Who else is in the aryan transhumanism train?

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I’m on board if it’s not in (((their))) hands

when will I get my pure aryan waifu?

Im in

I would start with eugenics (CRISPR, Artificial wombs), population selection and A.I-human symbiosis right now if I could but I don’t have the money or power to do that. I always thought that quality means more than quantity, now we have 7 billion people and in the near future it will settle at around 11 billion but it could be lowered to something like 2 billion of high IQ, attractive people that would be transitioning into the digital space. What we’re doing now is not sustainable, efficient or moral and it’s destroying the planet and ourselves.

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we’re flat-lining

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We are already Gods perfect creation

Get her nude

>it could be lowered to something like 2 billion of high IQ, attractive people that would be transitioning into the digital space.
How to kill the last humans

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Here is a true aryan .

A 4000 years old aryan lady mummified in china

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You want to die?
You want humanity to be stuck on this planet?
You don’t want humanity to become smarter, stronger and better?
You’re only saying this because of our current circumstances because you know that under the current system it would be used for control but under the new system it would be used for liberation of everyone.

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What did you mean by this?
It will be like planet of the apes if this DOESN'T happen, it’s not like humans in their current form are so far away from that anyway. We should be trying to get as far away from animals as possible.

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>when the corpse of an aryan is more attractive than a living nigger


>implying (((they)))would let a pleb like you in on the technology.
>Implying (((they)))won't just sacrafice your babies in exchange for eternal life

ye boiiiiii

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Steal the info. Start an underground movement to get whites in space. Control that shit, shoot any faggot that tries to leave the planet. Let them kill each other. Profit.

You procreate through sex like animals when you could procreate through an artificial womb and select for the best genes and best features with CRISPR or move to another state of being entirely and not even needing to create new consciousness like that.
You need to eat, sleep and defecate like animals. Don’t you find that pathetic?

That’s what I keep saying. This can’t happen with the people that are in power now

Old the genes asociated with different traits are all published in public scientific papers.
Crisp cas 9 genetic scissors material cost less than 1000$

Any biologist with a master in genetic have the knowloadge , money and material to it right now like is happening in every university across the west

Call me a scientifically illiterate retard. But can we harness the strength of the great apes to make humans stronger? Like harness the DNA strength and durability part of a gorilla and harness it.

>Don’t you find that pathetic?
It's the beauty of life you machine loving retard

Glownigger spotted

Sure, but why?

transhumanism is an affront to God and He will not permit your entry into the Kingdom

Idk I thought it would be useful to use their massive strength and durability. They can handle a few gunshots.


You could still eat/drink, sleep, shit/pee IF YOU CHOOSE. Now it’s NECESSARY, if you don’t you FUCKING DIE!

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leaf hasn't read Revelations

Transhumanism is human centric, transcensionism is not.

Become a Transcendi of the cosmic order of Transcensionism.

My world is one in which humans strive to become better, go higher, speed across the universe and into other planets and reach for new possibilities. Your world is one in which humans never evolve, a world where they’ll stay in a low position where they are waiting for their inevitable extinction by some asteroid, volcano or the countless things that could happen.

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It’s one of these...

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If you believe in God (which I presume is the Christian one) at least read the book correctly. In the beginning Adam and Eve are what you would call “the perfect creation of God”. The current human is a product of the first sin (Eve biting the metaphorical fruit which was information they weren’t supposed to know), a human that is close to an animal and a human that dies...

What's pathetic is thinking that the ever increasing growth of technological progress = improvement of life. Read some Ted, retard. Technology solves for convenience but increases dependancy and complexity, substracting real autonomy and thus ruining what your brain has evolved to do, turning you into a biological husk devoid of purpose, fulfillment or capacity. You won't be superhuman, you will just be a genetically engineering drone who will labor 24/7 until replacement and I pity that you trust the elite that runs this shithole for it to elevate the species through technology. Not that it would matter, because at that point this oligarchy would just be braindead hedonistic psychos who just enact whatever the AI recommends them to do.

The universe we’re in currently will die one day but I don’t think this means that humans have to go with it. We could find a way to traverse through dimensions and find one where eternity exists, if there is such a thing

You are a stupid person that can’t read through a thread. I don’t trust the elite, I’ve said this multiple times

Irrelevant nevertheless. Address the points.

It would be more like a breakthrough, a new independence for humanity but you can’t seem to understand what I’m saying. We are currently enslaved to mortality and we are animals

You'd have to trust the entire species to do "the right thing" with such technology. It wouldn't happen. Whoever has the most resources ends up on top inevitably through better tech.

Your post is centred around the idea that this would happen under the current elite which if it did it would be a dystopian nightmare. I said that this could only happen successfully after (((their))) system falls and a new, better one is created (an environment that would actually allow us to do this correctly)

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The Führer would find a way to do it right in the new transhumanist 4th reich

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The Führer would be a human that symbiotically merged his mind with an empty Artificial Super Intelligence Quantum brain.

Oldy but a goldy.

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