Trump had Tucker Carlson fired

In the past year Tucker Carlson has:

>Humilated John Bolton on national TV
>Asked Trump tough questions that he didn't answer on tech censorship
>Wondered if Trump was 'trying to lose 2020 on purpose'
>Had opposition like Tulsi / Yang on multiple times
>Pointed out that 'Trump has achieved nothing'
>Disagreed with Republican support of Red Flag laws
>Pointed out that an Iran war would be terrible for America
>Told the nation that China is the real threat, not Iran or Russia

Tucker had been increasingly clashing the with Trump regime's policies. The above list of things has shown him to be a renegade in terms of the Faux News agenda. Tucker Carlson's show has been on just after Hannity (Trump's biggest sucker upper). Hannity spent a whole show demanding that Iran get nuked a few weeks ago, only to have Tucker Carlson come on and explain to the nation why Iran is not our enemy and any war with it would ruin America even more than Iraq did.

For this reason Trump has had Tucker fired, probably with Kushner's blessing...

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Other urls found in this thread:


miga! us edgelord wannabe nazi larper kekistanis used "meme magic" to put a literal paid agent zionist in the white house! shadilay brothers! based & redpilled! 7d chess!
(fuckin' fag)

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I do not believe you; I've seen hosts of shows take a week off at a time, before.

>Tucker disappears the exact moment Epstein dies
Tucker was the prison strangler.

Tucker Carlson has not been on the air in nearly 3 weeks now.
Before his mysterious unexpected leave of absence he was acting nervous and uneasy, like he knew he was about to get canned. His last few shows had an ominous feel to them to say the least...

miga gaylord

use a treadmill

I can't find facts that says Carlson was fired.
I found the last hoax about him being fired in April. Did Fox news pull the plug on the last sane man they employed or is Op a kike liar?


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If they fired him I would have no reason to watch fox anymore

ofc they fired him. Look at all the bluepilled shit fox is spewing out about epstein. Oh wow look it was a suicide wow just incompetence by the gaurds hahaha. Tucker would have had NONE of that.

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You need to remember that Hannity is the most watched news show, not just on Fox, but in the entire world.
Tucker had the slot just after him. Many Hannity viewers therefore stayed to listen to Tuckers opinions, which often made Hannity look like the shill that he is.

Hannity is a very powerful man, he infact phones the President every night before bed.

That's another one I should have included.
Remember when Assange was taken out of the embassy? Tucker spent most of his show defending Assange and calling out the US Government and the alphabet agencies for breaking the law.

>>Had opposition like Tulsi / Yang on multiple times
What a based man

>Tucker calls out the gas attack Syria narrative and shows both sides to be corrupt

>Tucker Carlson has Tusli on to talk about Google censoring anti establishment voices (One of his last shows to date)

>Tucker Carlson defends Assange / calls out the establishment for their outright lies

>Tucker: An Iran war would destroy Trump's presidency

>Tucker: 2020 candidates aren't saying anything about the issues with automation

All these are just a few examples

Prove that he was fired.

I think he has.
See above



He's on vacation fishing and is returning Monday.

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Another stalwart thread created by media matter shills trying to defame and derail the MAGA movement anyway they can. This pathetic ROLCON initiative is weak and transparent. The easiest way to spot these stalwart agents is to take notice of 3 things. The first and glaringly obvious trait of a stalwart agent is there disdain for the nation state of Israel, secondly there infatuation with using cheesy monickers for there adversary I.E “Zion Don” or “Kike”. Last but not least, their lack of empathy and dark disconnected humor. These aren’t people we’re dealing with folks they’re DEMONS.

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he's the only reason I watch fox

He wasn't fired and Trump likes him a lot.

fucking based. I remember the 2016 meme wars too



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>he in fact phones the President every night before bed

Tucker Carlson is a media matters shill and agent provocateur being used by (((them))) to demoralize and derail the Trump movement. He masquerades as a conservative yet spews leftist rhetoric on his show. Obviously Trump took notice of his shilling and promptly had him removed so he wouldn't further demoralize impressionable viewers.

Fox News pulls Jeanine Pirro show after her Islamophobic remarks

Here is his replacement.
Fox news has always been pozzed. it's surprising they allowed Carlson to be on there so long.

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We'll see him on RT soon.

