How Rare Are Actual Right Wing Waifus?

In the grim wasteland of liberal feminist roasties, I actually found the holy grail, a legit 'red pilled right wing virgin QT'. We're married now, making adorable white babies while I enjoy full fashy tradwife benefits.

On a daily basis we laugh mercilessly at SJW clown world together, while I bask in the comfy glow of her total love and based beauty. It's absolutely glorious.

She is thoughtful, kind, loyal & logical while openly despising the lack of these qualities in most other women.

She is also delightfully savage in the face of feminist hypocrisy and all manner of degenerate SJW fuckery.

She once obliterated a screeching feminist lecturer at uni by calmly informing her she'd actually been deliberately skipping her class every week to bake me cookies instead.

In fact just today she was casually joking that her and her friends are probably more likely to join a Right Wing Death Squad than a yoga class.

I'm fully aware I hit the literal Femanon jackpot but I do sometimes wonder just how rare it really is.

Do others have similar tales of such win or is it truly the equivalent of winning the lottery?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jow Forums is a National Socialist board. Take your (((right-wing))) shilling to Gab.

i also have a redpilled waifu, pic related was my birthday present this year.

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why are your hands so yellow

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There arent any since women arent into politics, you have to find a waifu and make her right wing/nazi or whatever you like.

i like boobs :)

>having lightbulbs over 2700k

enjoy your bluelight bluepilled FAGOT

Post her friends

White balance
Set your camera to incandescent

They exist, but as they are right wing they actually have standards unlike femlibs. That's why they are usually married to rich/smart(actually smart, not "derp lmao RICK AND MORTY")/strong men (pick 2). I dated a few, but it's hard to date in college.

Could you at least put a better effort into your shitposting?
This was garbage.

Mine actually died. The short of it was that we were living the trad life until one day, I was away, and her friends drugged her on acid.
She ended up losing herself and eventually after we divorced she got ran over after a rave.
I don't miss what got run over, but I do miss who got drugged to literal death.

Now I have a based qt filipina girl. We travel the world together and make 60% flip babies.
I'm concerned about the HMAF, seeing as my loser father was WMAF and I'm HMWF, but at least it's the same flavor of asian with some japanese tossed in.
Aside from that we have identical values and are well on our way to 10 kids (7 and under 30).
Either retiring in Hawaii or Balboa Island in California, away from niggers, pineapple or chocolate flavored.

Whoa, I've never seen someone born with 2 left hands.

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don't blame lsd for your ex wife's actions. LSD is a miraculous psychedelic that can offer unique insights under an altered state of consciousness. There are no negative effects associated with acid, on the contrary, it is known to increase brain connectivity, empathy, awareness, and can help those suffering from mental illnesses (anxiety, depression, ptsd, etc). Even Ernst Junger, a WW1/2 veteran literary reactionary, highly praised lsd and used it till the end of his years (lived to be 102).

I've met a few girls who are anti-sjw/laugh at them. I dont think I can say all of them were right wing but we agreed on most culture war shit.

I got redpilled by my bf but then again I was mostly neutral before

Congratulations. I married mine and am having my first child soon.

Women are not political entities

there's probably at most 4 and a half women on earth who are right wing. get a centrist/ not interested in politics gf and redpill her

>a fucking leaf

Women are generally turbo-normies. They either dont follow politics, but vote straight ticket democrat anyway, or theyre raving looney leftist shills. The former can be turned into right wing qts, but the latter arent even worth bothering with. If you ever see a right wing girl irl, she was turned by someone else, usually a SO or her father. Your best odds to get a RWDSQT is to woo a moderate lefty and simply casually state your views when asked and be confident, but not be overbearing about it. Women like men who are interesting, bold, and masculine; all traits fascists have. Just dont be autistic, and it can be done.

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She's got man fingers

someone's jealous because they have a mutt gf

>my hands look like this
>so hers can look like that

you don't find one, you make one.

