i wish i was white guys what do i do? i promised my mother that i wouldnt kms
I wish i was white guys what do i do? i promised my mother that i wouldnt kms
Are you a women?
kys promises were ment to be broken.
what race are you?
1 reply on this thread found on front page of Jow Forums
i am brown...
It’s fine. You don’t need to be white to be worth something.
Tits or gtfo
Marry a white woman and raise your kids to marry white. Eventually whatever brown race you are will eventually be bred out of your bloodline. You can't save yourself but maybe you can save your children's children.
Does she take a BBC? On video? Otherwise not interested.
nothing isnt something.
Mods please do something about all these off topic threads being spammed. This thread has nothing to do with politics
Also how is this political in the slightest?
taylor swift looking good
Brown isn't a race. Are you a Mexican, a nigger, a poo?
You don't even need to be white to be a nazi apparently.
get outta here kike
OP, if you want my honest opinion, then work every day to better yourself as a person. Not as a "brown" person, just better yourself as a fuckin' person. Work on your body, mind, and soul. Find a nice girl the same race as you and raise a family. Raise them to respect and understand other people, but also not to take shit from anybody.
That's what white people do. You can do it too.
>just race mix and ruin your childrens identity in the future so they're confused enough to start calling them white again
you're disgusting
I can't seem to arrive at any conclusion other than the jannies are in on It.
What's wrong with being brown?
The idea is to stop the blatant attack on whites
If you can be an ally of humanity then support your white brothers and their right to tradition and culture.
Maaan, white supremacists influence, why you listen to them? There is no fucking difference between being white or brown it's just a fucking color! The only thing that would change if you become white is that you would be a disgrace for your whole bloodline and your race, blacks would spit on you but also whites too because no matter what you do you'll still be a fucking shitskin nigger for them.