Carlson has literally done huge segments criticizing diversity. Like literally saying things like "how exactly is diversity a strength, no one ever tells us. In fact, we have more proof diversity divides people"
And shit like that.

No way a left wing organization would direct that message to be disseminated on national tv in that matter.


it was disclosed that he and fox are negotiating his release from his contract because of his comments last week. the people up for taking his spot are Ben Shapiro, Buck Sexton and Jesse Waters. Hannity will go on at at 8 Laura at 9 and the new host at 10

The Tuck was surrounded by embedded glownigger propagandists in the newsrooms, I'm not surprised he'd feel uneasy around them. Especially since the bosses up top were handing down scripts for how this Epstein story was going to play out on the "news"

>Told the nation that China is the real threat, not Iran or Russia
New fag alert. Trumps been saying this long before becoming president. Also Trump at War came out like two years ago and they have a whole segment on China in. I highly suggest watching it anyone reading this it's a major redpill

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Fox News is about to jump ship, they are preparing the ground to ditch Trump, the criticism of him is probably going to increase after Christmas

Tucker is before Hannity. Ingraham is after... shill

Desu bolton deserves all the humiliation he can get, he's a looney tune

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Tucker doesn’t go on the air if he has to lie to the American people.

It happens every time he goes on break.

That’s what I’ve noticed. He will only say what he thinks is true.

>His last few shows had an ominous feel to them to say the least...
He needs to alpha up and be a patriot and name the one race causing all our problems in a devastating expose of how the rule of American Government has been usurped by foreign nations.

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He send a video from the porch of the cabin where he's staying. Why do these useless threads keep popping up?

They can’t have him talking about Epstein

I report these threads for low quality trolling but yet our mods are about as intelligent as the fuckwits that make these slide threads.

Too bad most Q tards dont realize Trump is the biggest false to date.

He's not deleted from their site. Learn the protocol. Maybe he has cancer.


Fake and Gay

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to trick the gullible. its fun you should try it.

>only reasonable voice on TV fired
>epstein dies
shit screams like inside job imho

He should get a slot on america first

>Trump regime's
credibility: ruined.

saged the jew thread

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Wasn't that the day he stopped appearing on air?



i'm so sleepy..

Being this paranoid schizo

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shill campaign confirmed

Tucker was the best. Calls out MIGA

Tucker was neocon-ish at times, but he was the most reasonable MSM voice in USA. Of course they would disappear him sooner than later.

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Why are you here? First you lie about the time slot, then you lie about the length of time he's been off air. It has been one week, not three, but I think you know that.

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It has felt like 3 weeks... The day of Epstein's death he goes awol....

Hes literally on Vacation Degraded Kike freak

>The day of Epstein's death
You also lie about that. Again, why are you here?

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Believable. Wouldn't doubt it at this point

That isn't a lie?

>Tucker Carlson fired.

If true he's going to he's going to bring 10 million to new media and put another nail in spookTV media

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on one hand this is being pushed like it matters to me at all. I'd support this faggot if he had his own platform.

On the other Fox News has always been trash-tier. He's too good for them.

>derail the MAGA movement anyway they can.
hey dumbfuck. no one has to "derail" the MAGA movement. trump is did it on his own. disavowing supporters, refused to arrest her, refused to drain the swamp, refused or unable to build the wall, fired or had his fbi arrest his own supporters that were America First then put his crooked jew son in law and his limousine liberal cunt daughter in the white house

It's not called maga anymore anyway, it's kag.


sounds about right.

1 week

retard OP probably a cocksucking glownigger
Tucker was in NK with Trump and his advisors...
>Trump had Tucker fired
yeah ok


>implying Trump has any sway over Fox News
Underage b&

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He isn't being fired. They're keeping him off the air until shit blows over. Calm down.

Tucker is an American patriot and populist. Everything he says is 100% true. Trump is a wannabe neocon.

glow harder faggot

Fake and gay. Yeah, Fox does have a tendency for hosts to coincidentally have these "planned vacations" that seem to happen when controversy hits, but Tucker isn't going anywhere. You have to do something like Bill O'Reilly fucking up with a $5 million settlement and a shitload of problems to not come back. Whole thing's a manufactured controversy anyway. People who never watch Fox News talking to people who never watch Fox News.

>This is not a white supremacist country plotting the slaughter of its own people. It's a kind country full of decent people of all races who like all people everywhere make bad decisions from time to time. But they mean well and they generally try their best.