>red head rightwing waifu
>break up
>voting for bernie in current year

>current year
>asian waifu

white women are literally trash

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My gf came back from work yesterday
She was called racist because she said most rappers are black
She went on a rant on how we should Kill all niggers and that the "good ones" have always european faces and it just proves that they are a different species who cant act like normal humans without at least some european genes. We should just clense the world of them and breed the niggerty out of the mutts allowing them to only have one child.

Today was a good day
Fucking a faggot. The eternal master race BTFO

Considering everyone bitches about white women and has yellow fever, I'd say you got lucky

You have to make your own right wing waifu. I found a virgin aryan, took me approximately 3 months to redpill her about the Jews, Holohoax, and DIEversity.

I made sure we had bonded emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and had created a very intense attraction with one another. I made sure that she was devoted to me and I was devoted to her. Then I told her the truth and at first she recoiled. She was shocked, and angered. "How could you say that???" she said. "Millions of people died!"

I looked at her and calmly said "I can prove everything I told you. You have to believe me, you have been lied to and I can prove it."

I didn't back down. I didn't make excuses. I simply informed her of the truth and told her I could prove it, which I could. She was upset, and I asked her if this would mean the end of our relationship. She looked at me, and then down, and back up and said "Well, maybe...I don't know!" She was obviously torn and confused.

I told her "I don't expect you to believe what I believe. I simply ask that you take the time to investigate what I've said."

I forced her to choose between what was natural (loving me) and what was unnatural (serving the jew.)

Within a week she was aware of it all. She now keeps a swastika pendant on her at all times. Women follow strength, they follow power. They want security and are willing to take orders if it makes sense.

We are expecting our first aryan child in December. Pray for us. Make your own waifu.

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Despite what shills and liberals would like you to believe, they do exist (National Socialist grills). I found one in Iowa and we are dating now. If if can find one in Iowa of all places, you can find one too.

How did you meet?

Met her at an fssp catholic church. I attended a bible study after church and behaved respectfully and listened intently to the old italian priest as he spoke. I wore a suit and was clean shaven. Afterwards I was approached by my wife's mother who invited me to sit next to them at church.

Of course this was an extraordinary circumstance, and I will not pretend as if it is common or everyday. To be approached by the mother of a virgin aryan is extraordinary, but it happened. The fact that I obtained such a chance is not something to forget. I am a normal man, not surpassing in good looks. Simply average.

Good women are kept under lock and key by good parents. Impress the parents, obtain the daughter.

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Are you a genuine practicing Catholic or did you go to church with the intent of finding a soulmate?
Congratulation by the way, do you know if its a boy or a girl yet?

Enjoy the divorce raep

I went to the church genuinely, without even thinking of finding a woman. I was encouraged to do so after spending my whole life in various protestant zionist churches. Once I was awakened, I couldn't stand it any longer. The mainstream catholic church wasn't any better, I craved something that had history, a connection to the past, and it was either eastern orthodoxy or Catholicism. My ancestors are western European so the decision wasn't hard. However today I have changed quite a bit, while still believing in the Christian God, I view Him as the God of the Aryan people and I believe true Catholicism MUST serve our people or it is slavery. I also have a deep affection for Pagans and have befriended many. One was even in my wedding. I believe salvation is through hereditary blood and not simply by uttering prayers in the darkness. It is through virtue and strength, beauty and hard work, not simply attending mass. Of course this would make me a heretic in the eyes of many but these same people are slaves to the Jew. Their opinion isn't important.

Thank you, and no my wife wants it to be a surprise. Sort of a "christmas present" as she calls it haha.

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is your "wife" a man???
i don't know any woman with that manly hand

Based. I'm happy for you.
I would recommend building your future in sound and secure environment. The USA is decaying more and more every year. I recommend you read up on the Butler Plan and consider moving out Northwest. You're the perfect candidate for this.

Her father makes the girl, you make the woman.

Be a man and lead her.

if you're expecting your woman to have political views similar to yours, I'm afraid you will die lonely
Please nobody do this

Stay out of CA chink, we are full and balboa/CA belongs to the white man. I will see you in rahowa if you stay on my terf.

Thanks! Funny you should say that, I am already there and am speaking to a representative with the New Awakening movement tomorrow. It's an interview as I'm told. Totally anonymous which is good.

