Hold up. How did he hang himself off a prison bunk that can't be any taller than 5'1...


Hold up. How did he hang himself off a prison bunk that can't be any taller than 5'1? Who the fuck actually believes this bullshit? He was NOT a short guy and prison bunks are notoriously short.

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Assisted suicide

He wanted to be dead. Robin Williams hung himself from a doorknob.

How the fuck does that work?

You listen to the newsmedia and don't question their reports.

Suspicious it applies here, but how you hang yourself on a prison bed is
>sit on the bottom bunk up on your knees.
>tie the other end of the sheet around one of the supports for the top bunk.
>fall forwards

You can hang yourself on anything longer than your torso. Just tie a noose and sit.

This makes sense, it still reeks of bullshit, but at least I get it now.

I think the more important question is why there's no footage. It could be a body double, assisted suicide, or maybe he found a way to hang himself. Why does footage always seem to go missing? It's almost like there's more to the story than the general public will ever find out and our only option is to forget. Time for sleep.

Who da boss, playa?
>who do dirty souf boss??

Literally this

ITT plrbs who never browsed /suicide/
Ligature strangulation = best strangulation. Dunno about that brolen bone tho.

it's very easy.


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Listen, it's over. The Alex Jones conspiracy theory is out the window because now not only would the guards need to be in on it but also the NY medical examiner Epstein was shipped off to for examination...and also the whoever it was in the system that chose which examiner would do the work. The follow-up investigation will also have to be in on it.

Guys, just stop it already. He already tried to suicide. The fact he was taken off suicide watch is interesting but that's a LONG, LONG ways away from being evidence of foul play.

>Off a bunk

Hes kinky as shit he probably got choked sexually by bill clinton 69 times

PEOPLE HANG Themselves off doorknobs all the time. you get on your knees and lean into it.

Its not impossible to get away with murder live.

Thank you. That's correct.

Look guys he first tried to commit suicide in July right after being served court papers bringing a new rape charge against him. He was completely abandoned by the power system and thrown into a total shithole with no chance of getting out. He just didn't want to continue surviving so he exited stage left. It's very common in prison, there's a reason why there is such a thing as suicide watch.

Did Robin Williams really hang himself? Or was Kate Spade Red Scarf done to him too?

>leaned into being hanged
how the fuck did he break bones in his neck, then?

Sit on the floor next to a door knob, dipshit

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>tried to commmit suicide
with a quadkiller cop in his cell
glow harder.

this won't break your neck, though. get the fuck out of here, glownigger faggot.

I don’t get how, even if you’re suicidal, your natural instinct doesn’t kick in to get out of it. Wouldn’t it be the same as trying to hold your breath until you pass out?

Fredo says you are not allowed to question the death of Epstein. It's different for the media and everything you need to believe you will be hearing from (((them)))

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how the fuck did he break his vertebrate. Maybe if he got a hammer to the back...

He died because Maxwell said he did in her review.

With ligature its just passing out from lack of blood flow. Real peaceful actually. But alsp not violent.

You can suffocate from that hight, sure. That doesn't explain the broken bones in his neck.

How does your vertebrate break too? Thats like the force of a car crash...Also those prison blankets he had were for anti suicide.

I'd like to see an example of this irl. Does anyone have a video to contribute?

>shriek and break your neck while doing the above

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>How did he hang himself off a prison bunk that can't be any taller than 5'1?
Maybe he cut off his legs first?

Imagine being fucked by a dog on all fours on a prison mattress.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm labradoodled

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I wonder if mythbusters would touch this.

His neck was hanging from the noose while the rest of his 170+ lb body was being dragged down by gravity. It's possible.

imagine your only eulogy being given on an amazon prime review

hold both arteries going to your brain as hard as you can. Feel that? Thata you dying. Thats nodrop ligature strangulation. peaceful. No bones broken.

Wish i had tge webM of dude doing it on my phone. Shows how easy it is. But dude didnt have to break anything. Just "no blood to or from my beck - see ya!"

