So this mother fucker who is 6'0" somehow managed to gain enough momentum to break his neck from a 5'0'' tall bunk bed...

so this mother fucker who is 6'0" somehow managed to gain enough momentum to break his neck from a 5'0'' tall bunk bed on his knees?....RIGHT

Attached: epstein.png (1140x1030, 306K)



feeling a little sleepy here

Attached: sleepy duck.gif (400x225, 1.99M)

He stood on the bunk facing in, then did a batman high jump up and backwards the sheet spun him around and he landed on his knees without scraping them up...

so was the screaming, him fucking it up and suffocating to death?

soo tireeedd

I'm 6'2". I'm going to test this myself tonight. I am so positive it won't work that I will livestream it

have sex

Attached: have sex (1).jpg (480x479, 110K)

bend over

>the screaming
was the female guard that found him, realizing they're fucked