Kill yourself, you limp dick faggot.

I find you retarded for having to collect fucks and pretend like fucking something other than your haplogroup is a virtue and makes you “cultured”. I also see you do not understand what love is since you have not intensley bonded with the same woman over a lifetime rearing children and creating a home. You just collect fucks like a retarded lizard with no foresight and the emotional shallowness of an alligator. None of your behavior can existoutside of a decadent civilization white people have created. You are the pseudo intellectual here. Faggot retard.

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Look it was a TRANS women, normally they have not had the operation done yet but look THEY'RE WOMEN! I just was not going to be an asshole and even consider them any different than a cis-female.

>meet national socialist
>tell him about socialism
>he agrees with you
>"Whoa, dude, I just turned a socialist into a socialist! Anarchocommunism ftw!"

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Hey look we make memes too!

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It was real in his head, like the holocaust. Probably got a stiffy writing that larp.

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>Only 1 user gets it
I am disappointed in all of you and will fall for the easiest of b8. I hope you all shove a broom 4 feet in your anuses and think hard about your responses to such an obviously b8 post.

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>Seething anarkiddies and commies take refugee on ebil nazi board because their boards also got whacked during the last days of 4+4 chins

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Ill take "shit that didnt happen" for 100

A bit much.
The troll was decent until this post.

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did he then get a blow job from Ivanka Trump?

>Blurry low quality
>Think niggers can organize when not even Marcus Garvey or Malcolm X could
Liberia is such a good example of Black Unity

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They've been really active today. They've been flooding the catalog with off topic threads too.

The boy's name? Albert Barbossa.

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based and bogpilled

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>le FBIwaffen

I'm thinking that most snowflakes weren't loved as children and while their parents were out protesting they left them at home pumped up on SRI's. When they left home the drugs stopped and the damage was done to the frontal lobe.

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Wait wait I'm not done
>White bar on bottom
>Signs their own memes
>Instagram meme
>Typing like a nigger
>Black unity, meanwhile not even the best examples of their race could unite them and keep them from chimping out on each other even before the "white" man began selling them guns

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Why is syphilis on the rise for everyone exfept AI/AN? Also what does that stand for?

And everyone clapped. Again.

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>disproved white genocide
You have my full attention, prove it

Best post

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Fake and gay

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>And then everybody clapped.

I used to be liberal. We all used to be liberal. Truth is what changes us.

holy shit has anything never happened more than this?

that is so fake and gay i almost had to suck my own dick.


you're not fooling anyone bruh


Sounding a bit like a right wing capitalist fascist there aren't you 'comrade'?

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>And then everybody clapped as i dilated

God that was articulated

Let me guess what happened next. He cut off his dick and magically became a woman right? Totally not a delusional mental disorder rampant among these types.

a national socialist is already a socialist


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>Things that never happened
Seriously why do these people lie like This? I bet his 8 year daughter also cries and asks him "daddy why do we put brown kids in concentration camps" and then everybody claps.

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in the real world that kid would have called that guy a faggot and laughed at him

>Things that never happened
>Disproved white genocide

Everyone who has responded in this thread is a dumbfuck he's some antifa cunt he's using sarcasm to advocate for force because he knows he can't win without it

True fascyst use the darkweb. They don't post shit in 4c.

Yeah.... Ok.....

Hide her, or banned for saying the truth on leftist website

Lol check this one out

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>Atomwaffen member becomes a leftist

Wow color me surprised. Next you'll tell me you converted one to Islam!

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sounds legit.
We should hear is world view so he can convince me and everyone else

I'll take things that didn't happen for 200

Ooh, one of those big bad “auntie-fas”.
I’m literally shaking in my jackboots.

I’m sure this actually happened

wtf is going on in that dude's back seat? it looks like a female bane or something, or a giant hamster


>These people are like the Borg. They cant beat us in a war, so they are demanding we breed with them.
100% this. And it's an effective tactic, too; essentially tieing our hands behind our backs while the tinyhats and other non-whites stab us in the gut and any retaliation from us being met with "how dare you try to fight back!".

But they know there will be nothing left of them if our hands were to be freed, and it terrifies them.

>There's a reason you fascist hide here, once someone exposes your belief as being a fraud, you crack like an egg and cry for mercy!
You are an asshole. I am a registered Independent. I am here because I have have grown to hate the left. Violent criminal bullies. You want to call me a nazi and a racist? Fine I'll go hang out with the nazi's and the racist's. At least they are fucking hypocritical bullies like the assholes on the left who exist to destroy all the good in life.

>sjw hero!!

cool starry bra!

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Clearly trolling lol.

I thought it was a cat or dog at first but now I don't know.

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I thought retarded bait like this would be removed...

No, they only delete self improvement threads.