Any ligature point that is higher than your neck.
I was in prison and saw a guy hang himself from a pin board by running a shoe lace around a screw that attached the board to the wall above his bed.
He was slumped in the seated position.
The thin nylon lace made his head balloon up and turn dark purple and his eyes were popping out of his head.
I'm guessing once you black out your body limps and then the constantly pressure cuts off blood supply to the brain and kills you.
If you've ever been choked out in a fight you'll know how fast a KO from a choke can happen.
I did MMA training where we'd take turns applying a rear naked choke to attempt an escape, the amount of time after pressure to the neck to fainting is 10 seconds I think a cable or rope would be even less (3-5 seconds and you're asleep)

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>hung himself
That was autoerotic asphyxiation gone wrong, dude

>Hold up. How did he hang himself off a prison bunk that can't be any taller than 5'1?

The glowniggers suicide people all the time by strangling them and then hanging them off a doorknob.

Is that photoshopped or a genetically modified ape / human?

>Robin Williams hung himself from a doorknob.
so do a lot of people that have glownigger enemies. chris cornell, anthony bourdain. . .the list goes on and on

thumbs up


Anyone care to dig?

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It isnt a big mystery. The powers that want this silenced brought in their well documents hack coroner to try to shoo the questions away

A family member of mine hung herself from a door knob. In fact, door knobs and towel racks are how most women hang themselves. You just wrap it around your neck and lean into it and let gravity do the rest.

This is just like 9/11, everyone knows it’s bullshit but nothing will ever come of it.


Its not hard. Its not like trying to hold your breath where your bodys autonomic system takes over.

People who kill themselves in this way wrap the homemade noose around their neck and then get in a comfortable position, say, sitting , or on their knees and then just slowly drop their weight. They just have to do this long enough until they lose consciousness. Then when they lose consciousness, the noose just tightens and then slowly die.

Was told this by a coroner who processes multiple suicides a week. Its actually apparently a pretty comfy way to go apparently.

Sometimes they'll soap the floor of the cell and wet their feet to keep themselves from backing down.


There is footage of this but not footage of Epstein. How convenient.

I thought the attempted suicide before was actually an attack by another inmate? Either way we regular folk will never know the truth. It stays with the elites.

I remember seeing a livestream video of a dude doing this. Was a low hang, no drop, half of his body was on the floor. Imagine doing a push-up but the noose is keeping your upper body off the floor, not your arms.

Prison guard here. You can hang yourself from that easily, you just sit on the bottom bunk, tie it around your neck and then kick your legs out. its not hard, I have seen inmates do it.
They need to release the knot, you can tell if someone hung themselves or not by the knot
This desu.

The issue isn't how do you kill yourself from that height, you could kill yourself from any fixture about 2 feet above the ground people just usually puss out or pass out and turn, the issue is how did the bones in his neck break, that only happens if there's a drop like from a gallows or strangulation.

I might've believed it if the guards were around to witness it or there was footage, the lack of proof seems too deliberate.

Roll off the top bunk.

But thats not even his cell right?

I want some of those paper bedsheets for my bugout bag, lightweight but strong as real rope.

Robin Williams didn't have a shattered neck, you greasy kike.

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I have yet to see an explanation of how and why this guy would commit suicide. Do you faggots even realize what it takes to tie a your pants around your neck and force yourself with all your will power to loose consciousness and asphyxiate yourself? It's fucking mental to believe this and he had no prior signs of mental illness whatsoever. It's even been reported he didn't attempt suicide the first time but someone tried to murder him.

This whole thing is being pushed off the news cycle and we're letting it happen. The house of cards is crashing down, but if we stop here we'll miss an opportunity of a lifetime.

For god's sake just look at how fast they're burying this story, right along with the golden dome, egyptian statues and whatever was on those computers. Educate yourself, learn about the connections with this man and the timeline of his first "arrest", the Clintons (Bill is a fucking sissy lmao) and whatever else was digged up a few days ago here on Jow Forums. There should be 20+ threads of this each day, yet we're being shut down on Jow Forums.

It doesn't matter if no one believes it. What matters is that (((they))) know you and the rest of the goyim will never actually do anything other than your gay little protests.