Are you with the NA?

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As I was reading this aloud, I jokingly asked my fiancee if she was having a secret affair, because you described her almost exactly. We're getting married tomorrow.

Feels good, man.

Not currently but I was at one point.
I'll join again when the time is right and I've proven my worth. We will most likely meet one day.
The New Awakening is headed in the right direction but it's taking time to find the right people like you. It's always quality over quantity, they had to learn that the hard way.
Good luck on your interview and good luck on your Homecoming.

Given the strongly conformist nature of women, a realization stares your face: in a deeply non-traditional society, there can be no truly traditional women.

Pretty fucking rare
Like finding a needle in a massgrave of pink haired daddy problems

ill file that under bullshit that never happened

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the fucking Italian eagle holding a dumbbell instead of a fascii is fucking hilarious.

It's the....

Where can i get a husband like you

Lol new awakening is a retarded kike Honeypot. How convenient that they want you grouped up in one place. When (((they))) initiate the final struggle rest easy that the honeypot will be set ablaze.

It's anonymous tho?

You faggots keep saying that, where do you get that from?

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Thank you brother, I look forward to meeting you someday.

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How right-wing? Most people I knew growing up were 'right wing'. Actual full on 'fash' right-wing is pretty non-existent.

My gf is a liberal because she's been brainwashed but she's coming around. She knows I'm obsessed with the news, so just occassionally drop red pills I find.

>wtf 3 year olds are being transitioned?

slowly turns her off msm and liberalism.

This one glows.

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>Fans Think Jana Duggar Photoshopped More Modest Clothing Onto 2 Strangers in Her Latest Photo

>When celebs have a photoshop fail, it’s usually because they’re trying to make themselves look better. In Jana Duggar‘s new photo, however, fans are accusing her of photoshopping someone else. It seems like she used some kind of photo editing software to digitally add more conservative clothing to two women who didn’t meet the Duggars’ modesty standards. On Wednesday, August 14, she shared a shot from her visit to the Tontitown Grape Festival — but it seems she decided some of the other attendee’s outfits weren’t up to snuff.

>“Wow … [You] altered this photo to make the girls behind you have modest clothing on,” accused one commenter. “I noticed that too,” responded another. “It’s amazing how the standard for girls [are] ridiculously high while ‘boys will just ‘be boys.'” A third added, “Don’t think people are blind enough to fall for your joke of a photoshop. If you can’t handle the clothing that other people wear, then stop going out in public. Or at least just crop them out of your picture instead of indirectly shaming and disrespecting them.”

>The comments continued, with one fan even calling the decision to edit the photo “disrespectful and unethical."

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Right wingers are everywhere but in hiding

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Yeah bro wow the universe is a hologram we all just need to live off of LSD forever rather than run our lives properly

The world is falling apart you faggots and it goes far beyond just the Jews or some ethnostate. Idk if we will be alive when these satanfags pull the final card, but it's best to be ready. People like you and anyone else falling for NA are just being baited into one spot. You think (((they))) would ever allow any form of separatism in the US to succeed, let alone white nationalist separatism. This doesn't mean be useless though, get your trad white wife, have kids, live the best life you can with your family. But for fucksake, don't fall for some kiked plan to kill any aware whites there are.

What reasonable proof beyond paranoia do you have that they're some sort of honeypot?

my gf is alex jones tier Jow Forums except when it comes to trump who she makes any fucking excuse for any kikey shenanigans he pulls
I cant fucking stand her some times desu

At what bookstore can we buy this fictional masterpiece?

Read the website yourself. It's pure logic, they want you all in one spot. When realistically there is no chance of successful separatism. On top of that they define themselves as "hitlerite", virtually the entire world views Hitler and his ideas as worse then Satan. With such a negative stigma attached do you really think it will be challenging for (((them))) to turn the entire country against your little ethnostate when the time comes to crush you?

This man doesn’t know how lighting and cameras work

I think in the future when the Northwest blooms and the United States falls to millions of muds whites will come by the miles begging for salvation from the disgusting and degenerate United States.

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There's a high genetic strain of witches embedded in the population now.