I forgot to mention, that's not his cell. Until we see a picture with him (alive, before ruled dead) in it, doubt any fucking NPC who tells you he hung himself off a bunk bed. For all we know he might've been moved to a new cell the night of his supposed death--don't fucking fall for bullshit lies because someone in authority told you so.

You clearly know nothing about the force involved to break ones neck in multiple places. No broken bones, and I'm willing to give suicide a minor glance and somehow forget that the prison has NEVER had a suicide, the guards were asleep and the cameras malfunctioned, while the most important prisoner in America was being housed there and after his lawyers told the jail he had been attacked previously.

This image is a good reminder that it isn't so much about what is shown in the daily news cycle, but rather what is omitted.

This. Or if he wasn't a narcissistic sociopath who thought he was gonna get off on double jeopardy.

I mean he got off the first time and got everyone else immunity, literally:

Its possible.
He was used to having a lot of power and he realized he was fucked. And he realized he potentially could fuck over a lot of other pesos as well.

Obviously he jumped off the top bunk snapping his neck. Case solved. Checkmate.

>And he realized he potentially could fuck over a lot of other pesos as well.
But wouldn't that give him the conviction to fuck 'em over? Unless they had something on him that scared him so much he'd rather suicide. I don't know, I don't presume to understand his mental state but I sort of start to think Alex Jones might be right on this.. these elites could be deluding themselves into worshiping some religious cult where you are initiated through child's play and you end up believing you've sold your soul to the devil. It's the only brainwashing technique that works to get a man to commit something unreasonable such as muslim suicide bombers. I just can't shake the feeling a large proportion of world leaders are in this cult and we're basically fucked.

These people might have honorary codes or some shit I really dont know.
More likely he was whacked I'm mostly just playing devil's advocate

forget that. he hung himself with prison sheets which are basically paper.

he would have had to WEAVE the sheets into a rope.

>monday at work
>Hey Peter, did you see the latest on Epstein? Hah, guess we all got too hot-blooded for something that wasn't really there to begin with. Any way, I'll need those TPS reports by the end of the day.

He was off suicide watch (by his lawyer's request) and had regular bed sheets, a bunk, and no cellmate at the time.

Prove any of this. Ultimately, prove his lawyer's request was initiated by him and not by Mr. X threatening the families of the lawyers.

There's a form of hanging called death by partial suspension which allows you to accomplish this. Don't get me wrong I still think Epstein's death is some bullshit.

The problem arises from his neck being broken from hanging. You need a good drop to break your neck from hanging. Just leaning into noose and choking yourself out isnt going to break your neck.

I have read the same off several media sources, that seems to be the official story

Spent a lot of time in that prison or you just repeating what you hear someone else shitpost?

>There's a form of hanging called death by partial suspension which allows you to accomplish this.
If you lean into bed sheet your neck won't crack

thats the term i was looking for. Been a while aince i cruised /suicide/. Still tho broken bones fromm cutting off blood flow peacefully?

did we ever get confirmation whether his bedsheets were fabric or paper? because paper bedsheets literally cannot be used to get clinton'd

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Also: been in jail on suicide watch. Was given a "turtle shell." No blankets. Look into that.

We will probably never know. People lie.

>open the door
>get on the floor
>walk the dynosaur

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not saying he did actually commit suicide, but that's a shit argument

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Neck breaking force lol

Wheres the webm of dude doing it woth ops showieup after?

You don't need to be able to hang straight up and down, just put enough weight on whatever is around your neck to strangle yourself.
That's how people die due to autoerotic asphyxiation.
Well, that or they have a heart attack or literally stroke out.

epstein isn't dead, he is partying it up with Ken Lay in some tropical paradise paid for by mossad

Where infinity /suicide/ at? It was a popular webm

I can't prove any of it but that's the official narrative. I'm not saying it's true, but that other user needed to at least hear the story.

Occam's razor. It's more likely the elites implicated needed him gone no matter the exposure. They can bury it since they own the major media conglomerates and literally nobody outside of the USA cares. Whatever Jones, Rogan or you and I here say doesn't affect anyone. I'm sorry user but he's dead and along with him, any chance of getting these fuckers snuffed out.

I feel bad for that kid :(

his neck was broken in ways consistent with strangulation